4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 388: Calm journey

Everything is in peace...

Temporary calm.

With the drift of the imaginary people flying out of them, the sound of all battles has stopped echoing, and all creatures believe that it is now in a safe state.

Because of the endless starry sky around, it can prove that they are currently very safe, although these virtual people do not have to deal with the situation outside.

Because, now is the time to celebrate.

"For us to be able to leave alive!"

In a hall, a large number of imaginary people gather together, and the surrounding video devices flash with different colors of brilliance, playing the music that excites them, and there is a lot of food in the center hall, and a kind of A drink called 'Saiker', the imaginary people are drinking a lot of drinks while eating food.

This drink can affect their nervous system and make them more exciting and exciting.

Although they have failed, they feel that they are already happy as long as they survive, which is worth celebrating on a large scale.

However, this will consume a lot of food, and they will have a three-year journey.

In the operating room, now only the commander stays there. It looks at the image in front of him and says to himself: "Is there still three years... I don't know what to expect when I come back."

"Notify now." The commander opened the radio: "You are prepared to start the freezing plan after three days and nights."

"Hey!" The virtual people below did not seem to hear the general, has been celebrating.

However, they all understand that if they don't pay attention to the celebration, then I am afraid it will take a long time to do it again.

Lynn found out. The food stored in the central area by the virtual people is not enough for the virtual people here to eat for three years. The virtual people also think that this long-distance travel is too long. So they invented something called 'low temperature sleep device'.

The imaginary people will spend the last three years in a space like a cockroach. They have been sleeping all the time. Except for a few major operators, they will spend three years in their sleep...

This can also save a lot of consumption, but this technology seems to be not very mature, can only last for several years, and it will be life-threatening to sleep.

It is said that this technology was just invented. Some imaginary people tried to use this technology to look at the 'future' and let themselves enter this low-temperature freezing environment. It tried to wake up after sleeping for a hundred years.

Because after sleeping, life expectancy will slow down a lot. Of course, it doesn't wake up again. After many tests, it is confirmed how long it can sleep.

Soon, three days and nights passed, and those who celebrated enough of the imaginary people returned to their rooms. Entered into every room, like a sly thing.

Although I didn't feel when I slept. But when you wake up, it will be very difficult. It is said that it feels like it has been vomiting for tens of thousands of seconds, so the virtual people don't like this thing...

Lin’s vision, watching these imaginary people enter the freezer cabin one by one, they greeted their companions and shut themselves down.

Then, see you in three years...

By the time, Lin can visit their hometown... Although I have seen some information here, it will be more interesting to see it with my own eyes.

There must be countless creatures. After all, it is another... a tumbling person who is almost as big as a pompom.


At the same time, on the other side, this virtual person can sleep without time...

"The nearest place to log in, from the location of 1312391327716 kilometers, are you sure you want to go? The computer's advice is: Never go, or you will die."

"...Bastard!" A slamming operation panel, once the captain, is now a vain person of the Nether Wanderer: "Why is it so far away? There should be other asteroids, what is it, I am not? Have to land in that place?"

The captain is now riding with Lin's pompom on a '50-meter gun', which is the largest of the original warships, with the most complete equipment and food.

The original warship seemed to have become a captive of gravity, rushing to the nearest black and purple world.

Captain, it seems that when he sees the strange color of the tumbling, he feels very scared. He does not want to land in that place, but wants to find another place to land.

But... it just searched for other ‘accessible areas’ nearby and got a wonderful number.

It may be a mistake, or it may be true. In short, it is only around to see the only tumbling person. It may also be the only tumbling person who rotates around the distant sun...

Therefore, the captain did not pass, but let the gunboat stay in the void.

Lin feels that it can always live in this gunboat. Of course, the food here may not be enough, but the virtual people have some tools, such as the ‘mini greenhouse system’ that can grow food in the void.

But this needs to be on the ground to use, there is no open space in the gunboat, and it is not able to receive the outside sunlight.

"...you can only go there." After the captain made a thought, it began to operate, and the gunboat also flew to the tumbling.

