4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 228: Rising from the swarm

The swarms, raging in the clouds, the collapsed cloud houses, the torn bodies, have long since changed from the battlefield to the slaughterhouses, but the white dragons still have not given up hope.

"Hey! Come in! Come in! Come over to us!"

The loud voice echoed in the still-lived white dragon's brain. This voice is their last hope for survival under the sea of ​​insects. Many white dragons gather in a place under the sound of golden statues.

Here is a castle on the cloud, and there are many entrances, each of which has many golden statues guarded here, and guides the white dragons to go inside.

"Come on!"

A golden statue looked at the two beetles in front of him and a group of white dragons being chased. It forcedly thrown a golden spear in his hand. The head of a beetle was instantly pierced by a spear, and when it fell to the ground, the golden statue The huge axe that has lifted his waist rushed up.

The wielding axe slashed on the second beetle, the axe blade slashed into the beetle's outer shell, and a large number of different colored blood spurted out, but the statue's axe stuck to it...

'Snapped! ‘Don’t wait for the golden statue to pull out the axe. A strange cloth on the beetle shot the nail on the statue. The explosion-like impact made the head of the statue smash, and one eye disappeared into pieces.

The thorns of the Chibha worm passed through the eyes, just hitting the gold-controller inside the statue's head, and its soft body had already broken half.

At this time, the beetle suddenly swayed his body, and the huge body slammed into the uncontrolled statue. The golden body suddenly fell apart and turned into a pile of pieces.

Although the statue failed, the group of white dragons chased by beetles successfully escaped the pursuit and entered the castle.

"I will never forget these warriors..." The last one who went in was still reluctantly looking at the broken statue. Two lines of tears poured out of its eyes.

'Boom! When the white dragon was moving, the door of the castle suddenly caught up, just in the middle of the white dragon's head, and its head instantly turned into a pile of red and white paste.

"It's enough! The rest is not in control!" The closed door is another statue standing outside the door, when its voice falls. The statues throughout the castle also closed the gates of the castle.

"Hey! I haven't entered yet!" There are still many white dragons outside the door, but these statues close the door, and the white dragons outside are no longer able to enter, they just wait to be swallowed up by endless swarms.


A few seconds after the door closed, the entire castle suddenly began to vibrate, with this shock. It actually began to slowly rise.

"They have to fly away!" "Oh! No!" The white dragons who haven't entered yet are horrified trying to grab the wall, or squeezing toward the closed gate, and the insects that are approaching behind them make them terrified.

"Go to the creator! Go!" The statues stood at the gate of the city. They held the ring of the city gate and held the body shape. They used their feet to smash the white dragons under the gates of the city.

These statues suddenly turned from the warriors who had saved themselves to the dragon to the ruthless executors, and the white dragons kneeling under the walls were smashed from them.

Several white dragons successfully climbed to a higher position along the wall. But before they were relieved, some of the following large-legged worms jumped from the sea of ​​clouds and rushed to the white dragons.

Yuet is another small unit of the Inca group except Chibcha. It is only 30 centimeters long. They are harder than any other similar or special skills. They have almost no features. They are unique. What is good is... jumping.

"Oh ah!" Several hops jumped to a white dragon. They used a sharp mouth to tear the flesh and blood of this white dragon. Under the pain, Bai Xiaolong accidentally let go of his hand...

At this moment, it is like falling from the oil pan... into hell.

The speed of the castle is rising faster and faster. When the castle is more than ten meters above the ground, the location of the original castle has been submerged by the dense insects. The white dragons that have been squatted or accidentally dropped from the castle will be instantly The tears shattered, and they didn’t even have a chance to make a scream.

The golden statue grabbed the pull ring of the city gate with one hand, and looked at the flesh and blood that was constantly splashing in the insects below without any emotion. The life and death of these white dragons outside had nothing to do with them. They are caring about other things.

'boom! ‘The cracking sound, it sounded under the rising castle.

There are no flying units in the swarm here, they can't continue to chase the rising castle, and the few hops can't pose any threat to the castle and the statue of the city gate.

But they still have many ways to attack...

'boom! The bombs were fired from the mouth of the gun worms, and they hit the bottom of the castle and made a loud noise. A strong sense of vibration can cause the uneasiness of the white dragon in the castle.

