4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 372: Withering prelude


The voice of this question is not the first time it has sounded.

In the command room, the commander watched as the newly arrived chariot team was completely destroyed on the plains. Not only that, but it also found that many chariots actually started running on their own, and even the contact could not be contacted.

It’s like being controlled...

Fortunately, those creatures did not continue to rush here, but spread out on the plains, of course, they also took away the chariots that were controlled.

"This place is full of crazy creatures..." The commander felt that it was very difficult to endure this kind of thing.

But it still calmed down, and at present it believes that it is most important to deal with the problem of fluff balls.

In order to solve this problem, it has already ordered a batch of weapons to the headquarters, and it should be almost arrived now.

...and on the other side.

Lynn also wants to see the effect of this weapon, so temporarily slow down the attack.

Originally, this offense was to completely solve them. After the large arms were hit into the chariot, they could use a special 'spear' in the head to pierce the armor of the chariot, followed by the second one. The spear 'pierces the armor of the inner virtual driver, but does not kill it, but infects its nervous system.

And let it be the enemy of other evil civilian vehicles around.

This kind of action does not harm the brain, just give it some ‘implementation’, and the actual operation is made by the driver himself.

Lin originally wanted to use these troops directly to cooperate with other troops to attack directly, but because of the interesting news, it was temporarily stopped.

It was the kind of weapon known as the 'de-zeroing agent'. Lin found that the captain's memory of the weapon did not know the effect, and the captain knew that the most powerful weapon of all the weapons of the virtual people was the '78-type bomb.

The '78 bomb" is the explosion that Lin first saw.

In addition to the permission of the Type 78 bomb, the latter is limited, and they are not allowed to use this weapon casually.

There are many reasons, but they can't be used now even if they want to use them, because if the enemy is too close, it will spread to themselves. Therefore, the commander seems to be planning to use a different weapon to deal with the pompom.

Now, the weapons known as 'de-zeroing agents' have arrived, and they landed in the bases of the imaginary people with huge boxes.

"Come on all the time!"

A group of mechs and imaginary people carried the boxes to the newly-launched buildings in the virtual base. These buildings are called 'launching stations' and look like large platforms, but they are used to launch various explosions. Used by the bomb.

The boxes were opened by the virtual people one by one. They stuffed the streamlined withering warhead into the entrance below the launch pad.

Through a series of devices inside the launch pad, these warheads are automatically placed in a position where they can be fired.

"Commander!" In the command room, the operator reported: "The agent has been prepared!"

“Very good!” the commander said: “After the center of the jungle, the whole jungle will be cleaned at once! Let those pompoms be exposed to our firepower!”

"Stop!" Suddenly, a voice rang at the door of the command room, and only three virtual people stood there. Among them is the imaginary people known as ‘scholars’.

"Now they just harass us a little," the scholar said: "but you use that kind of thing that will cause them to attack us!"

"That's what I want!" the commander cried. "The bunch of fluffy **** have been hidden in the jungle environment. We just have to clear the jungle to the whole, they can only show up!"

"Don't you think about it?" The scholar said: "The previous type I fire-shaped bombs, even if there is no direct hit, will cause great damage to the surrounding, and can create a large anaerobic environment, but the group of fluffy **** They still ran out of the jungle. They have tough life that you can't imagine! And they have wisdom that you can't imagine... In short, you must fully understand them before you can beat them!"

"And then do nothing?" The commander said: "I have already had enough of you. You should stay at the headquarters of the Institute to study the wreckage left behind after the war, instead of hindering the war here! Operator, now Just launch!"

"Yes...Yes! It has already been fired!" The operator quickly dialed the launch switch on the stereo image.


The scholar's words did not stop it, and the launching platform in the base suddenly sounded a shelling sound, and a large number of warheads were ejected from the launch pad. Rushing over the jungle.

Through the newly launched remote control machine, the commander looked at the development in the distance in the stereoscopic image. The warheads flew more than ten kilometers on the woodland, and then exploded, and a huge amount of powder like dust sprinkled below. Among the jungles.

The operator said: "The release of the dying agent was successful, the commander, it seems that this jungle is no longer suitable for colonization."

