4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 325: Horizon fleet

"It’s blue when you look up. It’s blue when you look up. What is it?”

"Don't play! Pay attention to the front and the sides!"

Under a blue sky, among the thin clouds, there are countless behemoths moving slowly...

They exude the brilliance of metal, and a huge ship marches on the sky as it sails on the sea.

These ships vary in size, some are only a dozen meters, while others are large ships of several tens of meters long. They are shaped by the knowledge learned in the silver armor and dreams. Under the roar, these giant ships flew in the sky and were flying at a steady speed.

On a ‘flagship’ that is more than 80 meters long, the warrior captain of the Emerald Dragon stood at the bow of the ship, and observed the surrounding environment with something called a foreseeable ball.

"It seems that we are close to the goal." The captain looked at the sphere in his hand. The sphere looked transparent and showed some glowing dots. These points represent the surrounding ships and can also show the surrounding. The state of the environment.

This ball is also a treasure from the 'dreams of the world'. It is said that the blood fog is found in a treasure trove of the country called Nightmare. This ball can even predict the future.

And it can also enlarge the image inside by using the claw tip to show a farther scene...

After zooming in several times, the captain found a large black shadow in the distance from his own fleet, and that was their target - the city of monsters.

Because I didn't think about the name, I was so applauded for the time being.

"Let's go! What happened to the Grey Fleet?" the captain said as he looked at an emerald dragon next to him.

"Oh! Yes!" The liaison soldier carried a roll of something like a cortex. It spreads the skin on the ground, and then it shows a three-dimensional shape of the dragon.

"Hey!" "Hey, oh?" "Hey!"

The liaison officer communicated with the dragon displayed on the skin. After saying it for a while, it said to the captain: "They have approached the target from the north! As long as we are at the current speed, we can perfectly match the enemy!"

"Very good." The captain said: "If that is the case..."

"Captain!" suddenly shouted on the tower on the deck of the ship: "The enemy is attacked in the distance, it seems to be the kind of thing called crystal bomb!"

"What?" The captain immediately shouted at the foreseeable ball in his hand: "All prepared to defend! The small spacecraft quickly dispersed, the shooters went to their respective positions! The action is fast!"

The captain's voice was magnified many times in an instant, echoing throughout the sky, the boat flying around the big ship immediately receded, and the big ship moved forward. The soldiers of the Emerald Dragon acted quickly in the ship, each of them went to the position of the control gun, while the sides of the hull and the head extended the neatly arranged guns on the deck of the ship. Ten towers were also raised, and the weapons on them were enough to align in any direction.

Every emerald dragon is holding the gun in his hand and the captain on the boat. Then he focused on the sphere in his hand. Suddenly, it found a lot of red dots in front of the fleet.

Although the target was not directly visible on the ship, the captain shouted decisively: "North, two-thirds of the sun, shooting!"

‘Hey! ‘It’s like the sound of a bomb bursting. Countless arrows are fired at the same time, with almost no hesitation arrows.

These arrows disappeared instantly on the edge of the horizon, then...

'boom--! ! ! There was a roar of explosions in the distance. The red dot in the crystal ball in the captain's hand disappeared instantly. It said with satisfaction: "Very good! Successfully shot down the target. Go ahead!"

The Emerald Dragons breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the first time they attacked without seeing the target at all. Only by looking at the light spots that appear can you know whether it is successful or not.

"Be careful!" But they just relaxed for a dozen seconds, and the captain’s voice rang again: "There was a big target again in the position! Shoot! Shoot!"

‘Hey! Under the captain’s voice, countless arrows flew out again, and the distant sky once again rang a roaring sound. The captain once again saw the red dots in the crystal ball dissipate, and it was a little relieved...

Then it became nervous again in an instant, and it found that some red dots did not disappear! And is approaching here quickly!

"Shooting! There are still a few!" The captain screamed, but with countless arrows flying, it found that the red dots were still there, and the distance was already close to...the state that can be seen.

"That is..." The captain stood on the deck and found a flash of light in the thin clouds in the distance. In the next second, three flashing objects flew out from the inside and crashed before the captain reacted. The head of the vessel.

'boom! At this moment, the whole ship slammed, and the jade dragon in the boat almost fell to the ground.

However, the ship's sturdy head saved them, and after the explosion, the bow was just a few smoky, without any damage or cracks.

"I will miss it... Why can't I hit it?" The captain quickly climbed up from the deck: "Analysis!"

"Hey! It's analyzing now!" In the cabin, a group of emerald dragons have heard the command of the captain. They are working quickly around a ball. The ball is exactly the same as the foreseeable ball, but it is a lot bigger. This is not used to foresee the future, but to watch the past.

"The appearance of the past! Hey!" An emerald dragon took out a stick and knocked the ball. The ball showed an image on it. The scenery inside the image changed rapidly and almost nothing was seen.

"This is what the arrow sees!" Jade Dragon said: "Now slow it down a hundred times, no, the slower the better, until you see it clearly."

"Hey!" The Jade Dragons quickly adjusted, and they made the image slower and slower, and soon they saw the scenery seen in the previous arrow's flight.

Some arrows have the ability to 'see things' and they can send what they see into the ball. This is one of the items in ‘dreams outside the world’...

"It turns out." Several Emerald Dragons found that the array of multiple arrows almost shot all the crystals, but three crystals would evade these arrows, causing them to pass through them.

“It’s the same.” The captain said immediately after hearing the report: “In this case, use the ‘that’ arrow!”

PS: Thanks ~ 588~ of EX9~

Thanks ~HighWind~月下华灯~k1ryfx~闫腾~

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