4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 278: Research and research


A strange scenery is in the eyes of Lin.

There is a transparent liquid around here, but the view cannot see anything other than liquid. Only the occasional sound of bubbles can make Lin see objects that are different from water.

This is a vision of a mini-arm, and it is now in a strange water, where Linde doesn't know.

In addition to this miniature unit, there are many cells that are also floating in this place.

The water here is not pure water, there are many tiny debris that can provide some energy to the cells. Lin let the troops here start to absorb some of the surrounding energy, and the micro-arms begin to detect everywhere.

Micro-arms are usually multicellular creatures that have greater mobility.

“In observation, activity testing.”

Suddenly, Lynn heard some voices. When I looked up, I could see a blurry giant shadow outside the transparent water.

Lin let a multi-cell micro-armament go upstream, and the shadow has become more and more clear.

However, when it was almost clear, the arms could not move forward, and it touched a transparent wall.

Then, this mini-arms swam in the other direction, but soon touched another wall. After many tests, Lin found that there were walls on all sides.

"I am observing the object is trying to escape." At this time, the outside voice rang again: "The target is judged in the escape area, each time the position is different, look for a place that may escape, and confirm that the intelligence belongs to the level of the jade."

"How could this thing be as high as that of Maoyu?" Another sound sounded: "It just happened to be hitting everywhere."

"I don't admit your claim, it is acting very purposefully."

"How can it have a purposeful action, it doesn't even have a brain!"

"When fighting. They are acting collectively on a large scale. You see it too."

"That's just because some signals are collectively active."

Lynn listened to the two voices outside. At the same time, you can see that there are two black shadows on the outside, and the shape of their figure seems to be a composite look.

And they look very ‘personal’, and the two composites are obviously different in character and actually argue with each other.

"Discover the movement behavior and start observing." At this time, another voice was issued: "The speed of gathering is quite fast, and the intelligence can be confirmed. But it is still not certain that they are the same kind as the observation object of i."

"This is the behavior of sponge polymerization." Another voice said: "It's just a low-level, simple action. In this completely sealed cage, you lose contact with the outside world, they can only make simple behavior."

"This behavior is not simple, what does it mean..."

Is it completely sealed? Why can you listen to their voice so clearly?

However, Lynn can confirm that they are trying to study Lynn's cells. Before, Lin thought of this situation, just as Lin would study the various things left by the 'creator', and the 'creator' would go. I want to study Lin...

But perhaps it is afraid that it is too dangerous to catch large arms. So looking for tiny cells, and this behavior has already started very early.

The cells and micro-arms here are deliberately collected.

In the midst of war. Many of the cells scattered by the broken, penetrating arms, and some of the microbes in the black mist, were collected.

In the battle, there are some strange crystal structures. They don't fight, but they sway at the edge of the battlefield. These structures have the fastest speed. They collect some war debris in the vicinity.

However, when Lin saw them, they only thought that they were collecting their own pieces, including those scattered crystals, etc., and they completely ignored Lin’s arms and debris.

But now Lin believes that they may be deliberately pretending to be like that. Even if they are not purposely collected, the crystal structure will stick to many of the tiny arms, or the scattered cells.

Then bring it back and you will be fine...

However, if you don't study large arms, if you only study cells, they will let them enter a state of confusion. They can't even confirm whether the dark fog microbes and Lin's cells are the same kind of creatures.

Because the black mist microorganisms are very special.

Black fog microbes are not all the same arms, but like plankton in the sea, there are hundreds of species, ranging from a little more than a few centimeters to cells, and some form gaps are very large.

If you see black fog microbes under normal circumstances, it is estimated that no creature will think they are the same kind of creatures.

Therefore, the two composites are arguing here.

The main content is the kind of question, and whether Lin's single cell has intelligence or the like.

Lin’s current behavior is relatively simple, like the act of aggregating cells, in fact, sponge-like creatures.

