"Boom!" The explosion sounded back on the battlefield in the sky.

Originally, this battlefield was on the verge of collapse. It was difficult for Jade Dragon to decide whether to pursue or to stay in battle. Just when their dispute almost caused them to be destroyed, a fleet that came from a distance saved them.

This fleet is different from the Jade Dragon. They are not shaped like ships, but more like...the shape of various nuts.

Xiaolong believes that this shape is more suitable for flying in the air than the Jade Dragon's ship type, and they can also release a powerful attack, not an arrow, but a kind of stone, but with explosive power. object.

These things, in turn, sparked on the outer shell of the giant tower, and the impact of the bursting of the metal fragments, which made them unable to continue to pursue the pursuit of the emerald dragon, but turned to play against the dragon.

The huge beam of light flashed between the seas of heaven, leaving a black mark on the body of a nut, and countless stone bombs were also spilled in the air. The battlefield of the sky has shifted, and the words of the dragon have also spread to the jade dragon. In the middle of hearing.

"General, Gray Dragon said that they should deal with the two towers!" Listening to the buzz in the foreseeable ball, the liaison soldier said to the general: "We can now chase the core at full speed!"

"Very good! Speed ​​up!" said the general: "Try to destroy that thing!"


The fleet of Jade Dragon still maintains its original direction and chases it to the core of the trunk that is still running away.

But their enemies seem to be aware of their plans.

‘Hey! A strong radiance was released from the body of a giant tower, when its light made the sky dazzling. Another giant tower changed direction.

Its roots burst into flames of energy. The huge figure went after the fleet of the Emerald Dragon.

With the support of energy. It surpassed the Jade Dragon ship, and the giant tower caught up with the fleet of the Emerald Dragon, which flew directly from the fleet and went for their flight purposes.

In the intelligence room, the jade dragons made a nervous voice: "General! There is a tower that comes up! It flies above us!"

"This is an opportunity, hurry up!"

‘咔...’ A large number of rifles, rising from the deck with the command of the generals, the weapons on both sides of the ship also turned upwards. Under the calculation of the intelligence room, the most suitable position was aimed, and the boats flying around the ship were also raised in height, and the small weapons on them were also aimed at this target.


The arrow rain from the bottom up, once again scattered between the sea of ​​heaven.

Countless arrows like a fountain rush to the giant tower flying above the fleet. The smaller arrows are nailed to the outer shell of the alloy, while the larger arrows are blocked by the brilliance of the scattering. No one can Injure the target.

However, the Emerald Dragon did not worry about this time. The general used his eyes to stare at the foreseeable ball, and printed all the scenes in his eyes... "The same technique? It is impossible to take effect again. Launch the spear of the melon!"

‘Hey! At the time of the spurt of the arrows, some strangely shaped objects also rose from the deck of the ship. Rushing to the giant tower flying in the sky.

Like other large arrows, it is penetrated by light at the moment of approach, and the object turns into a firework before it approaches the target.

However, it is not over because it has the name of a popcorn.

Among the brilliance of its explosion, a large number of smaller streamlined objects flew out of the high-speed, just like the fruit of the melon, which was sprayed out by an explosion. These small objects slammed into the outer shell of the giant tower at high speed.

This time, it seems that it has not had time to react to shoot these things.

'boom--! 'Continuous blasting sounds, sounding under the giant tower.

The fragments of the metal were scattered like rain. The strong explosion tore the outer shell of the giant tower. It seemed that a certain explosion hit an important part, causing smoke on the crack of the outer shell.

"Oh! We succeeded in hurting it!" The Emerald Dragon in the ship made a cheer, as if this was the first time they actually hurt the giant tower that once destroyed their port.

However, the giant tower still maintained its speed of flight. It once again accelerated to the front of the Emerald Dragon Fleet and maintained this speed, opening the ship behind it.

"It wants to escape... wrong." The general stared at the foreseeable ball, and it found that the giant tower flew to the rear of the trunk core, and then the speed slowed down.

"It doesn't attack this side either. Is it..." The general saw that the giant tower was behind his core with his body, so that the fleet could not directly hit the target in this direction.

"It wants to protect that core!" the general called out: "All shots! Give them both down!"

"Hey!" In the fleet, the sound of the weapon was heard again.

The arrows of their reserves are bursting out of the roaring guns, and the special weapons on the deck of the ship are also aimed at the sky. One weapon after another is sprayed into the sky, and the powerful explosive energy makes them instantly pull. Close to the distance from the target...

'boom! Then, it turned into a scattered fireworks.

‘Hey! The dazzling light continually scatters in the air, and the light scatters around the giant tower, shooting down and destroying any close targets.

This giant tower, in a rain-like attack, tried its best to protect the core in front of it.

However, its light shines but it cannot cover all the targets.

'boom! Some of the attacks hit the body of the giant tower. The violent explosion caused the metal to scatter the metal lobes, and some giant arrows penetrated its outer shell and penetrated deeply into its body.

In the continuous launch, more and more attacks hit the giant tower, and the smoke is scattered from it, and the light it can scatter is less and less, and its speed is getting slower and slower...

"Oh! Shoot!" The next shot is the end of its life. Countless roars sound on the jets at its tail. Its protection is over. It falls like a broken debris from the air and rushes into it. There are countless splashes in the sea...

However, its protection is not in vain.

Under the fleet, the dark blue color of the sea has slowly become shallow, and in the distance of the horizon, you can see the vast coastline and white sandy beaches.

The core is close to its goal - the continent that used to be the hometown of dinosaurs.

"Come on! Destroy it!" The general shouted, once again letting the arrows rain, although they were not as dense as they were originally, they still enveloped the smaller core.


The excitement of the general did not end, because the light on the shoreline interrupted its excitement. (To be continued.)

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