4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 348: Race against time

The core is breaking up bit by bit.

Tiny, but thousands of people are constantly sprinkling the solution on the core of the shell, and then with the sharp claws to dig, countless debris is so flying, the core shell has also become Getting thinner.

Lin has almost completely eroded the entire body of this little creator and surrounded the inner core, and soon, Lin may be able to completely eliminate it.

However, the situation outside seems to be exactly the opposite of here.

The huge ship that Lynn has been chasing has now stopped under the sky.

Its arrival caused a strong wind, blowing away the fog that shrouded the battlefield, but did not blow away the demons around, countless flying demons rushed from the surrounding bees, but faster than the demon movement, is a strong radiance.

Under the flash, countless blackened bodies fell on the ground, and even a demon ship crashed from the sky with a thick smoke.

This ship is like a huge fortress, no creature can access it.

Glorious, glittering in the body of the crystallized ship, countless light penetrates the body of countless demons, and the cluster of light can destroy larger targets.

After the appearance of the structures, they flew onto the deck. Some of them were drilled into the cabin for replenishment, and some were directly squatting on the deck to make a crazy sweep of the demons outside.

After the emergence of the spiral creature's crystal giant ship, the originally balanced battle situation turned sharply. The demon army could not resist the powerful firepower and retreated. Many demons flew back to their ships, and many of them became broken in the sky. Meat ashes.

The jade dragon that had not escaped on the ground saw the crystal ship screaming. But the fear of death quickly took over their thoughts. They fled in horror to the location of their ships. I am going to leave this place completely.

‘Hey! Another strong light beam emerged from the side of the crystallized ship, and the light flashed over the burning jungle, and a demon ship in the distance made a roar.

The ship also fell from the sky and crashed into the jungle causing a raging fire.

The Devil's ship now has only ten ships, they are quickly dispersed, and the head is aimed at the crystallized ship to launch.

'boom! It was like a meteorite fire, spewing out of the head of the Devil's ship, but bursting before they approached the target. Strong smoke rushed out of the explosion, once again covering the sky of this battlefield.

Next, the demon began to prepare for the second round of attacks...

Regardless of how loud the roar outside, Lin did not pay attention to them.

The core shell has only the thinnest layer left. Lin has already let the tiny forces disperse the surrounding microbes. Lin intends to ‘one monopolize’ everything in the core.

This is probably a brain cell. If a large number of brain cells are gathered together, even the creator should be able to see some of its memories...

‘Hey! At the last point, the thinnest shell cracked under the excavation of the "driller", and Lin's troops suddenly poured into the crack. The troops in the back blocked the cracks to prevent other microorganisms from entering.

Is this...not a brain cell?

After entering the core. Lynn found something around... it seems to have nothing to do with brain cells.

They are almost all smaller structures - viruses.

A large number of viruses have accumulated in the core, and Lin has not seen this kind of virus, whether it is in the body of the old creator or elsewhere.

Why is there... so many viruses? And where did its brain cells go?

Lin asked the troops to analyze the virus here while trying to find its brain cells.

If there isn't there, where is it?

Lin has now occupied the entire body of this little creator, and it should now have no extra cells.

Or, before Lin arrived, did it separate the brain cells and flee somewhere?

But even the creator does not have the ability to separate brain cells and direct the body. Although it can disperse cells, all cells must move in their own 'blood' to be able to live and direct their bodies. .

When Lin was attacking, the cells in the creator would form a counterattack and would use a lot of tactics. Although it was easily defeated, Lin thought they must have command.

But where is this command now? And individual brain cells can't live in this kind of sewage, they are easy to be killed by wild fungi...

At the same time, Lin also studied the virus here. Lin found that these viruses do not seem to have the ability to erode. Their outer shells are relatively strong, but they cannot invade cells. Moreover, the nuclear information inside is much more than the general virus. It is more like a thing for storing nuclear information.

Is this what... used to do that?

