The ship that created the ship.

The original white ground here has been covered with a layer of black matter, which is a mixture of microorganisms in the black mist. On the black matter, there are a large number of tubular structures that extend to the front line of the battlefield. These pipes will All dead corpses are fully recovered, transported to the ship's deck and where they enter, converted into energy, creating more troops.

The 'Queens' of the Inca worms feed on the rear of the black material, the deck of the ship, and the nutrients they produce, while producing more eggs.

Lin and the Inca group intend to completely transform the ship into a base of insects, so they did not attack the jetting device, so that it kept flying in the sky.

The battle is still stable now, so Lynn has focused on a room that is completely covered in black.

This is a place that has just been occupied. There are a lot of golden pieces on the ground and shells of the insects.

And a spherical object...

This spherical object is hardly golden, and it is constantly emitting signals.

When this signal was first attacked here, Lynn felt it, but I don't know what it meant.

However, it seems that the Master is very clear that this signal means: "Reducing counterattacks and increasing escape."

It's just a simple signal. No matter why it is, it's important that this signal is sent from outside...

This means that the structure on the ship is actually directed by something in the distance.

And they themselves executed the commands very well. These golden structures began to retreat on the ship and they tried to retreat to the depths of the ship.

The inside of this ship looks bigger than the outside. And the structure inside is quite complicated, which makes the Master become more suspicious...

How does it know about the things here? Is the creator letting it control the entire ship?

In short, this external signal comes from more than 100 kilometers north of here, they repeatedly send this signal, which allows Lin to know where they are. The detected troops have already traveled there.

Lin felt that it might be possible to see another ship... or a force that came to reinforce.

But in addition to finding them, Lynn has other things to do - find a creature that he knows with the Master - the brain worm Maya.

A group of pompons is now in the place where Maya is.

It was an island that was parked in a room on the side of the hull, and when Lin attacked. It is the only island that has not been activated.

Other islands were tried to fight, and the islands of the brainworms had no activity.

This makes Lin have some doubts, and this suspicion has become real now...

Part of the island has been blasted, and Lin can see directly where the brain worms are, from there... nothing...

And it's not just that. There have been a lot of tiny micro-arms that have been drilled into the island from the explosion point. Lin found that it was like being evacuated. Whether it is a weapon or something that was originally there, the island is now like An empty island encased in a crystalline outer casing.

This is quite strange.

Because Lin has a lot of simulators stuck to the island all the time, in addition to the original golden boat for sterilization, Lin has never seen anything close to the island.

Not to mention the emptying of things inside...

Then why is it empty? And the brain worm has disappeared. This is a huge doubt for Lin, how do they do this kind of thing?

Other islands do not have this phenomenon. The only thing that is empty is the island of brainworms.

Fortunately, the answer seems to be not far from here, because on the front line of the swarm, Lynn felt the signal of the brain worm.


Here is the central part of the ship. This is a wide square. On the walls of the square, there are many passages leading to it. Many insect swarms have entered through the passages. But their pace has stopped.

Because, in the square here, standing a creature that Lin is familiar with... Feilong.

The dragon is 30 meters long and has a golden carapace, but the most important thing is. The brain wave of the brain worm comes out from the dragon...

It seems that when the former creator saw the appearance of the dragon, it created an identical golden structure here, and let the brainworm control it.

How did the brain worm leave the island and ran to this position? Lin only knows when she gets it out.

A large number of swarms influx in various passages have already rushed to this goal.

Inca, is the largest number of Indy insects in this attack. They are one to two meters long and have enough sputum and strong solution to cut gold alloy. However, their armor is fragile and can only fight close, so it is very It is easy to fall into pieces.

Because of their simple structure, they are produced at a very fast rate, so the insects surrounded the opponent in huge numbers and drowned it in the sea of ​​insects.

A large number of flying dragonflies surrounded the dragons in the center of the square, and Lin's black dense fog spread from the passage to the square.

'Snapped! A sudden sound came from the golden dragon, and the cornice that surrounded it was all flew and fell on the surrounding ground.

The bodies of these insects are like scorched, and they all smoke with their bodies, but after them, a group of flying scorpions rushed over...

‘Hey! At this time, the walls around the square began to react, and countless rays of light were instantly shot, piercing a large number of cornices.

At this time, the black fog, which was still floating slowly, suddenly speeded up. They flooded in from the passage around the square, instantly covering the whole place in the darkness, and also isolated the surrounding light.

"Hey!" The golden dragon screamed, and it squirted a liquid against the swarm of swarms. In the liquid, the black mist instantly dissipated.

‘Hey! ‘But the dragon didn’t have a chance to rest, the wall at the top of the square suddenly exploded, and a worm fell from above, and it slammed into the dragon with its head.

The dragon had a wing and stepped back to escape the falling worm, while opening his mouth and biting the worm's head.

‘Hey! Under the power of the dragon, the head of the worm was instantly crushed into a paste, but at this time, it was surrounded by the cornice...

A large number of flying dragonflies continually bite the dragon's outer shell with a sharp cymbal, and a very irritating rubbing sound to the hearing can be heard outside.

The dragon is constantly struggling in the swarm, its shaking body crushes a large number of cornices, but the cracks on its body are also increasing...

PS: Thanks ~ sluggish eyes ~ disasters ~ Who is the bat tiger ~ winter mouse ~ Sika ~ monthly ticket ~

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