40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1014: Skyfire organization is in action!

Blood Demon Realm, Golden Crow Country.

As the feathered kingdom that controls the universe, the urban style of the Golden Crow Kingdom is completely different from that of land-based powers such as the Lion Tu Kingdom and Youquan Kingdom.

The land of the Golden Crow Kingdom is located between the most rugged mountains in the blood demon world and the most turbulent rivers.

On this fragmented, inaccessible land, even wild beasts are insurmountable, only birds and feather tribes can gallop freely on the ground, a special plant "golden ebony" grows.

The golden ebony is said to be a sub-family of the legendary "Jianmu" tree of the ancient sacred tree. It can reach a height of several thousand meters, and its roots cover tens of kilometers.

Three or four "golden ebony" surrounded together, it is a thick jungle.

The golden ebony can not only collect a large amount of nutrients through the root system that is thousands of meters deep underground, but also collect the aura of heaven and earth through the leaves full of ultra-micro holes, and gather the thin aura within hundreds of miles around the golden ebony, and Grow the "Golden Crow Fruit" of great cultivation value.

Residents of Jinwu Country use golden ebony trees thousands of meters high as a natural "three-dimensional city."

They built nest-shaped houses on top of golden ebony wood, hopped back and forth between the developed branches and vines. On top of golden ebony wood, they built various floating mountains and a symbolic array using wind energy.

The golden ebony wood is the source of life for the Yu clan, and even the name of the country of the golden ebony originates from this.

At this moment, this town called "Haosang", composed of three golden ebony trees and a floating mountain, was burning in the mysterious purple fire!

Between the golden ebony girls, countless blue-faced Bluetooth, ribbed wings and low-level feather tribes are fighting with other high-level feather tribes with beautiful faces and dark golden streamers all over their bodies!

There were bursts of killing, roaring like thunder, and even a golden ebony wood collapsed under the impact of blazing flames and violent explosions!

"Long live!"

When the giant tree collapsed, the ragged low-level monster clan roared like a flash flood, "Long live the chaos!"

The same scene of riots broke out almost simultaneously in more than a dozen towns in the Golden Crow Kingdom.

This is the aftermath of the bloodblade chaos.

With the break of the city of Chaos, the tumultuous “Chaos Blade” rebellion seemed to have died down, and the entire Chaos Blade organization was severely damaged. Even the identity of the leader “Fire Ant King” was made public and had to be abandoned. And escape, hiding in the shadows.

At first sight, the Bloodblade Rebellion had been completely suppressed.

However, it is like returning to the light, the Chaos Blade Organization, before the smoke disappears, is dying to struggle, and exhausted its last strength to launch a retaliatory counterattack in the hometown of the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance commander Jin Tuyi!

At this moment, the elite of the four great monster kingdoms are all gathered in the eye of the blood demon. The country is in the most empty stage of strength, but it has really been successfully attacked by the blade of chaos. Within a few days, a lot of waves have been set off. The momentum.

However, the rabble is the rabble, and the Golden Crow country does not even need to bring back the elite from the Eye of the Blood Demon. It only needs the regular army in the country to be assembled, the army suppresses, and the seemingly mammoth riots are turned and destroyed!


No one knew that when the "Blood Blade Chaos" burned countless cities and towns, there was another organization that was a hundred times more terrifying than the "Chaotic Blade" and was acting secretly.

That is the new "Skyfire Organization".

Under the cover of the Bloodblade Rebellion, the three special tactical teams under the Skyfire Organization, Rage Flame, Riot and IP, sneaked into the various towns of the Golden Crow country unknowingly!

The predecessors of these three tactical squads were the most elite troops in the Union Army and the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons. Together with the Chaos Blade core trained by the Fire Ant King over decades, their average strength far surpassed Above the ordinary and elite, let alone the ordinary regular army who is not qualified to go to the Eye of the Blood Demon.

With all the elites of the Yu clan leaving for the Eye of the Blood Demon, they were in the Golden Crow, as if they had entered the land of no one.

When the "Blood Blade Chaos" burst into its final glory, they were also searching for their goals in various towns in the Golden Crow Kingdom.


In Haosang City, an angry flame team composed of seven elites slid silently into a nest-shaped villa built on golden ebony wood.

All the defensive forces in Haosang City are dealing with the onslaught of the mob.

And the owner of this villa had already taken refuge out of the city.

Seven light green mysterious lights shot out from the heads of the seven soldiers, searching every corner of the villa.

"Fingerprint extraction is complete!"