However, it seems that the outer wall of the castle made with clouds is very strong, no matter how roaring the bombs, there is no crack under the castle.

The worms on the beetle were also shot at the same time. Numerous nails were hit under the castle, and the sound of the cymbals kept ringing. This powerful stab could not penetrate the strong wall.

At the height of almost 20 meters, the swarms below have stopped shooting, and they seem to know that this is useless.

However, the threat of the castle is still not over. The golden statue at the west gate of the city sees a silver figure in the distant swarm.

Four transparent membrane wings glisten under the brilliant sunlight, and a pair of scorpions that have almost expanded to the limit have been aligned with the direction of the castle. With the loud noise of the jets, the crackers drive the huge body and rush to this place. The castle is rushing...

Facing the behemoth of nearly forty meters, the golden statue did not panic. It took a golden rod from the waist and forced it to a stretch. The stick suddenly stretched into a three-meter-long spear.

‘Hey! At the moment the spear was thrown, an explosion added its speed to the limit, and the sharp spear tipped open the air and hit the cracker's head.

'clang! After leaving a trace on the shell of the cracker, the spear was swung out and flew out. The shape of the giant worm did not stop at all. The big scorpion slammed into the gate of the castle. The tip has penetrated into the door.

The crackers combined their strengths, and the whole door made of alloys suddenly squeezed the painful sorrow. In a matter of seconds, the door of the white dragon brain was crushed under the force of the cracker. A bundle of metal ties, a large number of horrified white dragons appear behind the door in the view of the crackers.

However, there is no golden statue in the vision of the **** -


Raging, coming from the top. The golden statue did not know when it leaped high, and a golden axe in his hand had fallen on the head of the cracker.

But at the moment the axe came into contact with the head of the cracker, a large number of cracks spread instantly on the axe blade, and the whole axe burst into a pile of golden fragments...

The hardness of the shell of the **** has far exceeded that of the alloy known to the white dragon.

The **** gently licked his head, and the golden statue on its head slipped down because of the unstable position. It just landed in front of the cracker, and between its eyes...

'Boom! ’

It seems that there are countless tons of two megaliths colliding. The crackers have reached the limit and the gongs are together in less than one tenth of a second. The statues in the eyes have become a pile of golden shards. At the end, they drifted away with the wind and landed in the sea of ​​insects below.

Looking at a group of white dragons with great fear in front of them, the crackers opened their eyes again.

"Oh!" Suddenly, there was another roar in the sky. Another golden statue did not know when it appeared at the top of the castle. It jumped and jumped to the cracker's back.

"That is..." Some white dragons recognized the statue: "That is General Haas! It is said to be dead! Why is it here?"

"I will not die, my people, I will fight for my faith, to the last moment!" General Haas raised the golden sword in his hand and slammed the sword to the lower body of the cracker...

The **** must fly with a strong coleoptera to stretch out the membrane wings, which makes its abdomen look like a weakness, but...

At the moment when General Hass jumped over, the **** suddenly shrank the wing and the two cobwebs were closed at the same time, but when the coleoptera was put together, it also clamped General Haas’s hand and sword. inside.

It seems that because of the feeling of foreign objects, the **** made a strange cry, the tail of the jet suddenly accelerated, the huge figure flew over the castle, it swayed while flying, seems to want to press the sheath wing will General Hass’s hand was cut off.

‘咔...’ Although the strength of the merger of the wings is far less than that of the scorpion, the general’s golden arm still has many cracks under the weight.

"I believe... my life will be very happy."

General Haas did not panic, no fear, it slowly closed his golden eyes...

'boom--! ! ! ’

On the back of the **** who flew in the sky, there was a big explosion that was shocking. At the destroyed gate, many white dragons saw this scene.

In the bursting brilliance, the huge figure of the **** flew out, and the general Hass on his back was gone, and in the gap between the coleoptera of its back, a large amount of smoke continued to emerge.

Like a ship that is out of control, the **** rushes straight down from the air and plunges into the swarm below.

"Oh... the general is victorious!" The white dragon in the castle saw this scene, and all of them cheered with excitement.

However, their cheers have not lasted for a few seconds, and in the swarm, three three-headed, cracker-like silver blazes are flying.

PS: Thanks ~ the love song of the mermaid ~ the monthly ticket~

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