
In the passage after the war, there is a lingering scent...

Throughout the passage, you can see the blackened bodies and stumps everywhere. Some of them are scorched by the light, and some are blown up by the explosion. In addition to the dragon's body, you can see some blackened trees and gnomes. Among these wrecks, one can see a huge metal tyrannosaurus lying on the ground, it is covered with cracks, and a lot of arrowheads are inserted.

At the side of the tyrannosaurus, there are also many small structures of wreckage, all of which means that I have experienced a fierce war here.

The winner of this war is the dragon and the emerald dragon that gasp here.

They used their weapons to support their bodies and looked at the wreckage of their companions. There was no fear in their eyes, but there was no joy of victory.

It has a feeling of ‘firm’.

"We...we must move on." In the center of the passage, an obese jade dragon squatted on the ground, and there were many burnt parts on it, and the original boat was destroyed, but it did not want to give up. It looks like even if it is fat, it tries hard to get up.

This is mainly because it has experienced many ‘save the world’ battles in ‘dreams outside the world’, and the surrounding jade dragons are somewhat affected by its emotions...

The generals braced their bodies and raised their hands and said: "We have already defeated their strongest defenses. Now they should have no resistance and can go directly to the core!"

"Oh..." The emerald dragon around him stood up. Their expressions are also firmer.

Although they have experienced fierce battles, they believe that this is a sign of victory. This makes the will of these emerald dragons to become more expensive.

"You! Responsible for liaising with the ship and let the reinforcements come over! You! Responsible for searching the bodies here and seeing if their equipment can be used!" The general said: "We must prepare quickly..."

When the words were not finished, it was too tired to sit on the ground. At this time, it looked to the side of the dragon road: "Hey, what are your plans?"

"..." The dragons did not respond, they just stood in the same place and looked at the body.

"..." Because the liaison soldier died, the general who did not know the slang did not know how to communicate. Therefore, the exchanges between the two armies were interrupted.

However, the cooperation between them has not been interrupted.

After a while, the emerald dragons arrived from the ship's side of the ship, because they followed the road they walked, so it was quite fast, and they also brought a new boat to the general.

A total of tens of thousands of emerald dragons participated in the battle, but most of them were on standby outside the ship. Only a few hundred dragons enter the castle, so they can call reinforcements at any time.

The dragons did not call for reinforcements, but their losses were lower than those of the Jade Dragon, and they were ready for the next battle. There is no plan to withdraw.

The two prepared armies began to move forward again in this passage.

They walked through the wreckage of the land and came to a hall, and as before, there was also a door made of metal.

"Oh... the foreseeable ball shows. The core is there." The general sat on the boat and moved to the front of the gate: "We just need to destroy it. We can use that weapon..."

"Hey! General!" A new liaison soldier said to the general: "The gray dragons said they would let the big tree open the door."

The general said: "Big tree? No, or use 'Bossington's roaring', just open it and tell them."

"But..." The liaison soldier looked a little embarrassed.

"Don't be." The general said, shouting to the troops behind him: "Come on the pulsation of 'Poseidon'!"

And just when they had not decided yet, the door suddenly heard a bang, and the metal door slowly rose...

The dragons present at the scene immediately made a combat posture, but what emerged after the raised gate was not the structural body, but... a tree.

This tree is up to tens of meters high, and its shape is like a pillar between the houses, and its roots are like the dense tentacles that fill the surrounding ground.

What surprised the Emerald Dragon most was that a large number of transparent pipes were connected to the middle of the trees, and liquids were continuously transported to the trees.

Moreover, these pipes are not like being inserted in trees. They are completely seamlessly connected with the trees and look more like they grow out of the trees.

"Is this tree... sucking our brains?" The general looked at the tree with amazement. It remembered the scene that had been absorbed by the tube before the brain.

"The original is not a pipe, but a 'root' that sticks out of the tree...so there will be a strange smell, and the gray dragon-raised gnomes can smell it..."

"Hey!" the general shouted: "This tree should be the 'core'! Hurry and attack it!"

"Hey!" All the jade dragons heard the arrows immediately, and the arrows rained away from the trees in a flash.

But at the moment they shot the arrow, countless roots protruded from both sides of the door at a faster speed. They were wrapped together and completely blocked the entire door. All the arrows hit the roots of the tree. Can't move forward any more.

"How could it be..." The Jade Dragons were surprised to see: "These arrows are shot with metal..."

'boom! When they were surprised, the ground suddenly burst open, and a lot of vine-like roots emerged from them, and they instantly wrapped around the emerald dragon.

"Oh ah ah!!!" The armor of the Jade Dragon appeared a lot of cracks under the entanglement of the roots of the tree. Some of the jade dragons even spewed blood from the mouth.

At the same time, the wall on the top of the hall was also cracked, and a large number of sharp tentacles with sharp ends were drilled from there to the head of the emerald dragon.

“Hey!” But before the tentacle arrived, these jade dragons escaped from the place, and the dragons next to them had already rushed over. They waved their weapons to cut off the vines on the ground while using a sharp warhead to push them up. The transparent tentacles were shot down.

"Hey!" and the jade dragon who got relaxed also immediately took up the weapon and counterattacked.

'boom! ‘But at this moment, a huge tree root suddenly rushed out of the ground, it shook all the dragons around, and at the same time shot a dragon into a meat sauce.

And more than that, the whole venue is shaking, it seems that there will be more such roots...

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