4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 225: Marching

"Oh... what is that sound?"

Under the misty mountain, the emerald dragons in this place heard a voice.

It is as if countless creatures trample on the sound of the earth, and the ground is slowly shaking with this sound...

"What is this?" There are several emerald dragons that are close to where the sound is made, including the captain.

"Captain! The voice is coming from this cave!"

Before they came to a big hole, they only heard the rumbling sounds from the caves...

"Really, there seems to be something inside..." The captain approached the entrance to the cave and listened carefully for a moment: "It seems like a lot of dragons are running, and getting closer...hey!"

Suddenly the captain screamed and it quickly rolled back to the ground.

At the moment of its squatting, countless beetles rushed out of the hole. These creatures burst out like spring water. They fell on the ground when several emerald dragons in the hole suddenly fell, but these insects did not care at all. Here the emerald dragons, they climbed up the hill along the rock wall around the cave.

"Hey... what the worms are all about..." Several emerald dragons on the ground looked at the army of insects and climbed up the wall.

After discovering that the worms ignored themselves, they also became a little bolder and dared to approach some for observation.

But no matter how you look at Jade Dragon, only their surprises are in their thoughts.

Numerous insect swarms fill the rock wall of the whole mountain. When the cave is still flowing from the source, the first population has already climbed into the dense fog on the mountain wall...

The Inca swarm has been buried here for a long time, no matter what reason they have been buried for so long, but they are now out of the nest. But they have only one goal now...

Attack the country of the cloud.

Each unit of the swarm has a strong ability to climb. With a solid barb, a large beetle like a tyrannosaurus can also crawl on a steep mountain wall.

The footsteps of the endless swarms seem to have been noticed by the creatures of the sky.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" There has been a panic in the clouds. A large number of white dragons are rushing around, some of them are carrying a large number of weapons, some are driving the ship, and some are debugging things such as arrows.

Since these days and nights, the white dragons have been in the sea of ​​clouds, and have not given any help to the silver armor. Did not go down to the desert to fight.

This is because they have been preparing for the cloud sea, they have removed most of the buildings closer to the mountain, and built high walls in the location of these buildings.

The wall is mainly composed of clouds, and it seems very stupid to look at the wall with clouds, but this group of white dragons think so.

Because it is a relationship with the sea of ​​clouds, the speed of construction is quite fast. After only a few dozens of nights and nights, they built a wall of more than 30 meters of clouds, the production method is mainly to pile up a special 'building cloud sea', the sea of ​​clouds will slowly glue, then they only It is necessary to flatten the surroundings.

This kind of 'building cloud sea' also has buoyancy, which is quite light, but the structure inside is very different from the general sea of ​​clouds. The structure inside them is somewhat like a spider web, and there are many very light but extremely flexible filaments.

But what is the actual defense effect? ​​It is still unclear.

This cloud wall completely encloses the peaks of the sea of ​​clouds. The aisles on the walls are wide. The white dragons have placed large and arranged arrows on the top. Almost all the arrows are equipped with fast bursting, and there are a large number of white dragon soldiers. The defensive staying around the clock.

And those golden statues are also involved in the construction of this cloud wall, but only a few statues are building walls, they are mainly making weapons.

The golden statue teaches the white dragon to create some new weapons, and the blasting spear is one of these weapons.

These spears were originally only available at the general level. But now they are almost given to every soldier. This spear usually looks like a metal rod, only a few tens of centimeters long, but can be stretched into a sharp spear of nearly two meters, at the moment of throwing out. It suddenly explodes an explosive at the tail and ejects it at a very fast rate, which is quite powerful.

Improper operation can easily hurt yourself, or hit a target that should not be hit. This kind of thing requires considerable practice.

In addition to this spear, there are some new types of arrows, as well as new armor, but because of the lack of time, only some of the dragons can be equipped.

In addition to the weapons worn by the individual, the statue also made some huge weapons, including a flying ship called the 'legendary ship'.

The ship was built very early, but the construction was very slow and it was not completed for many years. The golden statues accelerated the construction process and the white dragon quickly built the ship.

At first, many white dragons didn't understand why they had to prepare so many things. They felt that as long as their army and golden statues fought together, they could easily defeat the group of cockroaches and sea creatures...

But now they know it.

Through a way of transmitting information remotely, the white dragons can see the army of the worms that are climbing the mountain. These worms have the shape of a tyrannosaurus, the speed of the raptor, the alloy-like outer shell, and even many Flying wings.

The golden statue tells the white dragons that these worms are not only powerful and powerful, but they also have special abilities.

Explosions, flames, lightning, and other abilities, Bai Xiaolong thinks it is the power of ‘witchcraft’, and it has everything in these beetles.

This news for Bai Xiaolong is like the end of the day, but when fear spreads between Bai Long, a force of hope spreads through their thoughts.

Because the golden statues have long known that the Inca swarm will attack here, so they will come here to help the White Dragons fight...

"Pray to the creators! They are monsters that climb out of the nightmare of the nightmare. They want to avenge the creator and sweep through all the creations!" In the temple, a golden statue spreads out his hands and says to the white dragons below. .

"So we will recover, we will fight with you and drive these monsters back to the abyss!"

"Now pick up your weapons, for all that you cherish, for all that you believe, pick up your weapons, fight! Until the last moment!"

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