4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 330: massacre

"Oh ah ah -!!! Charge!"

The wreckage and debris were spilled over the hall of the castle, and the sound of screaming echoed in the castle of the sky.


Under the blasting arrows, one after another fell in front of the Emerald Dragons, and the green warriors made a heroic cry, killing a path of metal fragments within the castle.

After the end of the air war, the emerald dragon also boarded the fort and invaded the interior of the castle, defeated the defenders in the inner hall, and drove straight along the largest passage. Their purpose was to reach the castle. Core.

An army called the Assault Shield opened the road ahead, and they held a huge shield that was about the same height as themselves, and could cope with any sudden appearance in front.

"It’s an enemy!" A dozen clusters of spiders suddenly appeared in the distance of dozens of meters. The emerald dragons immediately squatted behind the shield. At about the same time, the glare of the light illuminates the entire passage. .

And these lights hit the shield but could not penetrate the past, or even left a small mark.

"Hip-Hop! This is the 'Earth Shield' that has the strongest resistance to the flames in the dream world!" The captain of the Emerald Dragon Charger behind the shield is conducting the command. After the captain's sacrifice, it will be the front line. Command.

‘Hey! 'The sound of the arrow is like an explosion. The arrow that is several times faster than before is shot from the shield, and it is instantly nailed to the structure that has just shot the light. They become a needle-like jade. The shape, while making a sizzling sound. One side fell to the ground.

"Unspeakable! Charge!" Under the triumph of the captain Emerald Dragon, the emerald dragon's troops moved behind the shield and moved forward. Among the broken structures, some soft controllers climbed out of them, but they were quickly stepped on by the emerald dragon army that followed.

However, there are also emerald dragons stepping on something that should not be stepped on.

'boom! The sound of the explosion caused a group of front-mounted shielded emerald dragons to fly high into the air. They directly hit the top of the passage and then fell heavily on the ground...

"Stop! There are traps in front!" The captain of Jade Dragon raised his hand and the whole unit stopped.

"At this point, we should use this." The captain took out an oval-shaped egg from the pocket. When it puts this thing on the ground, it suddenly stretches out a lot of legs and rushes to the front channel.

When it ran to a location, it retracted its legs and made a drop of sound.

"Hurry back and kneel down!" The captain suddenly screamed, and the entire team immediately retreated a distance of tens of meters. Then, the entire channel suddenly came a loud noise, and the jade dragon hiding behind the shield felt that there was a The huge force of the stock is hitting their shields.

After the impact stopped, they looked further. I saw that the passage was covered with blackened potholes, and the entire passage was distorted by the blow.

"Oh... this trap is terrible." The jade dragons couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if they just walked over.

"Don't be afraid!" said the captain: "We have equipment help from the outside world, and Wang is also sheltering us and moving forward!"

"Oh oh!"

The Emerald Dragons continued to advance through the city and passed through the torn, distorted passages, which were a more spacious place in front of them. At the end of the place there is a huge metal gate.

"This should be the door to the inside." Captain Emerald took out a sphere and said: "The ball is foreseen, and behind it is the crystallization chamber, which contains a lot of crystals."

"Jade?" behind the Emerald Dragon immediately became excited: "Captain, let's go in!"

The jade dragons quickly ran to the gate, but the door was dozens of meters. It’s much taller than the previous entrance to the dragon in the north, and it seems that there is almost no possibility of opening...

"Don't worry. The ball shows that this door has a thick defense, but we also have a way." Looking at the unsuccessful troops, the captain shouted: "The back, let the road open, push that over!"

"Hey!" The Jade Dragons immediately got to the sides, only to see behind the troops, a group of emerald dragons pushed a large object and came over here.

"Oh... this is the legend..." "Yes, it’s absolutely legendary!" "I didn't expect to see it here!"

The emerald dragons standing on both sides were all amazed, although they knew that this offense had this thing, but few dragons had seen it.

The object covered the leather, and it was more than ten meters long. There were a lot of wheels under it. A group of burly dragons pushed the thing hard, and they pushed it to the door and stopped.

Then, several emerald dragons pulled down the leather covering them, and the emerald dragons suddenly made a noise!

