“You mean, Qin Feng acquired 27 traditional Chinese medicine stores in this month?”

“Yes, Chairman”

“I have checked in advance and the locations of these traditional Chinese medicine stores are pretty good.”

“However, due to the significant decline in the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine in the past two years, the trust of the masses has also begun to decrease.”

“Therefore, these traditional Chinese medicine pharmacies cannot compete with those Huimin pharmacies at the entrance of the community.”

Hearing this, He Dayong smiled and nodded.

“It seems that Qin Feng is really scared”

“It’s been a month since I scolded him. I thought he would get angry and fight me?”

“Unexpectedly, he was just a coward!”

The more He Dayong talked, the more proud he became. He shook his head and stood up.

“So, don’t always listen to the media talking about young talents.”

“Faced with this kind of particularly rampant little hairy kid, you must talk to him in a language he can understand!”

“I guessed that Qin Feng must have asked about me, so he endured it without saying a word.”

“Just because he knows how to advance and retreat, he is still much better than his peers.”

Looking at He Dayong’s happy expression, the secretary smiled and agreed beside him.


“It seems that Qin Feng wants to develop the traditional Chinese medicine business in the Magic City area. So, should we……?”

He Dayong shook his head

“I have never been in the traditional Chinese medicine business and I am not interested in this aspect.”

“Since there is no conflict of interest, just let him go.”


“However, this Feng is not convinced at all”

“I just moved my fingers a little to let him understand that a businessman like me in the Magic City”

“It was completely different from the small traders he saw in remote areas of the countryside!”


More than a month.

Qin Feng was crazy about purchasing traditional Chinese medicine stores in the Magic City area.

These traditional Chinese medicine stores were already poorly run and could no longer survive.

It was like seeing a life-saving straw.

They came to the door in turn, asking Qin 120feng to buy his store.

And Qin Feng did his part.

They bought all these stores and even asked the boss to keep all the employees and pharmacists in the stores!

After learning about Qin Feng’s business plan.

The people in charge of the old domestic products came to the hotel where Qin Feng was staying.

“The business of traditional Chinese medicine is untouchable.”

“The water here is too deep, you can’t grasp it at all”

“Moreover, you had some trouble with He Dayong in the Magic City.”

“If you don’t protect everything, he will stumble you behind your back.”

“Stop it, you really can’t touch the business of traditional Chinese medicine.”

After listening to everyone’s dissuasion, Qin Feng didn’t take it seriously at all.

Seeing that Qin Feng didn’t take it seriously at all.

The people in charge of the old domestic products didn’t know how to continue to persuade.

And Qin Feng, here too Taking advantage of this gap,

I renovated all the more than 20 traditional Chinese medicine stores in my possession.

I changed the names of these stores to Chunfengtang!

“The spring breeze is proud of the horse’s hooves, and I can see all the flowers in Chang’an in one day”

“In less than two months, I guarantee that someone will pay the price for their arrogance.”

After all the details were processed,

Qin Feng officially launched his plan.

He first found many well-known Internet celebrities to cooperate with him in filming the script.

In the script, the Internet celebrity went into a traditional Chinese medicine store to buy sour plum soup. The footage was deliberately enhanced many times.

Sure enough, under Qin Feng’s deliberate guidance, the internet celebrity’s video caused a small-scale shock on the entire Internet as soon as it was released.

The content of the video was not attractive.

But netizens What interests me most is the drinks inside.

——【Do you really sell sour plum soup in Chinese medicine stores? It looks quite delicious. (biae)】

——【I seem to have a slight impression, but I have forgotten the specific taste.】

——【To be honest, if you want to drink drinks, you might as well go to a traditional Chinese medicine store to drink sour plum soup. At least these sour plum soups are filled with Chinese herbal medicines and can also have health-preserving effects.】

——【Not only that, there are various additives and chemical ingredients in the drink. This sour plum soup is all natural ingredients.】

——【The drugstore in the video seems to be not far from me. Guys, wait a minute. I’ll go check it out and see if it sells sour plum soup. 】

With the traffic of Internet celebrities.

The news of sour plum soup being sold in traditional Chinese medicine stores slowly spread across the Internet.

More and more people are surprised to find out.

It turns out that there is such a treasure of drinks hidden in the Chinese medicine store

“Family, listen to me”

“The sour plum soup in this traditional Chinese medicine store is really delicious and tastes great”

“Moreover, he took all the ingredients directly from the medicine cabinet and cooked them in front of me.”

“The whole process is very transparent, and I feel very relieved when I drink it.”

“Let me tell you secretly, if your intestines and stomach are fine and you don’t have a cold problem, you can add some ice cubes to the sour plum soup.”

With a large number of guides appearing on social platforms, the nourishing sour plum soup in traditional Chinese medicine stores was sold out.

And the areas near these traditional Chinese medicine stores are all office buildings.

White-collar workers who have been drinking coffee or energy drinks for a long time also one day I had a sudden idea.