When the sponge is crushed into monomeric cells, they will come together again and combine into a new sponge.

The characters of these complexes are very similar to the white dragons. Lin thinks that they may have absorbed the memory and character of the white dragons, and the most important thing is that they use the language of the white dragon.

Lynn needs to find a way to get out of here, and then slowly study them...

Lin feels that this is not the country of the creator, but an island floating in the sea of ​​clouds, but there should be a lot of interesting things here.

"Enough, don't make trouble." Suddenly, Lynn heard the third voice: "Start the next stage, open the second box."

Box 2?

Just as Lin was wondering, a voice sounded, and Lin felt that there was a stream of water flowing in on the left.

So, is it to let another box link in?

Thinking, Lin asked a microbe to swim over there, only to see a round mouth on the original transparent wall...

The microbes rushed past the round and entered the 'box 2' they said.

The contents in the second box seem to be very different from the previous ones.

Wandering inside, Lynn found a lot of crystallized debris on the wall and bottom of the box, and the debris also had a strange smell.

"No response." The sound outside was sounded: "You can be sure that it is not the same species, and then continue."

After they finished speaking, Lin saw a strange feeling. It seems that these crystals are releasing some very small signals, but there is no specific information.

"There is still no response. Are you sure this is the right goal?" "Absolutely ok." "Since it is ok, it should be attractive."

In the outside synthesis, Lin probably knows what they are doing.

They seem to want to use this smell and small signals to attract Lin's microbial units. If the Inca group should be attracted, it is similar to the way they usually pass information to each other... but Lin will not have any special feelings. It is.

"It has the ability to think, it won't be simply attracted." In the three composites, it seems that only one guessed the possibility of Lynn.

"How is this possible, start the next one." But the other two did not believe it. Then, Lin felt that the crystals released a lot of pheromones.

And these pheromones seem to be made according to the pheromones of the Inca group, and Lin still does not do anything, but is looking around.

Lin now wants to find out how they are observing the situation here.

Thinking, Lin looked around... Is this something?

The microbes swam to the bottom of the box, where Lin found a circular object that was set on the ground.

And this kind of thing, there will be one at every distance, it seems to have a subtle observation ability? This feels very good, because it seems to be able to observe the environment in the entire box, and Lin's microbe is only the size of the amoeba, which is generally invisible.

"It's watching here." There was a voice outside: "It is suspecting this position."

"How can such a small thing be suspected, just happen to swim here, continue to test, if you can find a way to attract, you can create a weapon against it."

Then, Lin felt that the crystals had released a lot of material, but they were not useful for the rest of their lives.

"Weird, why wouldn't it be useless? Is this how...how is it possible?" The composition outside is very doubtful, but it suddenly becomes a kind of extreme surprise from doubt.

Because, Lin asked the microbe to draw some words with mucus on the observation device.

The above is written: "I know you."

"Come on, hurry up!" "Beyond expectations!" "Must be dealt with, deal with it!"

The composition on the outside seems to be panicking, and they yell at the side while they are playing with something.

At the same time, Lin felt that the water here had begun to deteriorate, and the crystals at the bottom released a huge amount of toxins.

The strong toxin nerves filled the entire tank and included the first box where Lin was.

Lin’s cells and micro-arms were invaded by toxins... They slowly lost their vitality and sank into the bottom of the water.

"It seems that rumors are true, you have to know that they should be treated with caution." "...I know."

The outer composite is still observing the scene in the box, and it seems that they are all relieved because they see the microbes inside.

"Continue to observe changes and see the reaction to death." "Know it."

In this way, after a long time, they have been observing the water tanks that diffuse toxins. Even if the biological activities inside have been completely stopped, they have been observing and never left.

Until, after a few days and nights, the situation inside was exactly the same when the toxin was first released.

"There is no valuable information." "Then deal with it, you need to be careful." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ Wu Yongguang~ The spleen boss blows the harmonica~ the monthly ticket~

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