Lin feels that this is indeed possible, but first find its brain cells and say that brain cells may be hidden anywhere, and it may escape from the caves of water. However, there is a saying in Lin's thoughts.

‘The most dangerous place is the safest place. ’

It is there!

Lin’s wandering out of the core of the little creator immediately rushed in one direction, only to see that the head of the general was still floating there, not far ahead.

When approaching, Lynn could feel a very weak message coming from that head.

Sure enough, in the beginning, Lin should have some troops in this head, although I don’t know when they got in, maybe... Lin’s troops let the brain cells escape at some point during the attack. Going, it is hard to notice.

And in the turbid water, it will be more safe in the general's brain. Usually, the biological immune cells are better than the wild ones, and it is believed that Lin should not notice it.

But Lin is still not quite sure how it went in, because the general's head is sealed, no matter what, let's take a look.

'boom! When Lin was thinking about it, there was a sudden bang from the top, and the dazzling light came in from above. Even the tiny arms could see that the hole in the upper part of the hole was blown out.

In this position, you can also see the spiral ship's crystallized ship floating in the air.

‘Hey! Suddenly, Lin found that a small hole was opened under the ship, and a hook rope was shot from the inside, and the general’s head was hooked up and pulled up.

There is a brain cell in that head!

However, Lin's mini-arms could not catch up with the speed at which the ropes retracted. It immediately pulled the general's head out of the water and recovered it from the ship.


A silver radiance flashed through the air.

Lin's reapers have been flying around the battlefield outside. They arrived here following the spiral creatures, but did not participate in the battle, but kept the 'invisible' state similar to the floating soul waiting for a crucial moment like this... ...

The rope was instantly cut off by the reaper, and the general's head fell back into the water.

The tiny forces in the water then acted quickly, and all the micro-arms were glued together, using jetting to increase speed, approaching the general's head and encircling it.

"Leave! Don't touch, don't touch!"

The brain wave of a spiral creature reverberates in the air like a thunder, and it seems to be very worried about the head of this general.

Therefore, Lynne must touch.

The tiny troops wrapped the general's head. Lin felt a little strange. The skin of this head had no wounds. How did the brain cells of the little creator enter?

‘Hey! At this time, Lynn heard the sound coming from above again. The second hook rope had already been shot. It hooked the general's head and pulled the head together with the tiny troops that Lin had placed on it.

The reaper flying over the jungle immediately turned around and rushed over again.

‘Hey! ‘But this time the reaper was blocked.

The structure on the ship and the ship itself launched a crazy shooting of the reaper, and the storm-like rain hit the position of the reaper. The reaper instantly worked with the jungle underneath in this piece of pyrotechnics. Ashes.

It seems that the spiral creature has some way to detect the invisible state of the reaper, and it is really powerful to find the method in such a short period of time.

The head and Lin's troops were hooked under the ship. At the same time, Lin found that it had shot a second rope that went deep into the water and hooked the core of the little creator.

Lin's forces stuck to the core and the head found that they were hooked into a tank filled with viscous liquid, which seemed to be completely sealed because there was no air at all.

"Already done."

The brain wave of the spiral creature rang at this moment.

finished? When did it finish?

Lynn was very curious about its words. From the moment the filter was destroyed, the little creator did not grow up, and it couldn't absorb any information outside.

However, spiral creatures will not answer this question.

"We will leave and then revenge!"

At the moment when its brain wave spread, there was a loud roar under the ship, and the surrounding structures that were still flying around crawled into the cabin from the entrance on the deck.

It... seems to want to run away.

In the distant Devil's Fleet, there are only three ships left, most of them have crashed into the jungle, and the fleet of Xiaolong and Emerald Dragons is not likely to fly to stop it at this time...


'boom--! ’

A violent explosion rang on the side of the crystallized ship.

Numerous structures and crystallized debris were scattered around, and the entire ship smashed to one side.

It quickly used the gushing energy to adjust the body, but it did not see any... enemy. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ Feibao pig ~ reward ~

Thank you ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ monthly ticket~

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