“Begin to get close to the goal and improve your alert. Although there are no living creatures found in the test, be careful.”


Although this language...Lin has not heard any creatures say it, but it is quite clear.

Because in the distant void, Lin has acquired this kind of biological memory called ‘virtual people. Although it is not complete, the language area is still very clear, and their language is still very clear.

Their language system is very similar to that of Bai Xiaolong. Many words can be translated with almost identical meanings, but their words also have some words that are not found in Bai Yulong. These words need Lin to supplement the words in their own thoughts. Occasionally you will find related words, but not every time.

And they will appear here, and it is not impossible. In general, it should be related to the month.

But still unclear, why do they have to attack as soon as they arrive?

In short, they now seem to want to explore the shape of the spiral creature's crystal giant ship.

"This thing is really strange." The five imaginary people wore armor like structures. The circular transparent objects on their helmets swayed and hummed, and Lin felt that they used this to observe. When the imaginary people look at the huge ship, Lin can feel their emotions, almost all of them are purely amazed... there are some fears.

"Do we really want to go in?" A virtual person standing at the end said: "It should be better to take some ingredients out and study it outside. Isn't we just testing the composition of this outboard armor?"

"You said this again, did you understand the order? You shouldn’t apply to join the team at the beginning." Another virtual person next to it who looked like a leader said: "Hurry. There is a The seam can go in."

The imaginary armor is engraved with a lot of bright symbols. Other virtual people are almost all pure black. Lin thinks it is the captain.

They quickly ran to the front more than ten meters, where a crack of a few meters wide on the outer shell, they stopped outside the crack, and took out something like a square and did not know what to do with the crack.

Lin let the pompoms float along, Lin found that these imaginary people seem to adapt to the gravitational look here, and the virtual people seen in the meteorite area can not adapt to the gravitational pull of the pompoms. Will not be able to support weight.

That should be caused by long-term living in a gravitational environment that causes muscle atrophy, and these seem to be easy. That should be the place where they live in gravity and pompom for a long time, otherwise they have something special about their armor.

"Captain, that strange creature is coming up!" When Lin Fei was near, there was a virtual person who immediately picked up a black and long thing on his hand and pointed it at the pompom: "This is something like a hairball." Is it dangerous?"

"It should be an omnivorous wild animal with high intelligence and can be curious about us." Another virtual person looked at the pompon: "It is not clear what danger it is, don't attack it."

... omnivorous wildlife? This statement is very interesting...

"Don't care about those things, come see!" He was holding a black square and rubbing it along the crack, rubbing it, and its tone suddenly surprised: "...this thing is really composed of 楷 ingredients! ”

Because there is no vocabulary to translate. But this ‘楷’ clearly refers to the outer shell of the crystallized ship.

When the light is heard from the pronunciation, it feels weird...

“Really? This kind of thing is extremely rare!” The surrounding imaginary people suddenly heard it in surprise. They are all quite excited about this discovery.

"This ship is a huge treasure! How can these creatures get so much?"

"I don't know where these things come from," said the captain. "But here is a resource-rich place. They may be 'drifting' like us. After encountering this place, they try to compete for resources here and start fighting..."

"So, we only took the opportunity to attack when they hit." Another virtual person said: "But I think the above is very inappropriate and should not be so casual."

The last timid and imaginary person said: "Is it not because I found out that something was intercepting it while attacking us? But I don't think it is necessary to intercept it with this. This is really too..."

"So I don't want to intercept it. I want to defeat the army below. What do you think of the captain?"

"I don't understand what I think." The captain said: "I think they have some problems in their minds recently, but we only need to perform good tasks. No matter how much. Now, Nie and Orr go in and probe with me. The rest of the Landau and Scott are outside you."

Said, the captain took two virtual people from the crack of the ship, and the remaining two were outside.

Judging from what they just said, Lin feels that this group of imaginary people seems to have first seen the war underneath, so I want to take this opportunity to attack and destroy all possible enemy forces in one fell swoop.

