4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 280: Refusing to watch the past

White is the iconic color of the creator.

In this day and night, the endless white plain appeared in the vision of Lin and another creature...

A small cloud of sea is floating on the white earth with hexagonal squares. The misty sky shields the sun, where you can smell the mist.

How many times have you seen such a scene? But it seems that every time it is in a dream.

And this creature seems to know that he is in a dream.

"No..." Fear, occupying its thoughts.

"I won't do this kind of dream, I shouldn't do it... Don't do it, can't do this." The brain worm named the patriarch continued to roll on the ground in horror.

Lin feels that this creature is really interesting. It can be instantly realized that it is a dream, it is already very powerful, but it can do more than just this.

The patriarch is now constantly adjusting his brain to prevent the content of the dream from continuing.

The general biological dreams will continue to show a variety of different content, which is usually in a certain memory, and Lin only needs a little adjustment, so that the brain of the creature can reveal the content of a certain memory.

However, the Master is trying to stop this, it has now successfully prevented the content of the dream from continuing to display, so now the dream will remain in this place, a white plain.

But it can only do it here, it can't wake up.

"This is not normal." After the patriarch rolled a few laps on the ground, he looked at the surrounding environment: "I know, this is not normal."

"I know, who made this." The chief suddenly shouted at the gray sky: "Come out! Come out!"

“Why, are you so reluctant to explain the facts?”

In the sky, there is also a voice that responds to the Master.

"No, absolutely not, can't observe, don't know. Don't understand." The Master repeated the words of 'rejection' as before.

"In this case, you can only look directly."

"No-!!!!" The voice of the instructor is like a thunder that rang through the sky. It has been echoing in this dream world for a long time. The sky of dreams has even been shaken by large cracks...

In fact, this is the effect of its emotions intensifying to the extreme. Even Lin feels that he almost woke up from his dreams. This godmind did not want Lin to see some of its things. It's like a brain worm is extremely angry about the inaccurate pronunciation.

However, it has no control over the development of dreams...

The shattered sky slowly began to recover, and the cracks were automatically repaired back, and the endless fog dispersed in the air, and the bright sunshine illumined the world... and the original blank land. There have also been new changes.

Numerous buildings have risen from the white plains, and various structures have appeared around the buildings. The trains of the clouds roar in the crystal orbits that traverse the buildings. Here, Lin and I saw in the dream of brainworms. The country to which it arrives is almost exactly the same.

The most visible in this world is the huge honeycomb building.

The thought of the Master is now in a paralyzed stage, and the things around it keep moving... Lin wants to follow it to observe its original. That is when it was born.

Usually the memory of the biological life is not preserved, but the brainworms are different, they can retain the memory of birth.

And before they are born, they will use their brain waves to sense the surrounding environment.

Lin feels that from the very beginning, I can see clearly whether the Master is telling the truth. At present, Lin feels that the discourse of the Master does not have the component of 'deception', but it refuses to explain some detailed questions.

Looking at the surrounding environment changes quickly. Lynn found herself in a special room.

This room...much like the place where the Master used to experiment with Monte III, surrounded by transparent walls, and the ground was still white.

Beyond the transparent walls, a group of composites floated as if they were looking at the walls and discussing what words were still being discussed.

But now I can't hear what they say.

In a transparent wall. There is a huge creature, the 'Queen of the Brainworm'.

And the Master, now is not a brain worm, but an egg on the ground.

But even in the egg. It is also basically fully developed and able to perceive the surrounding environment. Here, it is the beginning of the Master.

It turned out to be born here, and it is almost exactly the same as the process of trapping Monte's experiment.

In addition to the Master, there are many eggs on the ground, but others should be eggs of ordinary arms. The eggs of the brainworms are only the ones.

Lynn thinks this should be the queen of Mktu, and there is not much connection with Maya.

The group of synthetics outside are paying attention to the egg of the Master. A composite seems to have made something. I saw a door suddenly falling from the top of the room.

