4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 5 Chapter 392: Wonderful world

"The biological behavior here will affect their genes. I said that you understand it? You are a low-level creature that does not know where to come from."

In the face of the words of the Master, the scholar did not answer.

The Master did not know why, and suddenly he was interested in this: "It turns out that you are all random, so it will be so weak and so stupid. It will fall down by the light."

"I will call you random at random, how about?"

"..." Scholars are still silent.

They really make a very interesting combination.

Although Lin is watching them, she is also looking at the other side... What should Lin think about this thing now? Sealed up? Or is it better to kill?

... the creator of this creator.

Lynn's Behemoth is now floating above the ocean, and has a spherical creature in its body.

This creature is one of the two creators produced by the spiral creature, and the one that Lin first saw, and it is still alive after two big deaths...

Sure enough, it is still sealed first, using the freezing method similar to the virtual people.

If you simply shut it up, the creator will know, and then it will try to escape all means, let it freeze completely without consciousness.

It’s a pity that this strange and uncontrollable creature seems to kill. If you don’t kill it, you can only lock it up. If you stay, let’s see what is useful...

On the other side, here is the captain's lost star, and Lynn has seen some strange creatures here.

"They have appeared again." Inside the captain's gunboat. The captain is constantly entering its findings into the record...

"Length: 2 meters. Height is 1 meter. There are five limbs, the body is completely asymmetrical, and the outer shell is like a rock..."

When the captain enters, the stereo image in front of it also shows the creature's appearance. This creature looks like a...螳螂.

But without a head, and only five limbs, the outer shell looks like a rock similar to the ground.

Recently, this creature has appeared several times in a distant plain. And every time the captain sees it, it runs away in an instant.

However, the captain recorded its form and conducted some research on it. The captain observed for a long time and concluded that the creature may be a scavenger, so he dared to be far away. The place is swaying.

But the captain was still very alert. It was afraid that the creature would hurt it, so it placed several automatic towers around the base.

Lin is going to capture this creature directly.

Now, the pompoms fly on a black plain, and there is no end here. It is difficult to see what creatures there are.

The creatures that have always appeared before have not been discovered. It seems to be hiding somewhere.

Next time I waited for more energy, I found some more pompoms to search together, but now Lin found something strange... This thing stands on a black plain, it is like a ball with a diameter of more than three meters. There are many structural supports like tree roots underneath.

After the pompon floated on the sphere and touched its outer shell, Lin felt that this thing had a strange composition.

Ingredients that have not been seen...

Lin made the pompom round a circle and found that the thing was sealed, so the pompon began to drill holes outside and put the fluff into the drilled hole...

This is... water?

No, it's a liquid, but there seems to be nothing in it, no cells, no strange little creatures.

This kind of liquid is toxic to the pompom creature. It seems that although this thing is very similar to the structure of the creature, but the fluff is detected inside, Lin still found nothing, and the small debris is a lot.

Then Lin directly let the pompoms go in from the outside, and then got into the bottom of this 'water polo'.

It seems that this is not a creature, but it should be made by any creature, so it is good to be directly here. There will always be creatures coming back to manage this thing.

And it seems that it also gets water, although most of it is toxic, but Lynn can try to leave them and water.

Because this tumbling person has found very little water, this water is very useful.

That's it... Staying up late slowly... but Lin has never seen any creatures coming over.

The pompom also sucked up the water inside, and the hole that was originally opened was not filled. There was almost no water in it, and it became a completely dry state.

There is only one pompom in the ball that is full of water and becomes obese, and there is a pile of debris.

Maybe this is an abandoned thing. When Lin thinks about it, let the pompom stick out the fluff and start planting her own plants on the surrounding surface.

After living here for a while, Lin also discovered the characteristics of this place, that is... the day here has been going on for quite a long time, so for a long time, the world is in a hot state, the air of the world has been maintained. A high temperature that can almost cook dinosaur eggs.

The plants of the captain, although able to maintain normal growth temperatures in a mini-greenhouse, have too much energy to maintain the temperature.