Another possibility is to find out that the spiral creature's escape tower is flying towards them, thinking that it is going to attack them, so it blows up.

For whatever reason, it feels bad to attack casually. They don’t even know the strength of their opponents, nor do they know if their opponents have any other troops to retaliate.

These imaginary people also feel that this is not the case, but like the usual personality creatures, the average soldier does not know what the command is thinking, and they have no right to interfere, so there is no way to manage it.

They may think that the structural units of the spiral creature are coming from the void, fighting for resources here... Although it is not completely wrong, why don't they think that the structure is the creature here?

Perhaps, you should go to the command post in their aircraft to see, there will be more.

Lin let another number of pompoms that arrived from a distance fly to their aircraft, and this continues to follow this expedition...

The three explored virtual people are now emotionally nervous, moving cautiously inside the huge ship's interior, while looking at the surrounding environment with amazement.

The environment here is similar to the one that Lin had attacked at the beginning. There are many passages and rooms in it, but Lin feels that the ship is more advanced than that one, and it is the same in every respect.

These few imaginary people seem to be very surprised by everything in this ship.

"The extent of these things is quite high." The captain walked in the front and found the road in the debris pile: "Although it is damaged, it can be seen at the level."

"Yeah..." a imaginary person behind the captain said: "They may be similar to us, even stronger than us..."

"So I said that casual attack is not a wise move... Captain, that strange thing has been following us!" The last virtual person has been staring at the pompom, and its emotions seem to become more and more unreliable.

"Don't worry about it, this discovery is a great help for us." The captain said: "After all, we haven't had anything to enter for a long time... What is this!"

When the captain turned over a pile of debris in front, he found a spider structure among the debris.

The shape of this spider structure is almost the same as that of the virtual people. It is about three meters. After seeing it, several virtual people seem to be very surprised and immediately encircle them.

"This should be a mechanical infantry for combat." The captain said: "Look at the weapons and structures outside it."

The word 'mechanical' seems to be very fresh. Lin followed behind the three virtual people. Although they are interested in the structure, they are still very alert and seem to be afraid that the structure will move.

Because the structure remained quite intact, after watching the virtual people for a while, the captain said: "It seems that there is no problem, check it out."

Lin found that there seems to be no way to confirm whether this thing will move or not. Just judge by feeling that it will move? But what are they going to detect now?

"It's being tested now." A virtual person picks up the shape of the square and probes the structure. It walks in front of the structure and then takes out a black object...


Suddenly, the structure moved, and a sharp limb in front of it immediately stabbed the imaginary imaginary, and it flew a few meters away, but it did not seem to be hurt.

"Ah!" The captain and another virtual person suddenly became shocked. The things they held in their hands suddenly sounded continuous, and the head of the structure also rang a continuous hum, and soon it fell. Not moving on the ground.

Lin found that the weapon used by the virtual civilians was launched by firing small metal bullets. This kind of weapon structure also has, but it is not the mainstream.

"Call... This thing can still move." The captain saw a sigh of relief when he fell down. "Although there may be no more creatures, there may be a lot of such self-propelled machines here. Be careful."

They don't seem to know... the structure is alive.

However, at the time of the attack, the pompons released some tiny microbes that floated on the imaginary person who had been attacked before and began to stick on its armor.

Lynn wants to see if he can directly drill in, and then observe its internal structure, by the way, look at what is remembered.

They seem to be somewhat different from the virtual people that Lynn encountered before, but they should only be in terms of size, and what is the difference in their technical level? It seems that there is not much difference as it is now.

All in all, look at them for a while, but instead of watching them move here, Lynn wants to see what they are doing in their homes. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~wo day 1994~1888~!

Thanks for the ~ red tail 鲤 ~ reward ~

Thanks ~12gfdf~ dark moon eclipse ~ flying eagle Xiangkong ~ monthly ticket ~

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