40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1011: Controversy between humans and ghosts! (Fourth!)

In the confrontation with his disciples, Li Yao has always performed with ease.

It wasn't until Jin Xinyue raised this question that the smile on his face became stiff.

Li Yao took a deep breath and said, "My spiritual root is on the crystal track train going north to the Great Wilderness. It will only be awakened after being inspired by seven cultivators who have come forward and desperately protected ordinary people!"

"So, I will always stand by the side of ordinary people."

"I will do what is most beneficial to ordinary people. If I feel that certain decisions of the federal government will harm ordinary people's interests, of course I will do my best to change and prevent them."

Jin Xinyue's eyes became clearer, and her tone became firmer and firmer: "Master still hasn't answered the disciple's questions positively."

"On the side of ordinary people? So, who is an ordinary person? Even, who is a ‘human’?"

"Yes, the citizens of the Star Federation are, of course, ordinary people whom Master wants to protect."

"The disciple also believes that in the eyes of the master, he may be regarded as a human in the way he is now."

"Even the chaotic blood monsters with less obvious characteristics of the monsters, perhaps the master can treat them as'ordinary people' and protect them sincerely."

"But, what about those ugly, even strange-looking copper blood and black blood monster races?"

"In the eyes of Master, are they really'human beings'? In the most extreme circumstances, is Master really willing to break with the Xingyao Federation for such a'human being'?"

Li Yao was stunned, really stunned.

The third disciple I took was very different from the first two disciples.

Her performance far exceeded her expectations!

Looking at Jin Xinyue’s gleaming eyes like crystalline marrow, looking at this Pantheon Temple saint, the daughter of Jin Tuyi, the commander of the Allied Forces of All Demons, blooming with all her own light and glamour, Li Yao could no longer control this In a conversation, as a mere master instructing his disciples.

Rather, an equal exchange between two cultivators!

"You asked the key point. Ever since I discovered the truth of'humans and monsters with the same origin', I have been thinking about who is an'ordinary person', what is a'human', and how should a person and a monster be divided? What am I fighting for?"

Li Yao gestured, letting Jin Xinyue sit cross-legged like him.

Sitting on both knees is the way that the disciple listens to the master's teachings. When both sides sit cross-legged, it is "sitting and discussing the Tao".

Jin Xinyue bowed deeply and sat down cross-legged unceremoniously.

She knew that the following conversations belonged to the exploration of the "Great Way". Under the Great Way, all cultivators are equal, even the master and apprentice.

Li Yao said: "This question is too complicated. In order to understand the happy knots, I almost thought of going crazy, arguing fiercely with the other self in my mind, and colliding with many absurd ideas."

Of course Jin Xinyue didn't know that Li Yao's so-called "another self in his mind" was not a rhetorical device, but there was really "another Li Yao".

She held her breath to listen to Master's understanding of the "Great Way".

Li Yaodao: "Be a thinking game. For example, you are a true cultivator who abides by the Federal Basic Law very much. When you see a beautiful, frail and sickly young girl in danger, of course you have to come forward and protect. She, right?"

Jin Xinyue nodded: "Yes."

Li Yao said, "But, if it's not a girl, but a fierce-looking, stubborn, stubborn, brawny man who is in danger? Should we protect it?"

Jin Xinyue hesitated for a moment: "It's better to protect him. He is vicious and innocent. He looks like a five-strong, crude, vulgar and brawny man. He may also be a husband, father, and son. He is also an ordinary person. The danger that cannot be overcome is seen by a true cultivator, and of course he will take action to protect it."

Li Yao said: "If this strong man has ever suffered a serious illness, 99% of his body's organs have failed, and he has to be replaced with a'spiritual prosthesis' composed of metal, gears and magic weapons. Is it only the brain or the original brain? "

Jin Xinyue pondered for a moment: "The ordinary people who put on the psychic prosthesis are still ordinary people."

Li Yao's eyes were shining: "What if he doesn't even have his brain? He is dead, leaving only the remnant soul, and he has become a ghost repair."

Jin Xinyue frowned and said: "The laws of the Star Federation recognize the human rights of ghost repairs. That means treating ghosts as ordinary people. In theory, they should be protected."

Li Yao said: "Well, suppose, when the brawny man is tortured by a serious illness and is about to die, the only thing that can save him is not a'spiritual body', but a bottle of'Kunlun Divine Water'?"

"He took the'Kunlun Divine Water', the cells mutated, and turned into a hideous monster with sharp fangs. Is he still an ordinary person? Is he still within the protection of the cultivator?"

Jin Xinyue is speechless.

This question is too complicated, she really doesn't know the answer, so she can only think deeply while shaking her head, not in the negative, but expressing what she doesn't know.

Li Yao said: "Okay, another question. Assuming that this bottle of'Kunlun Shenshui' has been specially formulated with minimal side effects. After taking it, it will only cause the cells to mutate deeply, but the appearance is not much different from that of normal people. Only canine teeth are better than ordinary people. It’s slightly longer by a millimeter."

"So, is this strong man who came back to life as a human or a demon?"

"One millimeter?"

