4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 286: Desert edge

The dust of the desert is no longer continuing here.

Here is the edge of the desert. Inside the eastern continent, a wonderful plant with spherical leaves grows on the edge of the sand. They are like border lines, drawing a trace between the desert and the land.

The 50-meter-long arrow stone slowly flew down from the air and landed on a sand dune.

'Boom--! At the moment when the arrow fell, there was a loud noise in the distance. A crystal-like object landed on the ground and splashed with dust.

Lin called it something... ‘explosive crystal carrier.’

Just like the name, it is used to load crystal bombs. During Lin's journey to find the kingdom of heaven, I encountered many similar things. These things surprised Lin, mainly because of their quantity.

It's really very, very much... Just like the crystallization bombs that Lin had encountered in the sand, and in the air, these 'explosive bomb carriers' are also scattered in the sea of ​​clouds.

They are usually hidden in large clouds, and when Lin's troops approach, they attack.

Their structure is very simple, that is, there are several crystal bombs in a large crystal, but some carriers have special defensive arms, which Lin calls it a 'crystal saw'.

Like a saw, cut the target with a sharp edge and fly in a spin.

Unlike the crystal bombs in the sand that are not rebellious, these things are attacked by the madness of Lin, which makes the arrow stone suffer a lot. Some shells of the arrow stone are blown up, and there are many blood. loss.

Therefore, the arrow stone landed here, and it is planned to carry out some recovery first.

Lin has hardly ever been to this place, so I can see some novel things here, and these novel things have some help for Lin.

A group of weird creatures. Appeared in Lin's vision.

These creatures are more than a meter long and look like Snapdragons, but they have no tail, their heads are round, and the spine of the back bursts out. The whole body looks like a cognac that crawls.

So Lin called them to do the blame, this is a creature between the jade and the reptile.

These creatures can only be seen on the edge of this desert. And those plants that are like border lines are also planted by them...

The large plants growing on the edge of the desert, Lin called them blood tree, usually about two meters in height, there is no green structure on the body, and a red sphere grows from the branches.

It looks like a blood ball. In fact, it is the real blood ball, and they have a strange relationship with the dry monster.

The actual dryness is not so dry, but when they are young, they will be parasitized by the seeds of the blood tree. These trees will grow directly from the skin of the larvae, absorb the blood and produce a blood cell. These blood cells are actually inflated leaves, but they are not green anymore.

When the blame is adult, some of its blood will be cleaned and the body will become like a dead body, but they will still survive, when they will pull the grown tree out of the body and plant it on the ground. And feed on the blood cells it produces.

Adult dry blame will not be parasitic. However, the blood cells that eat mixed seeds in childhood may be parasitized, and then repeat the previous process.

Cognac will also capture other creatures, kill them and bury them under the blood tree to ‘feed' the tree, so that the blood tree leaves the parasite and can continue to grow, and the dry blame also has a continuous blood ball to eat.

They form a symbiotic relationship in this wonderful way.

Therefore, they now also want to attack Lin's arrow stone, no matter how big the target is. They will all try it.

A large group of cognac climbed up the sand dunes around the head of the stone, and they seemed to be thinking about how to attack the target, dragging the target back to something like that. The arrow stone looks like it has been hurt so that they feel they can deal with it.

However, the arrow stone first moved, a tentacle instantly shot from the mouth of the arrow stone, stuck a dry blame and dragged it into the mouth.

The dry grotesque around them suddenly jumped, and they yelled and fled.

The dry blame in the mouth of the stone was pierced into the brain by a tiny tentacle and slowly connected to its brain.

This kind of biological memory is very good, so this is one of the reasons why the arrow stone landed here. Lin can use them to make some observations...

In fact, the position where the arrow stone is now is the area where the creator's heaven is located.

The various materials in the heavens that I have seen from the dream of the Master, such as climate, microbes, temperature, etc., can only conform to this position at the border of the desert. This is the only place. ......

