4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 345: Life filter

"Hey! Blow up here!"

When the demons and the structures were in the air war, the Jade Dragons gathered on the ground. They said, according to the foreseeable ball, to destroy the ‘filters buried in the ground.

The filter, like its name, is what filters river water.

The filter is fixed in the sub-cave connected to the main cave to filter the incoming river water. Because the small creator wants to grow quickly, he must get nutrients. In addition to wanting to grow the brain quickly, he needs to eat a lot of biological brains. Ordinary food will do.

These foods are the microbes in the river.

But not all microbes can be used, some are powerfully aggressive and aggressive. Although the creators' immunity is quite strong, fighting these microbes can be very expensive, resulting in slow growth. The meaning of the filter is to filter out those that have Dangerous microbes, leaving only harmless creatures to be absorbed by small creators, so that it can grow rapidly.

If the filter is destroyed, a large amount of harmful microorganisms will flood into the cave, because the small creators certainly have not made too many immune cells in order to grow rapidly, so if these microorganisms flood in once, they may kill it. .

Therefore, Lin will reveal the information of the filter on the foreseeable ball.

But can they accomplish this task...?

Ignoring the roar of the sky, the jade dragons are working fast. After seeing the appearance of the generals, they have strengthened their beliefs in the heart, and the morale has also increased. This makes the group of emerald dragons that originally wanted to retreat. Continue to fight under the roaring battlefield.

The Emerald Dragons buried a small ball in the ground. After they were placed, they quickly ran away. The generals looked at them all in a safe position and said: "Explosion!"


Under a scream, the emerald dragon, who was responsible for the detonation, flew into the sky.

"What is that?" The general and all the emerald dragons looked at the position of the Emerald Dragon, which was responsible for the detonation. Only a large tree stood there. The tree had three large branches, and it had just one branch. Hanging in the position of the Jade Dragon Station.

It looks like this tree is flying and detonating the emerald dragon...

‘Hey! The general immediately took out the arrow. The arrow was nailed to the tree in an instant.

"Oh..." At the moment when the arrow was shot, the whole tree began to move, and the bark on its body fell off one by one, revealing the silvery part of the shiny metallic luster inside.

"This tree is made of metal! Attack!" The Emerald Dragons quickly picked up the weapon and aimed at the tree, but at this moment, another scream rang.

Another emerald dragon was photographed flying into the air, and another tree with shiny metallic luster came out of the jungle.

"There is another one here!" "Oh! This is also!"

Under the scream of the emerald dragons. There were countless sounds coming from the surrounding jungle, and the bark on the tree of one tree after another began to peel off, revealing the metal structure of the body.

They moved the roots of the tree, shaking the huge body and encircling the group of emerald dragons in the jungle.

"Shooting! Quick shooting!" Under the penetration of the arrows, several trees that were too close to each other were smashed with metal bodies. The complicated parts inside were scattered around, and the whole tree fell to the ground.

‘Hey! ‘But at the same time, several rays of light were shot from the big tree and penetrated several emerald faucets...

“There are a few that will emit light!” “Shot them!”

'Boom! When the Jade Dragons were preparing to shoot, they saw that the tree that emitted the light fell to the ground like a heavy blow, and behind it, another tree appeared.

"Hey! The trees have knocked down the trees?" The Jade Dragons were amazed. It was discovered that the tree was not metal. It waved a thicker arm and slammed it into other metal trees around it.

"Hey! This is the tree of the gray dragon!" The jade dragons suddenly cheered when they saw it. In the jungle, a lot of non-metallic trees and dragons rushed out of them, under their attack, metal The trees fell to the ground.

Like the Jade Dragon, the dragons and their nut fleets also landed in the jungle. The battlefield in the sky was completely handed over to the same place who received the information.

After solving the metal trees, the two armies only made a short greeting, and the action of destroying the filter began to continue.

"Explosion!" Under the command of the general, the loud bang suddenly began, and a hole of several meters in diameter appeared in the spattered soil.

The Jade Dragon and the Dragons immediately gathered at the potholes, only to see a dark cave below. Through the sun shining, you can see a rushing river flowing underneath. A large metal installation is located in the river. It is a rectangular structure that intercepts the turbid river water that flows in, and the clear water flows behind it.

"Hey! Shoot!"

The dragons and emerald dragons around the hole immediately pointed the weapon in their hand to the filter.

Between the moments. A large number of arrows and warheads hit the filter on the river, and some arrows penetrated into critical parts, causing the running structure to get stuck there.

Some of the warheads that the Snapdragon shot broke through the entrance and exit of the filter, causing some sewage to spew out.

At the moment the filter is damaged, all the structures in the sky suddenly look in this direction.

"That's it!" and the dragon below did not notice that the general was still commanding: "Come on it!"

‘Hey! ’

Countless light is like a raindrop, and it instantly floods the hole.

The emerald dragon and the dragon around the hole were turned into ash in the blink of an eye.

In addition to the general, it felt weird the first second after being hit and fled the original position.

"That is..." And, now that it notices the anomalies of the sky, it is as if the structures that were originally fighting against the demon are like crazy, they ignore the devil's attack and come to this side, and they pour The rain, also shrouded the entire jungle at this moment.

It is almost impossible to avoid, just as the Emerald Dragons were horrified as the structures rushed in, a strong red light blocked them.

This is a demon warship. This warship is not an ordinary object. It is a kind of creature. The structure's bullets are madly hitting it. A weird tweet is also emitted from the battleship.

All the dragons were still in the stage of bun, and only one creature reacted. It quickly ran to the previous pothole and threw some explosives into the filter.

‘Boom...’ After a short explosion, the sewage poured out of the smashed filter...

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