The captain used solar energy as energy. It put a lot of silver metal plates to absorb the sun, but now it can't be maintained slowly. It must use the gunboat's reserve energy.

Lin found that the efficiency of the metal sunlight absorption board of the virtual people is not as high as that of the spiral organism. If the solar absorption board of the structure is used, it can fully support this energy consumption.

But Lin didn't help it at all, just wanted to see how it survived.

In this case, the captain finally intended to leave the gunship. Before it went to look at the crash point, he did not leave the gunship 100 meters...

And now it has to ride its sand truck again for energy.

Because the gunboat is very energy intensive, it is going to ride because the sand cart is solar.

When Lin saw that she was about to leave, she also let the pompom fly out of the water polo and keep up with it. One person and one ball, once again wandered in the wilderness of the alien star.

However, loitering is not quite right, because the captain is still purposeful.

It has already let go of some small remote control machines to detect it. There is a strange place on the east side. Although there is no creature in that place, it is very strange...

Because it is different from the long-lasting day here, there seems to be a feeling of dusk, and the light is not so strong.

The captain thought that the temperature there might be lower, but the remote control could not get the temperature data, so you must go and see it yourself.

"This is!" Suddenly, the captain stopped and found a green little plant on the side of the road.

It saw this moment of excitement, immediately took out a round can and a small shovel from the box behind the sand cart, it carefully shoveled the soil near the plant with a shovel.

‘Hey! Suddenly, the plant was indented into the ground and disappeared.

"Ah?" The captain suddenly glimpsed, then it dug up on the ground desperately...

But it certainly can't be dug, because the plant is a kind of seed.

After half a day of work, the captain had to dig a big pit but had to give up if nothing was found. He climbed up the sand truck again and drove to the originally scheduled target.

This time, it never found anything. It is still a wasteland along the way. The asymmetrical rock creatures that I saw before have not appeared again...

Until... the sky slowly darkens.

The sun that has been maintained in the sky is no longer violent, but turns into a gentle light.

The temperature here is starting to get lower. Although it is still very hot on the pompom, the captain is getting more and more excited when he listens to the data detected in the helmet.

If the temperature is lower, it will live near it.

After driving for a while, the color of the sky has become darker and darker, and the front is no longer an endless plain...

The towering peaks make up the continuous mountains and appear in front of Lin and the captain.

It seems that it is no longer possible to move on.

The captain’s car traveled to the foot of the mountain. Looking up, you can see the steep rock wall. It is more like a huge wall than the mountain. Countless sharp rocks are like acupuncture. It is very difficult to climb up.

It can also be seen here that the other side of the mountain top seems to be more dimly lit.

This does not seem to have a direct relationship with the sun, but there are a lot of objects in the air that look like clouds. The more they move east, the thicker they are, and the sun is blocked.

This also causes the temperature here to be lower, but it seems that this is not the only reason.

The captain detected the temperature at this location. Although it is already colder than before, it is still not suitable.

It looked at the mountain and then seemed to be determined to climb up the steep slope...

The top of the mountain is more than a hundred meters away from the ground. It is a relatively short mountain, because the lower gravity here, and the climbing function originally carried on the armor, it is easy to climb even in steep places.

The pompons follow it slowly, while at the same time detecting the composition of the air.

The air here seems to be mixed with another substance, but why is it only here?

When Lin thought about it, the captain had climbed to the top of the mountain.

At this moment, the pompoms also saw the wonderful scenery above the mountain.

It turns out that this is the environment like this?

In the direction that Lin and the captain came, the radiance of the sun shone on the earth, and on the other side of the mountain, as the night did not see any sunshine, it was a land covered by darkness.

The mountain where Lin and the captain are located is a place between the day and the night. It is also a place in the 'dusk' period. It can be said that it is like a dividing line. It cuts the night and the day into two halves. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Star Breeze Silver Moon ~ advancer18 ~ I am called Qi Qi ~ Fan Wai f legend ~ youth is never a dream ~ the monthly ticket ~

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