4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 305: Creator and creator

This is an awkward world...

Endless fog, floating in the air, and in the mist of the mist, a dark, floating object is looming.

It looks like a castle and an island.

Although it is rather confusing, you can confirm that it is the base outside.

Lin woke up from her dreams...

In front of Lynn's eyes, there was a soft figure, which was the controller who controlled the escape of the ship, and just now, Lin looked at its memory a little.

What is in memory is the target that it is now preparing to go to – a huge place outside the mainland of the East...

Although I can't see the size, Lin thinks it must be much bigger than the ship of Muktu.

After Lin took away the memory crystallization, the controller immediately changed the course and pointed the ship's target to the outside base.

This feeling is very strange, its goal is actually so far from here, why should we escape to such a far place? It is still not clear at present. If you continue to look at the memory in the depths, you may let this controller dissolve itself. It also has a false memory.

At present, Lin can only see the more hidden memory, but through this part, Lin can also know a lot of information.

For example, the specific location of the base, and the giant tower that it is equipped with for attack.

There are five towers in the tower, and the tower can fly out of the base at any time and serve as an attack.

It is accurate to say that the controller's escape boat does not fly to the base, but flies to a tower, and it flies to the target. It happened to be the tower above the dinosaur continent.

Therefore, Lin can accurately intercept it. After Lin destroyed the tower, the controller changed the target of the escape boat to the main base...

Lin can now reach the base by just following it.

In fact, Lynn feels that there may be some other way to know the location of the base, such as... Mao Yu.

The golden hydrangea appeared on the northern continent, and there are many dinosaur continents. The number has been so many that it is impossible to let go so much. Why? Because they are not flying out of the East.

Lin’s pompom, now I’m looking at these golden hairs in one place...

"Wow, oh oh!" This is a village by the river. A large number of bone buildings stand on the ground, and within one of the largest buildings, a group of gnomes are opening a banquet.

A group of golden cedars were tied to the bones in the center of the room by the gnomes. Several gnomes danced and beat the jade with bone sticks.

Whenever the jade was beaten, the surrounding dwarfs would make a burst of cheers, they sipped with strange liquids. The atmosphere of the entire venue is quite lively.

"You must destroy!" "You will split!"

Those golden hairs are talking about angry words, but they can't do anything.

The pompoms flew over the heads of these cheering gnomes. Lin didn't hide, and the gnomes didn't care about the pompoms. The pompoms flew to a gnome who was beating the golden pheasant and said to him loudly: "Wow!"

"Wow? Wow!" The gnome turned his head. Knocked the ground twice with a bone stick.

When the pompoms are seen, two small shark teeth are squeezed out of the fluff and thrown into the front of the gnome.

"Wow!" The gnome immediately grabbed two shark teeth with excitement, and then yelled at it. Several gnomes ran over and loosened the tied yuyu. Throw the jade to the pompon.

The pompoms wrapped around the jade and then flew away from this lively place.

Gnomes have now seen trading behavior. And this pompon long looks forward to being familiar with them in this area, and the bones of marine life are extremely precious things for gnomes. It is easier to use this method than to steal directly.

The pompoms stretched the fluff into some cracks on the surface of the golden sapphire and quickly penetrated into it.

This Maoyu seems to have entered a state of slumber. It is estimated that it is impossible to endure the gnome's beat. Therefore, there is no resistance when the pompoms are drilled in.

Lin can see that there is no ordinary controller in the body of this jade, but something that Lin is more familiar with - splitting the brain.

It is a special kind of thing that the brain blame eats after the brains of other creatures.

To be precise, the controller has a split brain in the body. It seems to swallow the split brain, but it does not digest the split brain, but lives with it...

So, is this done?

Lin actually only saw this situation now. Before Lin also thought that they absorbed the memory of brain-making monsters, because these Jin Maoyu's character and brain-making strange... have some similarities.

It seems that these golden sapphire are found in the split brain of this continent and then let the controller swallow it and mix it.

In addition, Jin Maoyu here also has some special places, they are not equipped with 'Lin' detectors, so they are not used to detect Lin.

And what are they doing here? In fact, the answer to this question can be seen everywhere.

In the distant wasteland, a thick tree root protrudes from the ground, and there is a golden jade on the root of the tree, which is smashed with broken bark.

Yes, they... are studying the real creators here.

Every time you see a creator revealing the roots of the ground, there will be a lot of golden nectar gathered in the past, they scrape the bark from above, or dig out any parts that may be taken, swallow these parts until the upper limit of load After flying away.

If they interfere with them, they will try to summon the giant tower to destroy the target.

They are often attacked by many creatures here, but there have been no giant towers in the dinosaur continent. The act of summoning giant towers has only recently been done.

It should be just after the creators of the sea of ​​clouds intended to destroy them, they were given this right.

And their research here may have been going on for a while.

What do they do with this completely dead creature? What research do they want to do?

However, Jin Maoyu only has the instruction of 'acquisition' in his memory, and there is no information about the research.

They will send the collection back to the tower, but the tower has been destroyed by Lin, and they continue to collect here.

And there is no related research room in the tower. The tower can basically be said to be a pure weapon.

That is to say, the main research site should be in the main base, and the golden jade uses a multi-controller method, which makes it difficult for Lin to find the base position.

However, Lin only needs to wait for the escape boat to reach the target location.

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