40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1008: The third inheritance!

After Li Yao finished speaking, Jin Xinyue was like watching a life-and-death duel of peerless masters from close range, passing by her impenetrable sword, light and sword shadow.

He could feel the sharp edge of the mind of the master and father, rubbing against her cerebral cortex, and the tingling and pleasure produced like ice-water initiation.

This thrilling feeling made her sweat profusely and her hands and feet were soft.

From front to back, I sorted it out again, and the image of her father became taller and more mysterious in her heart.

Jin Xinyue smiled bitterly: "It seems that I have always underestimated my father."

"It's ridiculous. I used to think that I could kill my stepmother without knowing it, and make trouble in the Golden Crow country, and cultivate my own power in secret. My father knew nothing, and he did nothing more. "

"Now it seems that he knows everything perfectly, but he is deliberately indulging me!"

"It's a pity that my father has exhausted his organization and carefully planned the'Red Tide Project' for decades, but has neglected two fatal factors, one is the'spore plan' of the ancestor Youquan, and the other is the existence of the master. In the end, it is inevitable to'make wedding clothes for others', which is doomed to fail!"

"Master, the disciple can't figure it out. If my father is so terrible as you said, why would he still be fooled by Ancestor Youquan?"

Li Yao sighed, pointed to his own brain and said, "This is a problem of the distribution of computing power."

"It should be understood that human resources are sometimes poor. No matter whether Yuan Ying or Demon Emperor, no matter how good the computing power is, there are limits to the activity and agitation of brain cells."

"Using his own power to instigate the'Red Tide Project' in a vain attempt to conquer the Celestial Realm in a single battle, what a whimsical, frantic, and magnificent cause! Your father must have put all his computing power into it. The problem?"

"Perhaps, he once thought that the other Demon Kings are all'teammates of pigs' and it is very likely that the truth of the'Red Tide Project' will be exposed, and they must be thrown away."

"But how could he expect that the mouths of these'pig teammates' are full of fangs, which will not only drag him back, but even bite him back?"

"I know this state best. To be honest, do you think that my personality and thinking are sometimes weird, like IQ fluctuates high and low, sometimes astonishing and sometimes nonsense?"

Jin Xinyue: "Uh, my disciples dare not. Master is a person with great wisdom and great virtue. He is born with a heart of innocence and occasionally innocent, but it is the manifestation of the thoroughness of the Taoist heart and the return to innocence!"

Li Yao smiled: "Returning to the basics is actually very simple, because most of the time, I have to allocate 95% of my computing power to thinking about various tactics, planning various layouts, studying various magical structure diagrams and ancient books. The computing power that can be used for external communication is up to 5%. It seems naturally a bit slow and weird!"

"For example, at this moment, I use a very small amount of computing power to communicate with you, but I allocate most of the computing power, thinking about how to destroy the blood demon's eye! This is the principle of'multiple use of one mind'."

"Sometimes, for example, a few days ago, in order to sort out the causes and consequences of the'Red Tide Project', I would even burn my life and stimulate the activity of brain cells to more than 1500%, condense 150% of the calculation power, after crazy calculations The brain cells need to rest for a long time. At that time, the wisdom I could show was no different from ordinary people. Maybe even many very simple traps and layouts could not be seen."

"Your father's situation should be the same as mine, or even more serious, because I only think about'destruction', but he thinks about'construction'. Destruction is easier than construction."

"In order to build the Eye of the Blood Demon and instigate the Red Tide Project, he must have invested 110% of his computing power. The brain is overloaded all day long. Where is the extra computing power to care about other demon emperors. What is the conspiracy?"

"Perhaps because of this, he relaxed the monitoring of the people around him, causing him to be infiltrated step by step by Youquan Ancestor. In the end, even the Red Tide Project has become the'stepping stone' of the Spore Plan!"

Although they had different positions, Li Yao still admired Jin Tuyi very much.

Jin Tuyi's doomed failure may be because he chose an impossible enemy from the beginning, an impossible task, and at the last moment, he encountered various unforeseen factors.

In a word, the crime of non-war!

"by the way."

Li Yao sighed in his heart and said, "The reason why I didn't tell you the whole story before I came to Tongtian City is not because I don't believe you."

"Yes, accepting you as a disciple does have a lot of interest considerations, including that you are Jin Tuyi's daughter, through which you can communicate with him more quickly, and you have the'Chaotic God's Blood' and you have changed from a monster race. Becoming a complete human race will also be of great benefit to the future integration of the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon."

