4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 268: Explosion is the answer

"...why want to destroy?"

The next sound corresponding to this sentence is the sound of the explosion.

A crystal bomb exploded before the black mist, and its debris splashed around, causing the microbes in the black mist to feel pain.

And immediately behind, there are countless crystal bombs, which are sprayed out of Yundao as raindrops, rushing toward Lin's black fog.

This creator did not wait for Lynn's answer, but directly launched the attack.

'boom--! ! ! The sniper’s warhead was ready, and the cracking sound that rang through the sky once again rang in the air.

It seems that it did not expect peace from the beginning.

"New goals, accept information."

At the moment when countless bombs collided with the warhead, Lin’s message spread out in the sky at the same time.

The number of enemy forces, the size of the body, the specific goals, all of which were instantly introduced into the thoughts of all the forces of the Inca.

A total of six cloud islands, as well as countless crystal structures are their guards, and the new battle will not be as easy as before.

'嗡——'The insects fighting on the deck unfolded the membrane wing with the information, and the entire ship covered with black fog echoed the sound of the shivering sound, and countless insect swarms flew from the deck. The new enemy army flew away.

At the same time, the crystallized armies began to move, and as their bombs once again turned into debris, the crystal structures flying around Yundao aligned their weapons.

At the moment when the insects rushed out of the black fog, countless sounds and rays were also launched at the same time.

A storm-like attack instantly strikes the swarm of swarms. At this moment, Lynn saw a large number of weapons of different forms. The impact they cause causes the swarm to continually turn into pieces. Microbes at the edge of the black mist have also been affected, and a large number of microorganisms have turned into real ash in various shocks.

It turned out to be...

When countless insects wrecked, Lin found something.

"Hide the explosive armor...raid."

Then, Lynn's next signal also spread at this time.

The crystallization in the distance and the army around Yundao appeared strangely. The seemingly endless sky suddenly appeared a lot of red spots.

They instantly became as dense as a star, with a roar of jets. They rushed to the crystallization of the army like a meteor shower.

'boom! ! When the first crystal structure on the periphery was smashed, the army had no time to continue to attack the insects. They turned around and defended the targets that appeared around them.

The crystal structure is frantically pouring into the body's bombs, and the crystal-made warheads are madly spilled out of their weapons in the air, running through the inflated blasts, causing them to self-destruct before the impact.

‘哔——! At the same time, countless rays of light also spread from the cloud island, each light is precisely passed between the friendly forces, running through the head of the insect swarm...

When you see the teammates in front of the light through. Some of the blasters began to spin at high speed in the air, and they sputtered a large amount of black powder while rotating. The light is like a fire after hitting them, it is useless.

A large number of explosive armor surrounded the crystallized army, but they were not casual attacks, but planned to fight, located in the east of the Crystallization Force, where a cloud island is smaller and the defense of the crystalline structure is weaker.

The number of blasters is also the most in that position.

'boom! 'A dust-covered blaster rushed into a group of shot crystal structures, and the bursting brilliance shattered their bodies. As they fell from the sky, another group of blasters flew over the undefended east. , crashed into the cloud island.


After the explosive armor rushed into Yundao, it was like a mud block into the sea, and there was no slight reaction.

Another group of shrimp-type crystal structures flew from a distance and formed a defense again on the edge of the crystal island.

The seemingly long battle, in fact, was less than ten seconds. Under the massive loss of the raid, the crystallized army temporarily held the line of defense.

However, they did not have a free break, and even did not idle their body. The swarms from the ship’s ship had already flown to the front of these crystallized troops.

The crazy swarms instantly surrounded many of the crystal structures on the periphery. They didn't even have the opportunity to attack, and they became a pile of pieces falling from the sky.

But this crystallization army also prepared defenses for these insect swarms, and numerous crystal bombs were ejected from the cloud islands and rushed straight into the densest swarms.

'boom! A crystal bomb exploded in the air.

Riding on the cornice, the little Chibbug stalks the impactful spikes to the bombs that fly over, and through the information provided by countless companions around them, they can be in a thousandth of a second. Respond and hit the target with precision.