The door fell to the ground in an instant, separating the Imam's eggs from the Queen, which were originally separated by more than five meters.

At this time, the group of synthetics outside opened a transparent wall and smashed the egg of the Master.

The eggs were carefully placed in a transparent box, and the synthetic body left the room with the eggs.

When I came outside, Lin once again saw the scene of the country of the cloud, the structure of the alloy around, and they looked very different from the group, but no structure cares about it.

In front, a train of clouds is stopping above the crystal track...

The composites floated on the train and the train began to move forward rapidly.

It turned out that they were so early... they were going to do something strange about this egg.

The speed of the train is quite fast. In the middle, there is no place to stay, but to drive directly to an open place in the city center. The huge creator of the creator is standing there.

The train drove in from an entrance under the building, driving in the white passage, and the speed slowly slowed down.

Just when Lin thought that he would see the spiral creature again, the train suddenly stopped.

On the left side of the passage, Lynn saw a room where the composites held the eggs, floated off the train and entered the room.

Within this room, Lin saw a familiar object.

The various devices placed here are quite similar to the Master's own devices.

A composite pours the instructor's egg out of the transparent box and falls into a jar in the center of the room.

The jar is more than two meters high and there are many pipe connections around it. After being put in, the composite covers the lid of the jar.

‘嗡...’ Lynn heard the sound of the jar running. With the sound, the jar was slowly filled with water, and the egg of the godfather floated up, and finally it was completely invaded in the water.

Then, Lynn found some strange substances on the bottom of the jar.

It looks like a pile of paste, even if it's in the water, it doesn't spread out, it slowly floats up and wraps the god's egg...

At this moment, Lin found that she could not see the surrounding environment. It seems that the ability of the instructor to detect was isolated by this paste.

However, the feeling of the Master can still be felt, it seems that the paste slowly infiltrates into the outer shell of the egg, mixed with the unborn father.

The surrounding scenery changed at this time, and everything showed a completely pure white color... The Master has been born from the egg in this pure white world, floating in the air as a fat and round creature.

And the creator, the huge spiral creature, is appearing right in front of the horizon.

Its voice also rang.

"Although, I haven't been born yet, but you already know a lot of things." The spiral creature's voice is low and shocking, and the original instructor should have been subjected to a very strong brainwave.

"Your ancestors, these are passed on to you, but you must forget them and forget them..."

Lin found that what spiral organisms say seems to be the genetic way of brain worms.

The new brain worm will gain the knowledge of the old brainworm knowledge and memory, and the spiral creature seems to be trying to get rid of this part of the genetic memory.

If so, it would be best to do this when it was first born.

"You will get a part of me."

Under the words of the spiral creature, its huge body suddenly floated down a small piece and slowly approached this side.

In the end, it is glued to the body of the Master...

...Does this mean that the jar that was seen before was like a paste-like thing that was actually part of the creator?

"You will know, everything, small creatures, powerful creatures, you will understand."

"You will understand our lives, our things, everything we do..."

"You will fight for me to the last moment, and eventually, you will be me."

During the ‘creator’ speech, the surrounding white scenery is constantly changing.

It shows a lot of strange scenery, it seems that a bunch of weird colors are piled up together, which is very similar to the world that Lynn sees with 'color eyes'. The wonderful scenery, the changing colors, almost nothing actually seen. object.

However, without knowing what these things mean, Lin defines those things that the color eye sees as 'temporarily inaccessible things', and the current research is very rare.

After the words were finished, the huge figure of the creator disappeared, and the colorful world around it disappeared.

What appeared again in front of me was the jar filled with water.

The leader, also born from the egg.

Although floating in the water, but there is no suffocation, it looks puzzled at the surrounding environment, it seems that I feel quite curious about everything...

PS: Thanks for the reward of EX9~

Thanks ~ Extreme North Throne ~ Yan Teng ~ sluggish eyes ~ monthly ticket ~

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