"Isn't that the new special effects drug has been developed? It has no effect on us." The commander said: "Call the troops to prepare. Wait until the wool **** are completely cleaned up. I see where they are going to hide..."

"The effect of special effects is not complete, and there are sequelae." The scholar said: "If you want to live in a place affected by the withering agent, you have to carry armor. But you shouldn't worry about this now..."

"Do you think they will come to take revenge?" The commander said: "If you don't do it, you will be poisoned directly."

Among the pictures displayed by the stereoscopic image, the trees touching the powder showed strange expressions, and the dense leaves began to appear strange colors, and the pieces were separated from the ground.

Moreover, this phenomenon spreads very quickly, and a large number of plants around it appear similar phenomena, and quickly spread to the range of hundreds of meters, and small plants on the ground began to wither and quickly wither.

More than a dozen small remote-controlled aircraft flew in the air, bringing direct images of the first time to the imaginary people, and the affected jungle soon became an area with only dry trunks.

Without the dense leaves, the scene on the ground can be clearly seen, many creatures fleeing in fear underneath, and some creatures seem to be poisoned and twitching on the ground.

“Very good, continue shooting elsewhere.” The commander said, “until the whole forest is bald.”

"Yes!" The operator activated the device again, and the warhead shot again from the launch pad and exploded in the other jungle.

"What is that?" However, the imaginary people saw this time, before the dying agent exploded, there was a strange thing flying between several warheads, hitting a warhead and blasting them together in the air. .

"It may be a flying animal or something." The commander said: "Don't worry, prepare for the next launch..."

"Commander...this..." and the operator's surprised voice followed.

"What?" The commander also saw that the jungle sprayed with the fading agent in the picture was completely different from the previous one. The leaves of the plants there did not fall, but there was a slight discoloration.

"What is going on?" the commander said with amazement: "How can it be ineffective? The plants here look similar to the previous ones. Is there a problem with the warheads?"

"I don't know..." the operator said: "Because it has not been tested..."

"Forget it!" the commander said: "The soldiers are first sprayed on the edge of the jungle to remove the nearby woodland, which can be easily found even if something goes wrong."


"..." After the scholar heard the words of the commander, he also went out.

Next, a large number of soldiers walked to the jungle where the pompons were infested with the command of the commander.

They all carry a square backpack and hold a pipe connecting the backpacks in their hands. They stand in a row and under the cover of the flame chariot, they begin to spray huge amounts of powder on the jungle...

These powders are all 'deaders', but the trees and plants they sprayed are exactly the same as they were seen in the command.

There is no effect at all...

“How could this be?” The commander looked at the scene in the command room and shouted: “Are all the inferior goods except the first one?”

"Not the case."

"What?" The commander was shocked. It found that the sound was coming from the image, and only the figure of the scholar walked around the spray.

Before the scholar walked to a plant sprayed with the fading agent, it took out a bottle, then scraped a little something on the leaf and poured it into the bottle. Then he quickly left and ran back to the laboratory. in.

In the laboratory, the scholar quickly poured the contents of the bottle into a cylinder and opened the stereoscopic image next to the cylinder.

"Sure enough of this..." In the stereoscopic image, a large number of tiny microorganisms were displayed. The scholar said: "It is not that the drug is not effective, but that the microorganism has eaten the withering agent..."

"What?" The commander’s astonished cry came from its helmet: "How could there be such a microbe?"

"And this creature..." The scholar did not answer, but looked at the stereo image carefully, and then it turned off the helmet communication.

"The dying agent is useless..." In the command room, the commander's mood has become more and more difficult to stabilize: "What to do in the end? Is it necessary to use the '78 type' to blow up?"

"Commander!" The operator's voice sounded: "The creatures on the plains have appeared again!"

"What? At this time, come over and go crazy?" The commander roared before the stereo image: "Come and give them all to blow..."

Its words are not finished, and its expression is also there.

I saw only the hill-like creatures I saw last time in the pictures displayed in the stereoscopic images, but the intensive, flood-like army...

PS: Thanks~ I got the name even if it's 588~

Thanks ~ Hughuka ~ Little Magic Dragon ~ End of the World Dragon ~ Book Tibetans ~ Passed - solo ~ monthly ticket ~

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