However, some bombs were not hit and they successfully hit their targets.

Under the roar, only the sparse wreckage came out. Although it succeeded, it only bombed a worm. The surrounding worms had already spread, and its impact did not affect the second worm.

Tracking aiming.

Although these crystal bombs seem to be very flexible, they only have a simple tracking method. They decide the target at the moment of shooting, and then they will follow this target for shooting. Lin has already discovered this.

As long as you know which bugs are being targeted by them, the insects next to them will immediately spread out, and it will only hit one target. Through Lin’s calculation, you can know who it is aiming at the moment the bullet is shot, and then the information. Send to Inca.

Many insect swarms use the ability to spray to achieve instant avoidance, so these bombs can not cause mass casualties to the insect population.

However, in the case of too close, this method is ineffective, because the bombs hit them before the swarms spread, but because they are too close, they dare not use powerful bombs.

If you don't want to get into a scuffle with the swarm, they only have this approach.

‘哔——’ is more dazzling than the sun, shining at this moment.

A huge beam of light shot from the cloud island, it instantly opened a huge gap in the swarm, countless smoke, only half of the body's corpse fell from the air.

It's now!

An arrow in the dark fog of the ship opened the tentacles of the head and aimed at the island of the cloud that had just been shot in the distance.

The island opened its ‘clouds’ for the sake of shooting, and now the clouds have not yet fully merged back, revealing the weird island shape inside.

‘Hey! At the moment of the loud noise, a special warhead was shot from the center of the arrowhead's tentacles, aiming at the island of the cloud that was not closed.

‘Hey! At the same time as the warhead shot, a light on the cloud island also hit the direction of the warhead, trying to intercept the warhead, but the light was interrupted at the moment of the shot.

The large black smoke, like a river, appears in the open space between the stone of the launch and the island of Yun.

It forms a perfect protection that blocks the possibility that the warhead is under the bar.

‘Hey! The rapid warhead instantly rips away the smoke that the light cannot penetrate, and rushes into the island that has not yet been fully closed.

'Boom--! ! It was like the sound of a collision of giants. The whole island shook a little, and then it swayed down from the sky.

An island nearby quickly flew to the island that was hit, but as it fell faster, the island could not save it, only to watch it rush from the air to the earth...

Lin believes that the creator should now know that more than it will hide.

In fact, Lin's microscopic smoke has already reached the position of the crystallization army with the insects.

However, they were in a state of transparency at the time, and they were generally invisible. Even if they were discovered, the other party did not care about the small things floating in the sky.

One second before the launch of the arrow, Lin let them immediately change color, forming a black channel that protects the warhead and goes straight to the target.

This will perfectly hit each other.

The cloud of Yundao is not an ordinary cloud, but something with some wonderful protection.

In order to ensure the successful destruction of the target, Lynn waited for it to come out and attack.

A cloud island crashed and the situation on the battlefield changed slightly.

What follows is a crazy attack.

Crystallized structures pour out various weapons on the surrounding insects, and the insects try to fight them close to them.

After the crash of an island, the rest of them seem to have been 'learned'. Instead of using the previous attack, they fired a large number of bombs to attack the swarm.

However, with the movement of the insects, there are endless black fog.

Lin is no longer hidden, and the endless black fog obscures the entire sky, and everything is in the dark.

On a distant ship, several arrows have once again aimed at the target...

Although it was specially waited until the island opened the clouds, Lin could also experiment with the effects of direct attacks.

However, the arrow stone did not shoot.

Lin found something strange. The black fog around the ship felt the airflow abnormal.

However, no targets have been seen yet, and nothing has been detected.

However, they are sure to attack this.

Lin's arrow stone has already caused a great threat to them, and the creator has already noticed it.

Therefore, they will not continue to let them continue to attack them, but no matter what the situation, they will not attack with too powerful things.

Lin has already discovered this problem.

When the swarms rushed out of the black fog, the attacks they launched were not very strong, just the extent to which they could block the insects.

Their main purpose is to reinforce the ship, so it will not make too much attack and will not pose too much threat to the ship.

This should be able to take advantage of it. (To be continued.)

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