4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 308: Dream armament

"For the glory of the king! We need to call new soldiers now!"

The flames of the burning of the port have subsided, and the reconstruction of the city has also begun.

The emerald dragons carried various building materials and built up again destroyed houses.

However, there is a house that is built faster than any other building, that is, ‘recruitment’.

This is a stone building. There are many jade dragons in the seemingly simple square hall. They all look in one direction. Several Emerald dragons on the high platform are giving them the 'procedures' to join the army. .

"We need to fight back! We can't be attacked by those strange monsters at will, but can only wait for the rescue of the king, and the weak who wait only will not be worthy of being the king's people!"

An emerald dragon, which was the captain who had participated in the battle before, was also one of the organizers of the event. The voice shouting on the stage caused a lot of jade dragons to pay attention.

The giant tower that descended from the sky, its devastating ability caused great fear to the jade dragons, but after the battle, some emerald dragons had other ideas, they felt that they should use all their strength to protect their territory, if they were Intrusion, you must fight back.

The jade dragons gathered here are mostly dragons with such ideas.

"Oh... countering what, it’s stupid." But there are some jade dragons who have different ideas. They come to persuade the dragon here. In the following one, the emerald dragon said: "Why do you want to die? You think What harm can our troops really do to that monster?"

"Oh." There are some emerald dragons attached below: "I really want revenge, but what can we do to deal with that monster?"

"It used to be impossible. But it is different now. You come with me." The captain said that he jumped from the high platform. Out of this building, other emerald dragons will follow.

After the building, the captain walked to the left side of the building with the emerald dragon. There was a strange thing on the ground, which looked like a stone ball with a diameter of more than five meters.

"What is this?" "I was strange before I came in."

The surrounding emerald dragons discussed in confusion, and the captain tapped the stone ball at this moment. The stone ball suddenly opened a hole and saw a silvery thing in the hole.

"Hey! Is this the scream of the sound!" The emerald dragon below suddenly made a scream.

"Not bad. It is the sound of the sound!" The captain said: "As long as we have this, we can gain tremendous strength."

"But... isn't this something in 'dreams outside the world'?" An emerald dragon asked in surprise: "The things in the outer world should definitely not be brought out..."

"Yes, but the legendary alien master 'storm.g. blood fog' recently discovered ways to bring some alien things to the world. Although there are not many items that can be brought, it is enough to make us strong. Who, take that thing."

“Hey!” As the captain ordered, an emerald dragon took out a shiny alloy plate from the building, and then placed the alloy plate under the wall of the house.

"This is the monster shell fragment that attacked the port before. Our original arrow can't be shot anyway. But this is the case..."

The captain lifted the ‘sounding voice’ and pointed it at the piece under the wall. The surrounding emerald dragons were immediately seen off.

At the moment when it buckled down, a burst of sound rang at the same time. When the dragon’s eyes did not react, the sharp arrows penetrated the alloy material, and even half of the arrows penetrated. In the back wall, the wall also had a lot of cracks due to the piercing of the arrow.

"Hey!" The emerald dragons around them all cried in surprise. The shell of the original monster tower was almost indestructible for them, but this trick was easily done.

"And this arrow can also be launched continuously." The captain pointed at the sky, and the continuous humming sound came from the moment, and several arrows instantly rushed to the sky, disappearing without a trace.

"Of course, we don't just have this kind of embarrassment!" The captain shouted with open hands: "There are a lot of dreams in the world, we can bring it over! We will use them to achieve our victory and enemy. The end of the day! Come on! Join the new army and join the ranks of revenge! Let the monster know that there is a price to attack our port!"

"Oh oh oh!" Seeing this scene, the Emerald Dragons cheered excitedly, and almost all the Emerald Dragons shouted to join the battle.

The captain said with satisfaction: "If you want to join, you will immediately enter the recruitment room to register! After joining, you will have combat training. Each dragon that has completed the combat training can get a set of out-of-bounds equipment!"

"Oh, I want to participate!" "I have survived ninety-nine day and night masters in the **** of dreams!"