I saw a huge mouth with an angry eye-catching dragon appearing under the cortex, although it was only the head, but its almost perfect sculpture looks like a real dragon.

"This is... the roar of Poseidon!" In the army, the exclamation of the Emerald Dragon sounded again: "It is said that this thing can smash all the targets, and will not affect the innocent!"

"Not bad!" The captain said loudly: "This is the weapon that the Captain of the Blood Mist has personally shaped in the ancient times. Now it has brought our world, we can use it to defeat all enemy forces, ready to shoot!"

"Hey!" The two emerald dragons stood behind the 'bossing of Poseidon', and they carefully operated some launchers behind the weapon.

And the operation is strange, they are throwing some star-shaped stones into the small opening in the back, and then pull the lever next to it.

In fact, no Emerald Dragon knows what the structure is like, even ‘Storm. G. Blood Fog’, but they know how to make it work.

The dragon's eyes glowed, and the interior began to make a strange noise.

"Hey! Hurry back!" The surrounding emerald dragon quickly escaped to the side, and then a huge noise rang...

It was like the roar of a large number of bombs that had just been detonated. The closer Jade Dragon was shaken to the ground with a strong impact. When they reacted, a large hole had appeared in the metal gate in front. And countless cracks spread around this big hole...

‘咔. Suddenly, a piece of metal fell off the edge of the hole.

As the metal fell, the entire door suddenly collapsed, and the metal pieces fell down piece by piece along with the cracks, and the entire door collapsed.

"Oh oh oh!" The Jade Dragons cheered up, but they were not entirely because of the broken door.

But because after the collapsed gate, there is a shiny object...

A crystal statue of a huge height of more than ten meters, it stands tens of meters away from the gate, and has not been affected by the explosion.

This object is enough to make all the emerald dragons crazy, but they are all trained soldiers, so they can still stay in place until the captain orders, but obviously many emerald dragons seem to want to immediately rush to move the statue away.

This kind of emotion caused them not to think about why this crystallization is the appearance of the jade dragon.

The captain is not so anxious because he is usually well-paid, and it is against the surrounding emerald dragon road: "Be careful of the trap and move forward slowly."

The Emerald Dragons, as before, held their shields slowly toward the front. They stepped through the broken metal gates and walked into the room where the statues were placed.

And as they entered, they were quite quiet all the way, without any attacks or traps until they reached...the statue.

There are not only statues in the shape of an emerald dragon, but crystal statues of various shapes are everywhere in the room. Walking between these statues, the jade dragons have widened their eyes...

"Oh... we should carry them away." There is an emerald dragon who can't help it.

"How big is it?" Another jade dragon said: "We should still..."

When it was not finished, it suddenly stopped, and the whole body of this jade dragon seemed to be fixed.

"What's wrong with you?" The first Emerald Dragon pushed his shoulders puzzled.

In the moment when its hand touched the emerald dragon, the body of the jade dragon fell down, but only half of the body could see a **** internal organ from the side.

The other half of the body, after standing for a few seconds, fell down, and the internal organs were covered with ground.


It just wanted to scream, but it was not called because its body is the same as this companion...

These two emerald dragons were cut directly at the center and fell to the ground.

"It's a trap!" The emerald dragons around him screamed, but they just lifted their legs and found that they could not feel their feet.

Numerous rays of light flashed between the crystallized statues. In the blink of an eye, all the jade dragons in the room were turned into residual limbs and fragments.

But only the brain is still in a relatively complete state.

"Oh ah!" The Emerald Dragon, who did not enter the room at the back, screamed and screamed back, and at this time, strange situations appeared in the crystallized statue area of ​​the whole meat.

After the surrounding emerald dragon was completely chopped, some of the crystallized statues moved. They climbed to the jade dragon's still intact brain, crushed the brain structure inside, and quickly swallowed it in...

In the bodies of some of the more transparent crystalline statues, it can be seen that these brain pastes continue to flow along the pipes in their bodies, and these pipes extend out of their bodies and are connected to other places...

PS: Thank you ~ He Sky~ monthly ticket~

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