4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 262: 'Creator'

This is a complex and white space.

This is the dream of the brainworm, and it is also within the huge building of the creator country. The train of the cloud travels slowly along the orbit of crystal...

In it, it is like the city outside.

Various crystal train tracks are criss-crossed above, and various buildings are also here, but the buildings here are shorter and more square-shaped than the outside, and the structures here are The shape is also more massive.

Most of the buildings here are lined with transparent windows, and you can see that the structures inside are playing, or eating, or resting and doing other things.

Seeing how they eat, Lin believes that they have controllers in their bodies. They are not pure gold here, and there are many other colors, although most of them are white or silver.

These creatures look like a pretty happy life, quite...peace.

Even if it is compared to the city of Bailulong or Emerald Dragon, all the structures that Lin sees on the road are different in shape, but there is no dispute, and there is no such thing as stealing.

Although this is a dream of a brainworm, there may be something wrong.

But at the moment, these creatures do have personality, but they are very peaceful.

‘Boom...’ The train of the clouds made a small roar and stopped before a block building.

There are many structures on the train that float down, some of them enter the building, and some fly to other places.

Then the train continues to move forward. The speed of the train within the building is much slower than before. It often stops in front of some buildings. The above structure is also constantly underground.

After more than a dozen stops, there is no structure on the train, leaving only the brain worms to stay in the front of the car.

The train is still driving, it is no longer staying, the train has just turned around between the various buildings, and now it is a complete straight line, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

The scenery quickly retraced and the train entered a passage. Lin found that both sides of the passage were filled with neatly arranged silver structures.

These structures are motionless and look like they are not starting up, and the speed of the train is getting faster and faster, and the eyes of the brain worms can hardly see the scenery on both sides...

No, it is not because the speed is too fast and the eyes are not clear.

Lin found that the scenery on both sides and the track below disappeared, and the train on which the brain worm was riding seemed to move forward in a white glory...

In the process of moving forward, the speed of the train began to slow down, and the scenery around the brainworms slowly recovered again...

After the train was completely stopped, the surrounding scene was completely different.

This is a huge space with a hexagon as a whole. The diameter is more than 100 meters, and the height is the same. Everything around it is made up of pure white walls. If you look up, you can see the top of the building that is hundreds of meters high.

Underneath the top is a large and complex alloy structure that looks like countless pipes, and there are many large structures floating around it.

And if you look down, you can see a huge pothole in the dark, the brain worm is now in the center of the building, here is a train stop on the wall.

But the lower part of the building has no light and looks like a dark giant hole.

The brain worm rolled from the train and slowly rolled to the edge of the cave.

Underneath the pothole is a darkness, and Lin and the brainworm can't see what's underneath, but the brainworm seems to know what's going on below.

'Snapped! Suddenly, a burst of light flashed, and the entire dark cave suddenly lit up.

Among the shining light, a huge object floats from below.

It is like a spiral shape, the entire flat body spirals up and down, extending to almost a height of 100 meters, and its body composition looks like a lot of white sticky objects, around There are also alloy columns for fixing.

"You came."

At the moment when the sound of this weird creature sounded, the environment around the brainworm instantly became a blank, and then slowly recovered.

"I am coming." The brain worm responded with a calm voice: "Let Muktu, leave, me, stay."

"You all stay here." The spiral creature said: "Nothing."

It seems to be more 'peaceful' this time, so the surrounding of the brainworm has not become blank.

"I will crush you, sad things." Although the head worm is only one meter long, even if it faces a giant creature up to 100 meters, it still looks fearless.

"Sadly." The tone of the spiral creature has increased slightly: "There is no sadness here, only quiet, calm."

When it said this, the scenery around the brain worms flickered like a thunderstorm.

Lin also pays attention to this phenomenon, and almost all understand it. When this happens, it usually means that the thoughts of the brainworm are affected.

From the past, Lin was paying attention to this phenomenon of brain worms. The brain worms often have some similar situations, and the surrounding area becomes blank. Lin originally felt that the memory repair is still incomplete. This is also part of the reason, but another part The reason is because the thoughts of the brain worms have been affected, so that it is impossible to record the environment around them at that time, and can only concentrate on something...

For example, this is the case now when talking to spiral creatures...

They are not talking in voice, but in the way of communication such as brain waves. Spiral organisms can release extremely strong brain waves. Whenever it affects, it will make the brainworm unable to perceive the surrounding environment. What is it saying?

This creature has a more powerful brainwave than the brainworm, which is a sure thing.

In general, a huge size does not mean a powerful brainwave. Because the body is also huge, the brain's ability must be evenly distributed, but this creature obviously has powerful capabilities...

Its body looks like a lot of sticky objects. It is difficult to judge what kind of structure is inside. The alloy frame around the body is used to support it, but it does not actually support it. The gap between them is too large and is estimated to have other uses.

In short, this creature...should be the creator of the Bailongs who have always believed.

It now appears that it does have some similarities with the previous creator, a huge body, a powerful brainwave... and that personality.

"Join here." Its voice continued to ring: "No sadness, no pain, no death... only good, peace..."

"There is no peace." The brain worm interrupted it: "Only destruction, destruction..."

During the period when the brainworm said this, the surrounding scenery changed again, and this time it was not a blank, but a variety of scenery.

I saw a group of atmospheric creatures flying above a blue sea. They flew over the islands and attacked the creatures there.

This scene should be sent to the other party.

"We are collecting." Spiral creatures said to the brainworm: "There are many things that are collected, useful, useful, but must be found."

"You, it is also useful." At the moment when the spiral creature finished, the scenery around the brainworm suddenly recovered, and the passage of the train behind it was also shut down in an instant.

"Useful things, things of wisdom, so, only get an invitation." Spiral creatures continued: "When useful things gather to the highest, we will leave, we will go to the endless world."

"Follow us, witness all the interesting things, follow us, feel the pain." Spiral creature said: "But I will feel impatient, and finally explain: opt-in, freedom, such as refusal to join, not free, but still Join."

"Absolutely... won't join!" The mood of the brain worm turned into complete anger, and it suddenly rushed to the other side on the ground.

At the moment when the brain worm rushed to the spiral creature, the surrounding scenery disappeared instantly and turned into a blank.

When the surrounding scenery is restored again, everything is completely different.

The huge spiral creature, the huge building, everything has disappeared, the brain worm is now in a narrow space, in front of it is a transparent wall.

And it is slowly floating now...because the location of the brain worm is a water tank.

And it doesn't seem to be water, it's a weird liquid, the brainworm doesn't suffocate here, but it's not a good thing.

Before the transparent wall, there are some structures that are looking at this side. They look at each other and still do what they are doing. Many structures are using the forelimbs to operate something under the water tank, but the perspective of the brainworm I don't know what they are doing.

I saw a large number of alloy arms protruding from the bottom of the tank. These things are quite small, just like needle sticks.

The brain worm tried to avoid these things, but the water tank was very limited, and the alloy arm quickly caught it and pierced the sharp part into the brainworm.

The surrounding scenery has changed again.

But this time it was not a blank, but a colorful environment.

Numerous scenes appear in the dreams of brain worms. They are like lightning. Every scene is different. Lin sees a lot of things here, most of which have been seen by brain worms. Things.

Moreover, these scenes include things that cause the brain worms to 'join' them. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ crazy baby ~ 1888~!

Thanks ~14 hydrogen balloon ~ 588~

Thanks to the ~yy fish~ the monthly ticket for ex9~12gfdf~~

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