‘Boom—’ As the target approached, the entire gunboat began to tremble violently. From the image, it was seen that the outside was full of fire, and it was obvious that there was a tumbling man with air...

"It has entered the atmosphere and is detecting atmospheric components."

When the vibration slows down, you can already see the black earth below, which looks like a pure rock structure. It hasn't seen anything like life yet.

“The detection of atmospheric components is completed. The content of toxic substances such as sputum, sputum, and sputum is too high. When exposed to the air, it will die within 30 seconds.”

"It seems that I can't take the armor..." The captain spoke to himself while operating the gunboat, and it flew to an empty plain and stopped.

After checking the armor on the body, the captain went to the exit of the gunboat. Through the double entrance, the captain walked out of the gunboat.

And Lin's pompoms have always been behind it.

At the moment of leaving the gunboat, Linton felt a hot air blowing in the face, and a vast expanse of land appeared in front of the pompom.

As seen on the ship, this seems to be a world dominated by black and purple. Under the dim sky, a black plain is endless, and occasionally some hills and stones are seen in the middle. Lin has taken some air components, and it is true that the air here is highly toxic to pompoms.

The gravity here is lighter, but the gap is not big.

The captain looked at the scene and its mood became lower and lower...

It may be the moment to come here to get away from the same kind of life.

However, it should have been intended to live in the ship, because there are a lot of entertainment items, and there is enough food, it is still very comfortable, but it is now forced to live here.

Lin is very interested in the environment here. Since there is air, there should be creatures...

The captain ran to the side of the hull. After a few presses, the hull suddenly opened and a small object appeared from it.

This object is called the 'inferior area exploration tool', but the virtual people like to call it a 'sand bike', which looks like a small chariot, moving with a hooked belt underneath. Above, it is a space for the virtual people to take. There are more than two meters of boxes in the back to load the goods, and a cannon is also installed in front.

The captain jumped on the cannon and held the lever, and suddenly the entire sandmobile rushed forward...

The pompoms are also behind him. In fact, Lin is mostly invisible, but it has not been noticed.

The ridiculous plains on both sides are steadily receding. The belly belt of the sand cart seems to be quite stable on the ground. The pompons follow the captain and spray a large number of microorganisms. These creatures will go underground and test the area. Land ingredients to see if there are any nutrients.

Whether or not they will drill the ground to absorb the sun and grow, the purpose is to slowly occupy this place.

The captain’s goal is the smoke that is constantly emerging in the distance.

That was the crash site of the battleship...

As you approach the target, you can see the huge wreckage on the ground. This battleship hit the area not long ago, causing a huge pit and spilling countless pieces around.

Fortunately, the large number of bombs loaded on it did not seem to explode. In fact, the bombs of the virtual people came with a safety system, which made the ship even if it was destroyed, it would not be affected by the explosion.

Of course, this system is not effective at all times, and now nothing is pure luck.

Therefore, the captain did not dare to stay here for a long time. It rode around the wreckage of the battleship and found a broken entrance. Then he got off and went in...

But after a few seconds, it came out, and then it took the car again, leaving the place without returning.

It seems that the damage inside is too serious, there is no way to find something useful from it.

Back at the gunboat, the captain returned the car and then took some things from the gunboat.

Lin found that the things it took were all living devices, including the ‘mini-greenhouse’, as well as ‘mini-melting’, ‘mini-builder’ and so on.

In short, this set of equipment allows it to dig up the available minerals on the spot and then slowly build a base here.

These devices are inherently prepared to prevent yourself from accidentally crashing into a ridiculous place and living on your own...

It seems that the captain has already planned to build his own life base here.

However, there may be many wonderful things on this seemingly ridiculous tumbling person...

I don't know what will happen in the future? (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Youth Palace ~ 588~

Thanks ~ can not log in the resentment ~ take the name even if the ~ reward ~

Thank you ~ half bottle dissatisfied ~ Wu Yongguang ~ monthly ticket ~

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