4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 361: Primitive and higher organisms

The northern continent.

The sound of the excavation continues to echo.

If you come to the edge of the jungle, you can see one after another of a hemispherical building. Each building has a track that is interconnected. The car goes back and forth between the track and the building, and the various ores and collected materials are collected. Shipping and finishing.

In the jungle, the once dense vegetation seems to have been burned out of a huge gap, and a large number of machinery are constantly excavating on the blackened ground.

But the attention of the imaginary people is not entirely here. In fact, they pay more attention to some things in the distance.

"It's hard to imagine that this kind of creature with only four limbs can develop such a civilization."

At the edge of the canyon, a rectangular aircraft stands in front of five imaginary people, and below the canyon is the lively city of the emerald dragon. Under the illumination of the scorching sun, the noisy streets are still dragons and dragons, each jade Longdu is trying to earn more crystals, not paying attention to the fact that there are so few strange creatures above the canyon looking at them and discussing them.

"How long have you evolved here?"

"There should be hundreds of thousands of years, almost like us. They have developed to the middle stage. If anything is irritating, they will soon enter the heat source era. These creatures seem to have strong learning ability and they already have Almost complete society, fortunately they are not the same as our body, so we can't use our weapons."

"So I agree to clean them so as not to cause any hindrance."

"There has been discussion about this matter, mainly because they are still useful, and there are a few attitudes that are too cruel to remain opposed."

"There is nothing cruel and cruel. Anyway, we will always have conflicts after we start colonizing here. It is not as easy as killing the light now."

"Yeah. The environment here is really good... The creatures here are quite rich. It’s definitely not a million years to have such a spectacular sight. This is definitely a huge treasure for the clinking of the people’s mouth. I think the above Resources should not be prioritized, and preparations for colonization should be done first."

"Yeah, when can't mine be taken..."


"What is it?"

Just when these few virtual people discussed the heat, they suddenly found ten green figures in front of them, and these jade dragons wore armor. They are guards who see strange things hanging on the edge of the cliff to investigate.

"Ah! The scales are coming!" A virtual person quickly raised his weapon, but a companion raised his hand to stop it.

"Don't be nervous, look at the weapons in their hands." The virtual man pointed to the arrow in the hands of the emerald dragon: "Do you think it is necessary to fear such primitive things?"

The surrounding virtual people laughed, but the previous one was a little uneasy: "What do they do when they call their companions? Look at the number of hundreds of thousands under the canyon."

"Then we can fly away, what are you nervous about this limbs primitive creatures." A virtual person walked a few steps forward, and several emerald dragons immediately lifted their arrows and nervous.

However, this imaginary people still walked a few steps before they did not care. "And they can't see our firepower and will treat us as gods, you see."

Said, it used a weapon to aim at the ten emerald dragons and shot twice.

"Hey!" The metal warhead instantly made two holes on the ground, and the Jade Dragons were frightened and took a few steps back.

"Haha, look at them in a panic." The imaginary people again shot at the feet of these jade dragons with weapons. However, this time, the Jade Dragon did not retreat, but aimed at it with a smashing arrow...

"How. Are you going to fight back with that rusty rotten thing?" Looking at the arrow of the Jade Dragon, the virtual people opened their arms and said: "Hah, I just want some press..."

‘Hey! ‘The seemingly faint metal arrow burst out in an instant, and accurately penetrated the virtual man’s chest with armor.

"Ah..." If the imaginary person did not wear a helmet, he could see it with an incredible expression, holding his chest and falling to the ground.

Because the spiral war has just ended, these emerald dragons have not returned their weapons, so they are now equipped with 'dream weapons'.

"Ah!" After two seconds, the virtual people behind it reacted. A virtual person rushed up and shot the Jade Dragons several times in a row, and helped the companions of Zhongjian.

"Oh ah!" The jade dragons saw them immediately, and several emerald dragons raised their arrows to shoot at the virtual people, while others picked up the horns and blew them hard.

The humming sound of the ‘嗡——’ horn rang through the canyon, and the emerald dragons below fled into their houses, while a large number of heavily armed guards ran along the road to the top of the canyon.

The gorge has been shrouded in the sound of smashing arrows and metal bombs. Several imaginary people are constantly shooting. Several emerald dragons are pierced by armor and fell to the ground. The virtual people also have a companion in the body, in the crossfire. Among them, they dragged their injured companions into the aircraft..."

The virtual aircraft made a roar, and the surging energy slowly rose from the ground. The following emerald dragons shot them all the time. A lot of arrows were nailed to the lower part of the aircraft, but they did not hit. In the key parts, they successfully rose to the sky.

"Come on! You have to send a request to bomb the entire canyon!" The driver of the virtual man began to turn the aircraft under the tense voice of his companion, while driving the energy to the maximum intended full speed...

But before that, it saw a large black shadow appearing over the distant canyon, and there was a thing with a bright red glow flying over here...

"What the **** is this..."

'boom! ’

Under a beautiful fire, the aircraft turned into a fragment of the sky.

However, this explosion is only the beginning.

Then, the sky swept through a few bright red figures, and they rushed into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

What followed was a huge black shadow.

The entire sky was also overwhelmed by the endless black shadows. The valley turned into a night at this moment. Under the surprised eyes of the emerald dragons, the tsunami-like swarms swarmed over the canyon. The sound of the insects flapping the wing membrane even makes the earth tremble.

However, none of the insects touched the ground. When the sun shone again toward the city of Emerald Dragon, this huge force had already covered the desert sky. Their target was the edge of the forest in the distance... to be continued..)

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