I decided to change my taste and try the sour plum soup in the Chinese medicine store.

In an era when drinks were very rare, sour plum soup did not seem to be outstanding.

Most of them were brewed separately at home and only provided to Family members drink it.

But in today’s fast-paced era, the sour plum soup brewed in traditional Chinese medicine stores is like leading a new fashion. As a fashionista.

If you don’t know yet, you can drink sour plum soup in traditional Chinese medicine shops. Then you are really behind the times!

After a small-scale publicity, the sale of sour plum soup in the Magic City Traditional Chinese Medicine Store was directly detonated in major Internet celebrity circles.

After drinking it, many people said that the taste was very refreshing.

Not only better than drinks and Coffee is delicious, and it is very healthy for the body and will not cause psychological burden.

At this point,

Qin Feng won the first battle. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The nourishing sour plum soup officially became famous.

Soon, the devil The local TV stations in Beijing came to visit us.

“Dear viewers, our current location is Chunfengtang Chinese Medicine Shop on the Bund.”

“This Chinese medicine shop has been very popular recently”

“The reason is also very simple, because they are selling a very strange drink here”

“This drink is nourishing sour plum soup”

“Within two weeks, sour plum soup nourishes the eyes and has become one of the favorite drinks among young people nowadays.”

“Everyone is more enthusiastic about nourishing sour plum soup than coffee and milk tea”

“Why does this little traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup have such strange energy?”

“Next, let us have a good chat with Mr. Qin Feng, who created the traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup with questions.”

As soon as the camera turned, Qin Feng stood beside him and greeted the camera with a smile.

“Hello Mr. Qin Feng”

“As far as we know, this should be your first commercial project in Shanghai”

“Can you tell us why you chose to combine traditional Chinese medicine with sour plum soup?”

Qin Feng smiled and nodded.

“This is not a combination, but something salvaged from the long river of history.”

“Sour plum soup has a long history of being sold in traditional Chinese medicine shops.”

“This is not only a very healthy drink, but also a nourishing product that should be known to the public”

“Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that medicine and food come from the same source, nourishing and nourishing the body!”

“I feel very sad to see that the current beverage market is dominated by a large number of technological and ruthless products.”

“And our ancestors have actually left such good things behind”

“As a person who loves traditional culture, I feel that it is very necessary for me to promote the traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup.”

“Let more people experience the charm of traditional Chinese medicine while experiencing a healthy life.”

Remember to smile and look at the breeze

“Then Mr. Qin Feng”

“What do you think is the biggest advantage of traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup?”

Qin Feng thought for a moment, and then said to the reporter

“Traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup, suitable for people of all ages”

“Moreover, the dosage of medication can be adjusted to various extents according to each person’s different requirements!”

“Let white-collar workers who are busy at work stay away from the overdraft caused by functional drinks”

“Add a new option to the elderly’s thermos cup”

“Let the children going to school drink with peace of mind, and let the parents also feel safe.”

Speaking of this, Qin pointed to the signboard of Chunfeng Hall

“However, there is one more thing that I hope everyone can pay attention to.”

“Our traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup is made using bees”

“But it is essentially a product made from a mix of various traditional Chinese medicines.”

“So when purchasing, you can also use your medical insurance card to pay!”

“Please don’t forget it!”

As the program aired, the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup directly attracted netizens, and the discussion rate also increased sharply.

——【Thanks to Qin Feng for reminding me, how could I forget such an important thing? I will go and get my medical insurance card now.】

——【Good guy, I was a little hesitant at first, but when I heard that you can pay with your medical insurance card, I had to buy some to try.】

——【Our company pays the minimum base for medical insurance. This amount of money is not enough to pay for medical treatment when I get old, but it is just enough to buy sour plum soup.】

——【I usually don’t use the money in my medical insurance card, but now I can use it to buy nourishing drinks. Rounding things off, isn’t this the same as drinking sour plum soup for free? Love it, love it】

——【This Qin Feng is so amazing. How many fantastic ideas does he have in his mind that we don’t know about? 】

Overnight, Internet celebrity Chinese medicine sour plum soup successfully emerged from the industry. over the next few days.

The more than 20 traditional Chinese medicine shops owned by Qin Feng were directly overcrowded.

Said an old master who has worked in the pharmacy all his life.

I have worked in the traditional Chinese medicine industry for so many years, and I have never seen so many young people queuing up to buy things at a traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy.

Three days.

More than 20 traditional Chinese medicine shops are running out of raw materials for sour plum soup.

It appeared directly in the store that there was no goods for sale!

Qin Feng issued an emergency announcement.

Said that new raw materials are on the way.

It can be delivered to the store within one day. I hope you don’t be anxious and wait patiently.

After a week of sales of traditional Chinese medicine sour plum soup.

Qin Feng looked at the business data in his hand and said to Reba with a smile

“Now, it’s a bit interesting……”

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