4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 369: Colonial plan

'boom! ’

In the roaring explosion, a white tree fell to the ground.

"The nearby plants have been cleaned up and are now back." The aircraft circled in the sky and flew in the direction of the base.

"Now the problem has been solved." At this time, in the command, the commander listened to the report of the bombing mission: "There are a total of fifty trees in the jungle, and they have all been blown up now, although it is not excluded from other forests. The possibility of living things, but they are far away and should not affect us."

"And recently, 'Search No. 3' has discovered the wreckage of the crasher of the jungle action. The wreckage shows that they crashed because the engine was involved in a lot of finely divided objects. According to the survey, occasionally it is blowing up in the jungle. A lot of hard weather storms."

The commander turned and looked at a virtual person behind him: "It can be said that their crash has nothing to do with the fluffy balls... Now we will continue to investigate the "super-uniform species" in the jungle."

"..." Standing behind the commander is the ‘scholar.’

It is one of the imaginary people who has always been cautious about all this. It has not said anything, but turned and left.

After walking out of the lab, he looked around a large group of busy people, looked up at the sky everywhere, and then turned to a nearby building.

This is a residential building. When the door is opened, it immediately sees a imaginary person sitting in a languid manner and has no reaction to its arrival.

The scholar’s ​​sentence made it look up: “Are you the first to see ‘welltball’?”



"This time we have to get rid of the woodland here! It has already issued an order and is ready to start the colonial project!"

I thought that the imaginary people who had solved the threat of pompoms once again gathered on the edge of the jungle. Under the cover of dozens of 'whistlinger' cannons behind the scenes, ten huge 'diggers' tumbling machinery used to The tree was knocked down and the soil was turned upside down to transform the terrain of the area.

“Is the colonization plan so soon? I feel that there are still many problems that have not been solved. There are too many dangerous creatures here.”

"Because there are so many dangerous creatures, we must quickly colonize. If we plan these land as ours, we can drive them away if we turn over their jungles."

The guards of the imaginary people are watching and chatting while they are nearby, and Lin’s content is basically known.

That is known by some people who are infected with special fungi...

These fungi are called 'stealth bacteria' and are difficult to detect through the detection methods of the current virtual people. They will stick to the armor of the virtual people. Followed by them back to the base, the virtual people who ran out of the jungle almost all caught this fungus.

Fungi stick to them as they occasionally take off their armor, move slowly, and finally attach to the auditory organs, which slowly penetrate the auditory nerves and let Lynn hear what the virtual person can hear.

Because it will not cause harm. They are also hard to realize that they are parasitic.

Recently, Lynn heard the main contents of the colonial plan through them, and this content is still very interesting.

Recently, more and more things have been sent from the Void Base, and some are called ‘cloning devices’...

Because the virtual population breeds very slowly, they can fight from the youngest to the adult, almost grow for about twenty-five years, and they only have one at a time. The female virtual people have almost no ability to self-reproduce. It takes a lot of equipment and drugs to help.

Such troublesome breeding has made it difficult for them to increase the number rapidly, so they came up with a way of 'cloning'.

The somatic cells are mixed with the germ cells that have been denucleated, and then an 'embryo' is created.

Then, by using a large number of drugs called 'hormone', the embryo is grown rapidly, so that a large number of individuals can be produced, but the embryos that the embryo grows out because it is carried out in a transparent jar-like incubator. Abnormal growth, they are very 'deformed', only one-third of the size of ordinary virtual people. That is, the length of one meter is more than a few years, and the intelligence is relatively low, but the command of the virtual people can be understood and the language can be understood.

This is enough for many uses, and they intend to mass produce this deformed clone to operate machinery and build buildings. After eradicating the forest, they occupied the whole place. After they had almost died in a few years, they had already built a city, and then they came from a distance to come to the virtual people who really want to live.

simply put. The imaginary people want to use this method to produce a large amount of labor to help them build a colonial city. This clone is similar to a slave. It seems that creatures that develop to this extent also like to use slaves, and they are very convenient slaves because They are short-lived and don't care if they have problems like protests.

It seems that there is a perfect plan, but in fact the virtual people are the first to use this way to colonize. Previously they only used these clones for drug research. Many people expressed concern, but because of the above orders, they did not. any solution.

They seem to be in a hurry because many dangerous creatures have not been solved, or because there are too many dangerous creatures, they intend to "root" directly here and stabilize themselves.

Anyway... Lynn thinks they can almost leave.

"Reporting Commander!"

In the command room, a virtual person said: "A thousand kilometers away from here, the remote control machine found a large number of biological groups.

“Biological group?” The commander said: “Is it a 'super-uniform species'?”

"Should not, this is the video that came back."

The stereo image in front of the commander popped up the image. In the image, you can see that there are a large group of creatures on the plain. Their shapes are almost identical. It can be seen that they should not be 'super-uniform species'.

Most importantly, they are very large in size. The accompanying introduction says that the creatures are at least five meters high and are about ten meters long. They look like silver hills but with long legs.

"They are coming over to us, what should I do, commander?"

The commander said: "Scare them with a scare bomb."

"Commander!" Suddenly there was a virtual person at the entrance who ran in and said: "An abnormality occurred in the jungle. The remote control found a large number of 'fluffy balls' flying in the depths of the jungle and drifting here!"

"What? Isn't it all blown up?"

"Commander!" At this time, another imaginary man came in and said: "There are a group of soldiers outside who are going crazy! They shoot with weapons everywhere!"

"Commander! The detected remote control crashed!"


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