"However, since I have accepted you as a disciple, I will not cover up and use you as a pawn."

"The reason why I didn't tell you in advance is very simple, because your acting skills are still a little immature, not reaching the level of perfection. In heavyweight talks between high-end people like your father and me, you are too easy to show your feet. Understand?"

Jin Xinyue was stunned: "My acting skills...too bad?"


Li Yao walked to the entrance of the cave, carrying his hands on his back, looking at the three dim blood moons in the sky, and said indifferently, "You are in the Pantheon Palace, of course, you have also honed your acting skills assiduously. There is absolutely no problem."

"However, in the eyes of me and your father's masters, many of your manners and expressions still cannot get rid of a deliberate craftsmanship. It is slightly exaggerated and tender."

Jin Xinyue frowned and touched her cheek involuntarily: "Yes, do you?"


Li Yao turned around and looked at his disciple seriously, "The simplest example is your reaction when I analyzed the entire'Red Tide Project' just now."

"Actually, with your ingenuity, you have already vaguely seen that our purpose of sneaking into Tongtian City is not simple, and in the process of listening to my analysis, you have guessed many things, right?"

"But you still pretend to be ignorant, you are always shocked, cold sweat, dumbfounded, and use your clumsiness to contrast the wise martial arts of your teacher."

"The starting point is good, but it's too late. This kind of flattering is really not subtle enough."

Jin Xinyue was speechless, and lowered her head in shame in front of her master.

Li Yao seriously said: "Don't think that I am belittling you. At your age, your acting skills are already very good!"

"Actually, there is one thing that I have always regretted."

"What I am good at is fighting and refining weapons. I have received two disciples before. Your senior brother is a martial arts wizard, and I hope to inherit my combat abilities. Although your second senior sister has average talents, he is good at refining weapons. No one can match the enthusiasm and hard work of art, she barely managed to inherit some of the things I have accumulated in the art of refining."

"However, few people know that in addition to combat and refining, I also have one of the most important skills, and that is acting!"

"I grew up in the Tomb of Magic Treasure. The competition there is as cruel as the blood demon world. Before I learned to fight and refine weapons, I stumbled and survived by relying on'acting skills'!"

"Acting, what is acting?"

"Observing, analyzing, thinking, substituting enemy thinking, disguise, bait, trap, layout, misleading, second misleading, third misleading...the combination of these abilities is the real acting!"

"The word acting is almost the only secret to'win the strong with the weak'! The vast sea of ​​stars is full of dangers, the strong are like clouds, and the monsters are like rain. Everyone who comes out to cultivate, will never be truly invincible. In many cases, you must die. Living, turning defeat into victory, depends entirely on acting!"

"It's a pity that my first two disciples may be able to achieve something in combat and refining art, but their disposition and wisdom can't inherit my ability in acting, so--"

An unstoppable touch rose from the bottom of Jin Xinyue's heart, as if she knew what Master was going to say next, she couldn't help but tremble slightly!

Li Yao patted her on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "If it's just to get close to your father, there are many ways. I don't need to tie myself to the shackles of the master-disciple relationship."

"Your talent and ability in acting is the most important reason why I accepted you as an apprentice."

"Understand, right?"

"Actually, I have always been optimistic about you as a teacher, so I will follow my teacher in the future and work **** acting!"

Jin Xinyue took a deep breath, restrained the urge in her nasal cavity, gave a deep bow, and said sincerely: "Disciple, please follow the orders of the teacher!"

This sentence, like a sharp sword, completely shredded the disguise covering her body.

Jin Xinyue's eyes were as clear as water, and the waist became straighter and straighter, like a sword half drawn from its sheath.

She was no longer the loyal listener who would only be "stunned" when Li Yao analyzed the problem, and she became an ambitious, cruel, and careful-thinking Saintess of the Pantheon Temple.

The tightness of each bundle of muscles and the faint release of psychic energy even made her reveal a faint...hostility!

The **** moonlight spread into the cave, covering both of them with a faint **** gauze.

Li Yao and Jin Xinyue, the weird pair of masters and disciples, quietly confronted each other under the moonlight like blood and mist.

Li Yao smiled: "So, this is the real you. Since escaping from Tongtian City, you have always had things on your mind. Until this moment, you are willing to really open up to me, right?"

Jin Xinyue nodded, her gaze getting sharper and sharper, like a wisp of soul possession of Jin Tuyi: "Yes, maybe until this moment, I have been 100% from the bottom of my heart and regard you as a real master. The only master, so I don’t want to hide anything from the master anymore!"

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