On the cold wasteland, there is a small base.

This is the base established by Spiral Creature. In this dream, Lin looks at it to construct the base little by little. It even creates a new heating system, which makes the brain in a warm environment for a long time. A complex piping system allows its structures to deliver nutrients to the brain.

It is growing more and more here, and with new ideas, it decides to go back to revenge, destroy the creatures called 'Ser', build a bigger country there, and finally leave there, return to the pompoms. Above.

But it has encountered a problem.

Spiral organisms use their own brain cells to control the surrounding structures, but as the number of structures increases to a certain extent, the energy consumed by their brains increases.

Spiral organisms maintain the life of the brain mainly by searching for some decomposable substances as food under the wasteland.

Although the creator's ability to decompose is very strong, after the structure is increased, it is controlled to allow the spiral organism to use a large amount of brain cells for a long time, so that the currently obtained food cannot satisfy the energy consumption of the brain cells.

Lin found that the spiral creature has a very strong learning ability. It quickly knows how the flying thing is flying, and then tries to start making it, but if it only controls a small number of controllers, it wants to build it. It takes a long time to be able to fly.

The brain is usually the most energy-consuming organ. Even if the creator can reduce the energy consumed to a much lower level than ordinary organisms, it is still difficult to satisfy with a small amount of energy obtained from the rock.

Therefore, the spiral creature began to be interested in the surrounding cold stone.

The creator usually controls the common creatures directly, but the cold stone can't be eaten, so it starts to have no interest. But now, it is thinking, if the surrounding creatures can help it control the structure, then everything will be much simpler.

So, the spiral creature began its own experiment.

Although the cold stone is a very special structure. But spiral creatures find that their brain waves can affect them, allowing these rocks to do some behavior and action.

Then, the spiral creature will modify its brainwave according to this situation, so that it can command these small creatures more completely.

So, can the cold stone be affected by brain waves? Lin felt that she should try it when she arrived.

Then, the spiral creature creates the relevant structure. These structures can hold a cold stone and act in accordance with the action of the cold stone.

This structure, initially very simplistic, and requires spiral creatures to continuously send brain waves, which makes no sense at all.

But spiral creatures continue this work.

It has always improved the ability of the structure and its own brainwaves, and later it learned a way to simplify the brainwaves. That is, sending once, you can make a lot of cold stones to make complex movements, so that the control efficiency is much improved.

Later, it tried to extract the structure of the cold stone. The body of the cold stone is a liquid similar to water, but after losing the outer shell, it will form a layer of glue like a gel.

Take advantage of this. The spiral organism extracts the cold stone and can be inserted into various structures. The shape of the structure can also be changed at will.

Moreover, spiral organisms also use various methods to change the growth rate of the cold stone, making some cold stones quite large.

Soon after, it had a force composed of a small stone, because the small stone structure can accept a small amount of information to complete a large number of tasks, so spiral creatures believe that they can use them to make the flying device to let it away.

But the spiral creature has been delayed here, which seems to be the reason for the creator's thoughts, which try to create a complete ecological environment here.

And the creatures that make up the ecology. It is a structure controlled by cold stone.

Some species of coldstone have been able to control the structure themselves without receiving orders, so the spiral creature intends to create a small stone structure in various positions to complete the entire ecological environment.

Seeing this, Lin found that she understood a lot of things.

Previously, what Lin saw on the tumbling man of the 'Iceberg 371' was originally made by spiral creatures. Spiral creatures had a good environment in the dreams that Lin had seen at the time. Various creatures hunted each other to form a complete environment. But in the actual ‘Iceberg 371,’ Lin saw only a desert.

It was not because of what happened before that these creatures became extinct, but because spiral creatures did not succeed in creating this ecology.

Because, as it gets bigger, it gets an attack...

A creature familiar to Lin is attacking the base of the spiral creature. Although the spiral creature is resistant, the situation is completely one-sided.

The Void Iceberg, which suddenly appeared above the tumbling man, and destroyed most of the area, the buildings built by the spiral creature were almost completely destroyed.

Moreover, this empty iceberg seems to be also interested in the structure of the cold stone, which swallows a large number of structures by means of smoking.

The one that the empty iceberg and Lin encountered should not be the same one. It seems that it is bigger, the shape is not spherical, but rather a strange shape, some like a starfish.

The container that the spiral creature itself was waiting for was also sucked up by the empty iceberg, but it was not digested, but it was stuck on the iceberg for some reason.

Then, its journey begins.

This is very similar to what Lin imagines. The spiral creature tried to use the brainwave to influence it in the Iceberg, but the iceberg was completely unaffected, and after the spiral creature, there was no way to find any food, and there was no way to find any material. Making the structure, it falls into a deep sleep.

When the spiral creature woke up again, it found itself reaching other tumbling.

The Void Iceberg took it from the body and it began to develop on the tumbling.

However, spiral organisms have found that the development of manufacturing structures is very difficult, and it is even more difficult if some creatures attack it.

However, on these tumbling people, it seems that the empty icebergs are frequent, so it often uses the empty iceberg to go to other tumbling.

This process appears to be intermittent, as spiral creatures often sleep during the period.

But Lin generally knows the whole process. If it can't develop in one place, it will try to take the empty iceberg and leave, and constantly change the local development.

Until the pompom is approached.

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