4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 340: Covenant

Hundreds of years ago, this continent suffered a devastating war due to the recovery of giants...

And now, for the same reason, let war break out in this world.

The white coastline has been covered by red and silver, and the sound of the battle continues to reverberate.

The war came from demons and metals. These two creatures, which shouldn't have anything to do with each other, are madly attacking each other on the beach.

The weapons that the structures were mounted were never sprayed, and under the rain of flying, one after another fell in front of them.

However, they themselves also suffered heavy losses...

Flames make the front of the war, they flexibly drive the huge body, piercing countless metals with spears, and they are not alone. They are wandering around them, only a few tens of centimeters tall, color Red creatures.

These creatures are called 'Hell's Jade' and they are smaller and are common creatures in hell.

Like other demons, they also seem to be associated with the flames.

A group of Hell Maoyu fluttered in the flames that fell, and rushed to the front of the structure under the mad attack of the structure. The Maoyu erected the fluff of the body like a flame, at the tip of the fluff, suddenly spewed out like a magma. Bright liquid.

But this is actually a very strong solution, and it has a special effect on this metal.

The constructs found that they not only faced huge opponents, but also faced many small targets.

Some constructs have found a useful tactic that gathers together, back to back, using collective attacks to kill targets close to them.

Under the fireworks they poured, the screams kept ringing around, and the devils of the head and the head fell down, whether it was the jade of **** or the flame of a huge body...

But after they fell, the blood oozing made the color of the gravel strange. Among the cells that flowed out of the body, a strange mist filled them.

These fogs obscured everything around them, and the structures could only be seen faintly, with some strange shadows moving in the fog.

‘Hey! The structure aimed at the shadow in the fog for a round of shooting, but the shadow in the fog did not seem to be affected, it was getting closer and closer to this side, and. Their number is getting more and more...

It is like splitting, the shadow is rapidly increasing in the smoke, the structure seems to be confused by this phenomenon, it starts to shoot each shadow, but it has no effect...

As the shadow approached, the structure found a large number of shadows suddenly rising from the ground. This group of shadows flew over their heads and then fell down heavily!

‘Hey! When the structures did not know what was going on, they were crushed into crumbs.

But if you look at it at high altitude, you can see a huge creature moving on the misty shore.

Its body, like a huge pillar, occasionally jumps up high and then uses the figure to crush the target in front. But this large creature has not been used as the main target of attack, because it also has the ability to create a weird illusion with the fog formed by the death of other demons.

Therefore it is called the 'Pillar of Shadows'.

Most of the wars on the beach are three kinds of demons, just as the structures are only spiders here. On this battlefield, the types of demons are not all present, but they cooperate with each other to occupy the battlefield. The advantages.

And the main thing is. No structure found out, where did these creatures come from...

The sky is still burning like a sea of ​​fire, and the clouds are like waves. This phenomenon not only makes the army of the structure feel fear, but also makes another unit dare not move forward.

The fleet of the emerald dragon.

"The damaged part has been tested! General! The damage is within the scope of the permit, and now it has been repaired, we can move at any time!" In the intelligence room. The General of the Blood Mist listened to the report of the Jade Dragon.

"Are we going to chase the core? General!" said an emerald dragon next to the general: "Now that group of metals has been tied to a strange group of creatures, we can act now!"

"No!" said the liaison soldier at the side of the general. "We have had too much loss now. We should not move on any more. If we encounter a trap again..."

The previous Emerald Dragon suddenly angered: "But they have already caught up here. Do you want to give up? If you give up, how can we face our king, how to face the countless souls who died because of this war! ”

"But we should not continue to sacrifice!" Liaison said: "General, make a decision quickly!"

"We should pursue the glory of the king and completely destroy the target..." The general said: "But you don't know what the 'mond creatures' are, they come from a world that is always burning, their horrible and cruel habits. It has been spread all over the world, and wherever they go, there will be only a piece of scorched earth...why...why will they appear in this place?"

Not all jade dragons don't know demons. Some of the more powerful dragons have been to many different dream worlds. They have the opportunity to fight the demons. For example, the generals are like this.

And their impression of the devil is generally only fear.

"If you act casually, you may be attacked." The general said: "Have you seen the sky? This means that the area has been occupied by demons, and they may appear to attack us anywhere!"

"General!" Suddenly there was an emerald dragon saying: "The foreseeable ball foresaw new information!"

"What?" The general immediately picked up the foreseeable ball in his hand.

The 'foreseeing' of the foreseeable ball is not something they can control, but an accidental message that can guide the Jade Dragon with their current up-to-date goals.

And the latest goal is now...

"Does it make us allied with the devil?" The general looked at the information in the ball and said: "How...how is it possible? How can it be aligned with this devastating creature..."

"Of course it is possible."

Suddenly, there was a weird voice behind the general. All the emerald dragons immediately looked over there and saw a strange creature standing at the entrance to the room.

It looks like most of the emerald dragons have never seen them, they immediately picked up their weapons and pointed at the creature.

But the voice of the general rang: "You are... the legendary... the teammate of the king! The legendary brave! How did you come in?"

“Hey?” The emerald dragon around said in amazement: “Is that brave man like this?”

Most of the Jade Dragons know the brave, and they know that the brave and their king have ventured together, but they don’t know how the brave changed their appearance.

"I am the leader of this group of demons now." The brave said: "Although they are full of ruined creatures, now we have a common goal. Let's see where the core has escaped..."

"Core..." General heard the words about the emerald dragon in charge of the operation: "Show on the big ball!"

"Hey!" The biggest foreseeable ball in the intelligence room suddenly showed an image, only the core of the trunk that they chased before was flying on a plain, and there was a small map next to it showing its location.

The Emerald Dragon, who is in charge of the operation, said: "It has been dozens of kilometers away from here, and its goal seems to be in the west."

"The west... can you say..." The general suddenly looked like he thought, and it screamed fiercely: "Put the picture in the direction it is now!"

The image of the foreseeable ball changes rapidly, showing the scenery along the way.

From the plains at the beginning to the jungle behind, the foreseeable ball can show a rather distant view, and when the scenery changes, the Jade Dragons see a special place.

It is a dense jungle, and between the countless trees, you can see five oval objects like boulder.

“Stop!” the general immediately called: “It’s here! This is what is called the “Ancient Egg”, our ancestors once lived in this place, and it is said that the first city was also built here.”

"Hey... I remembered learning before, I didn't expect to be in this place..."

The jade dragons were surprised to see this scene, which is equivalent to a legendary place for them.

However, the giant egg in the picture was actually destroyed before, but at some point it was rebuilt again, mainly for the purpose of commemorating this position...

"This is its destination." The brave who has never spoken once again said: "It is going to be resurrected here. To stop it, you must rely on the help of demons. They have powerful powers that allow us to step into victory."

Now, the war on the beach continues, and the forces formed by the structures have begun to slowly retreat under the devil's attack, and they are difficult to fight against the demons with strange powers.

"Now, the war on the beach is almost close to victory, but this is only part of the garrison." The brave said: "At the destination, they have more powerful troops, they are already in order to protect their demon resurrection, already in It is ready there."

"We must not let them pollute our ancestral land!" the general yelled: "You must stop this group of metal monsters!"

"Oh!" Suddenly, the Liaison said: "The news of the Grey Dragon was received just now. They said that they had destroyed the tower and are coming here."

"Very good." The general said: "When they come over, let us attack and directly destroy all the enemy!"

PS: Thanks ~ Sakura Snow ~ Night Rainbow ~ 嘿 YA ~ monthly ticket ~

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