"I still have a little bit of things, you should go to sign up first." Looking at the excitement of the jade dragons, the captain slowly withdrew from this lively group.

It went to the back of the building and walked in from a small, inconspicuous door. It was a small room behind the building. There were a lot of fluffy helmets on the corner of the shelf. The captain picked up a helmet and wore it. On his own head.

The vision around it changed instantly.

The narrow room turned into a vast green plain, while the captain stood on a hill and looked at the vast land below.

Hundreds of emerald dragons are moving on the green plains, carrying boxes of various weapons and equipment in their hands and stacking them in front of a giant gate in the distance.

This giant door is made of crystal, its door is wide open, and there is a strange brilliance in the door. The jade dragons are throwing those weapons and equipment into the gate.

"They will pass through that door to reach our world." The captain suddenly sounded a voice behind him, seeing a tall figure, muscles protruding, wearing a strange outfit, holding a crystal-colored double-edged axe, looking very powerful emerald The dragon stood behind it.

"Hey! The alien master ‘storm.g. blood fog’!” The captain immediately bowed to it.

"Hip, let me see the blood fog." This jade dragon said: "Now my troops have sent a large amount of equipment to the 'real door', but these equipments can't appear in our world out of thin air, but also need to be mined. A large number of minerals only need to put the mineral debris into the 'white ball', and the minerals inside will be changed into the form of equipment, so that we can truly bring the weapons of the outer world to our world."

"Yes, I have already announced Wangcheng, and our mining work has already begun." The captain said: "We will soon be able to cultivate an army with new equipment."

"It's very good, let the monsters know our strength." The blood fog said: "After its attack, I found a way to take the equipment out here in an ancient relic of the 'Phantom of the Plains'. This is really It’s too clever.”

"Oh... unfortunately, there are no special weapons and equipment that can be taken out. We can only bring out our usual weapons, such as shackles or axes, but they are powerful."

The captain said: "Yes, I believe this is the gift of the king to us. Even if there is only this, we can defeat the monster! Kill anything that can threaten us!"

"Oh! It’s right! Everyone should know the role of our alien wanderers!" Blood Mist said: "Right, since you are here, let’s take a look at our new allies, there are a lot of equipment. It is also what they provide."

"New allies?" When the captain asked questioningly, a gray figure appeared in front of it.

"Gray... is you?"


It seems that this progress is very smooth.

At the same time, in the canyon town of Emerald Dragon, a ball of fluff floated to the side of a luxurious high-rise stone building, watching the situation inside.

Through the window of the golden beetle shell, you can see an emerald dragon lying on the bed inside. The bed of this emerald dragon is filled with all kinds of fruits and meat, while the jade dragon sleeping on the bed It is a good contrast with the surrounding food, it is quite ... fat.

It is much larger than the average jade dragon, regardless of the face, body shape, even the tail is two times thicker than other jade dragons, and the weight is about twice that of the average dragon.

This emerald dragon is almost inactive on the ground, but in the dream, it is called the 'master of the aliens' storm. g. blood fog, whenever it appears, the weapons in its hands can wave like a storm, The enemy will instantly turn into a fog of blood.

As for the middle g, Lin doesn't know what it means.

This jade dragon, originally born in the Guimin family, stayed in the dream except for eating and sleeping. The long-term activity in the dream made it extremely powerful in the dream, and it appeared in the dream a large number of jade Dragon followers, together with their dreams, have established a new kingdom of emerald dragons.

But the counter-effect of the power in the dream is that it is obese in reality, long-term inactivity causes the body to become difficult to move, but its body is still functioning so well that it can be in a dream Always 'live' down.

Occasionally, this dragon is particularly dependent on dreams, especially the nobles. It can be said to be the king in the dream. Therefore, Lin only needs to find it, and it is easy to implement this plan...

Put some of the equipment in the dream to let them go out and let them have the power to fight the creator. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ wind and moon war ghost ~ small book pet ~ ask159 ~ monthly ticket ~

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