Jin Xinyue made a gesture, the canine teeth were one millimeter longer than the average person, and it was completely invisible. Of course it was an ordinary person!

She nodded without hesitation.

Li Yao: "What about two millimeters?"

Jin Xinyue nodded.

"What about three millimeters?"


"How about four millimeters? How about five millimeters?"

Nodding, nodding.

"Ten millimeters, or one centimeter?"

One centimeter longer than a normal person? Isn't it obvious? Jin Xinyue hesitated and nodded reluctantly.

Li Yao crossed his ten fingers and rested his chin: "What if it's thirty centimeters? It looks like a saber-toothed tiger with long and sharp fangs. Is that a "human" or a "monster"?"

Jin Xinyue thought for a while, and said, "The only characteristic of the monsters in many **** monsters is the fangs. If it is the fangs of the saber-toothed tiger, it seems that it is difficult to be regarded as a human in the general sense. Right?"

Li Yao said, "So, between one centimeter and thirty centimeters of canine teeth, there must be a critical point for judging whether this brawny man is a human or a demon, right?"

"Assume that the critical point is fifteen centimeters."

"If this strong man is lucky enough and his canine teeth grow to just 14.99 cm after taking the'Kunlun Shenshui', then he is a human being. In theory, the cultivator should protect him."

"However, if he takes an extra sip of'Kunlun Shenshui' and his canine teeth grow to 15.01 cm, then he is a demon. In theory, a cultivator should'cut the demon and eliminate the devil' and kill him."

"If he is cruel and finds a dentist to pull out his fangs, he will turn from a demon to a human again, and the cultivator should protect him again, right?"

Jin Xinyue felt a little sore in her canine teeth.

According to the theory just now, it seems like this should be the case.

But once it is spread out, I always feel that something is wrong!

How to define the concept of "person"?

Jin Xinyue was completely confused.

Li Yao sighed and said, "It's ridiculous, isn't it? But that's how many people view the problem, including myself."

"You are right, although I have been telling myself in my heart that the demons are derived from human races, and all demons are human races of another form."

"However, if it is a part of the chaotic blood monster race and the silver blood monster race, it is just a human form with a tail, a pair of cat ears, or a pair of wings-I want to accept that such a monster race is of the same kind. , The problem does not seem to be a big deal."

"However, those hideous and hideous creatures that have completely lost their human form, are like insects that have been magnified tens of thousands of times. I really...it's hard to accept them!"

"I know this concept of'judging people by appearance' is wrong, but no matter how you overcome it, you can't reverse it in a short moment."

"So, you have to ask me, what is a "person", I really don't have the right to define it."

"I just want to tell you a story, a story about ghosts fighting for human rights in the Star Federation over a hundred years ago."

Jin Xinyue listened attentively, and forcibly resisted not interjecting.

Li Yaodao: "More than a hundred years ago, with the development of technologies such as'Soul Locking' and'Spiritual Body', there were more and more ghost repairs in the Star Federation. What kind of rights should be enjoyed by ghost repairs? It's not a "person", but it has also aroused fierce controversy in society."

"There are people who support the human rights of ghost repairs. After all, they retain the memory and will of their lives, except for the fact that they are no different from their lives."

"But some people think that ghosts are ghosts. People and ghosts have different paths. It is good to allow them to move in broad daylight. What human rights are there to talk about? Treating ghosts as adults will only cause a major collapse of traditional ethics and social order. Is absolutely unworkable."

"Under the instigation of the latter ideological trend, various'living people are supreme' organizations have appeared one after another, discriminating against ghost repairs very seriously, and even persecuting ghost repairs."

"In some places, there are people with unhealthy minds who control ghost cultivators and manipulate them to commit crimes. After all, ghost cultivators have no entity, and many shameful activities are done by ghost cultivators, which is more convenient than living people. It’s not surprising that the matter of'Guarding against ghosts' has existed since ancient times."

"Under this situation, there was a typical case of a twelve-year-old girl who kept a ray of remnant soul after her death, but was acquired by a criminal group. The criminal group’s evil cultivators trained her. She has become a ghost repairer and wants her to use the power of ghosts to commit crimes."

"The little girl desperately couldn't follow it. She tried to escape several times, but she was angered by these evil cultivators and was beaten to death.

"After this incident was exposed, of course those evil cultivators were arrested."

"However, in the court, their defense lawyer was plausible in the face of irrefutable evidence—yes, his client admitted to beating this little girl to death, but it is impossible for a person to die twice. This little girl died long ago. It was a normal death, not by his client, so technically speaking, his client didn't'kill' the little girl, so there is no murder!"

"Killing, of course, is against the law, but what about killing ghosts? The Star Federation speaks of the law. Does killing ghosts violate the law?"

"Originally, it was just a simple criminal case, but it happened that in the fierce collision of the two ideological trends, it ended up in the Federal Supreme Court and became a fierce debate on the definition of ‘ghost’ and ‘person’!"

"After all, is a wisp of spirit hidden in a phantom body counted as a person? Is killing a ghost with independent will and free thinking counted as guilty of'murder'?

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