However, Lin did not find anything. Now there are many small arms flying in the air. There are only a few floating clouds in their horizons. Each cloud has a diameter of only tens of meters.

Under the ground, Lin is also looking for, but in addition to the sand only mud, there is no reaction with a wide range of detection such as brain waves or sound.

Only the smell, the air is full of suspicious smells, like the smell of alloys.

But there is no specific distribution location, just scattered in this place, can not find a specific target.

There are several possibilities. One is that the position of the kingdom of heaven has changed. If it is a floating thing, you can freely change its position. Another possibility is that they are hidden.

However, even if they are hidden now, the past should not be kept hidden.

So the creatures that have lived here for a long time should have seen something right.

But the cognac that I caught now only lived for a few years. There is no thing that Lin wants to see in memory, but in its memory, Lin sees other useful things.

If you want to see the long-term situation in this area, you must find the one with the longest life among them.

The arrow stone spit it out, then slowly floated from the ground and flew over the **** trees in front.

The following grotesque grotesquely watched the arrows fly over. They shouted and grabbed some gravel and gravel and threw them here. When the arrows approached, they fled in horror.

Among them, you can also see some obese pussy, and there are two small trees on the back.

However, Lin is not looking for this group of creatures, but a huge creature in the woods...

Now that Lynne has seen it, its size is twice that of other dry blame. It can be called ‘dry elders. ’

This dry blame has been alive for a long time. Like some reptiles, they have no life limit. As long as they are alive, they can continue to grow.

The elders fled backwards when they saw the arrow stone, but the arrow stone shot the tentacles at a faster speed, and instantly wrapped around its head.

The arrow stone retracted the tentacles and pulled the elders up.

‘Hey! At the same time, a voice rang...

At this moment, the elder's body was covered with countless cracks in an instant, and then its body collapsed, and the blood scatters like a fountain.

In less than a second, the elder's body has disappeared and become a pile of minced meat on the ground.

This is... I saw a bright reflection in the sky in the distance.

The arrow stone changed a little for the eyeball used for farsightedness, and you can see that the reflection is actually a crystalline structure, and the attack just made is obviously what it does.

The structure stayed in the air for a few seconds, and then turned and flew away from here.

Obviously, its attack is not directed at the stone, but specifically for the elder. Does it mean that the creator is deliberate? However, it seems to have some... mistakes.

Because it only shattered the elder's body, the elder's head was still in the tentacles of the arrow.

At the moment it shattered, the arrow stone protected it, first stopping the blood, then quickly connecting and providing nutrients so that the creature could survive even if there was only one head left...

The elders have been living for more than 50 years, and during this period of life, they must have seen a lot of things.

In the case of the structure attack, it must have seen some important things.

Then let's take a look at its memory.

Lin, once again entered the dream.

This piece of sand seems to have not changed since a few decades ago... Although the scenery is rather vague, it is hard to remember for such creatures.

Lin observed its entire dream at a very fast speed. Lin saw the growth, hunting, eating, etc. of this creature, and also saw the scene in the air.

Almost thirty years ago, a huge object appeared in the air.

It seems that it suddenly appeared there, because the dry blame does not often look up at the sky, and occasionally looked up 30 years ago, let Lin see this thing.

It is bigger than any cloud island that Lynd has ever seen... it can be said to be the mainland in the air.

But how big is the specific size, I can't see it in this dream... Presumably, this is heaven.

Lin accelerated her dreams to the nearest time and found that during this period, every time the cognac occasionally looked up, I could see the place of heaven.

Until recently, hundreds of days and nights, this floating thing suddenly disappeared.

There is no trace of movement, no sound, because it is the most recent memory, this part is also relatively clear...

But Lynn knows at least that it was not hiding because of Lyn's attack, but for other reasons.

Where are you hiding?

Lynn thinks it should be in that direction...

Thinking, Lin looked at the plains in the distance...

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