"One hundred and twenty-two scattered feathers were collected!"

"The data in the biochemical brain has been copied!"

"Find a secret compartment, all the information has been copied!"

"Okay, after thirty seconds, follow Route 2 to retreat!"

Soon, this ghost-like detachment withdrew from Haosang City, disguised as a mob defeated by the regular army, and flew in all directions in the vast dark night.

From start to finish, they have not left even a single footprint, and no one knows that they have been there.


Thousand Feather City, one of the largest towns in the Kingdom of Jinwu.

The most famous "Thousand Feather Academy" of the Yu clan is located here.

This is the Teleportation Array Technology Research Center of the entire Blood Demon Realm, but it was also briefly involved in the whirlpool in the final madness of "Blood Blade Chaos".

When all the regular troops of the Feather tribe were suppressing the mob in front, the members of the IP tactical squad, like wisps of ghosts, sneaked into the database and affiliated hospital of "Thousand Feather Academy".

"The list of all experts proficient in teleportation array technology has been collected!"

"The blood sample and iris atlas have been collected!"

"Voiceprint and breath data, collected!"



In Fengning City, in Tianshui City, in more than a dozen large and small cities and towns in the Jinwu Kingdom, the same thing happened repeatedly in three days.

Either a large number of feathers’ fingerprints and voiceprints were extracted, or a lot of seemingly mediocre information was copied, or even some feathers were hypnotized and questioned.

In the blaze set off by the Bloodblade Rebellion, these things can only be regarded as tiny sparks, and no one pays attention at all.


Three days later, located 950 kilometers west of the Super Teleportation Array "Blood Demon Eye", on the outskirts of the "Weiyang Mansion" in the town of Lion Tuguo, in the lead-grey sky, a ship made of the bones of the "Giant Blue Whale" The prepared biochemical transport ship is cruising lazily.

It seems that this biochemical transport ship has not been sent to the shipyard for cell proliferation for a long time. The strengthened bones covering the surface have appeared a series of bone cracks, and the skin and carapace between the bones have appeared slightly rotted. The pungent smell even attracted a lot of insects such as'bone flies', flying around it, making "buzzing" noises, disgusting, and walked away.

At first glance, this is the most common long-distance cargo ship controlled by a sloppy boss, carrying some of the least valuable cargo and even garbage.

However, hidden under the mottled, slightly rotten appearance, it is the most advanced organization of the "Blade of Chaos", and it is also the only ultra-high-speed monster warship that has survived!

The cracked reinforced exoskeleton and the decaying epidermal membrane can all be peeled off instantly, revealing the vigorous and ferocious body of a white shark.

At this moment, among the super-high-speed battleship named "Chaos", the high-level Skyfire organization gathered together.

Here will also become the command center for the "Destroy the Eye of the Blood Demon" operation.

When Jin Xinyue stepped onto the bridge, Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong were whispering.

These two former enemies of life and death on the battlefield were forced to unite because of a series of incredible changes.

At first, how they looked at each other was not pleasing to the eye.

But the joint training of holding the nose continued, and the other party's methods were fully displayed, but it gave birth to a feeling of sympathy.

Although talking about "friends" is a bit numb, they all recognized the other's highly professional ability and regarded them as reliable work partners.

The two were originally summarizing the gains and losses of a series of recent operations. This was the first operation of the Skyfire Corps. Although the security forces used to deal with the second-rate security forces were of little use, the two of them were still planning the most thorough actions with great care. In the process, a series of problems were also exposed.

The appearance of Jin Xinyue interrupted the communication between the two.

The two looked at each other, and at the same time showed a strange look.

Although everyone has been working together for several days, this is the first time they have seen Jin Xinyue with their own eyes.

However, the name of this woman has long been heard and heard.

Needless to say, Suo Chaolong, as a lion slaughter country nobleman, is no stranger to the saint of the Pantheon Temple of the Golden Crow Kingdom. He knows that the so-called "saint of the Pantheon Temple" is the most insidious spy and the coldest. The assassin complex is the witch among the witches. Generally speaking, it is better to be rare.

Han Tuhu is the same.

The Star Federation has established a special database for the strong in the blood demon world.

Especially Jin Xinyue, a professional who is good at disguising, sneaking and spying, is very likely to sneak into the Tianyuan realm. Of course, he has read Jin Xinyue's data and is rated as "five stars" for this degree of danger. The demon girl was quite impressed.

Jin Xinyue’s long hair is **** high and hugged by a gold ring made by Li Yao. She wears a black reflective leather jacket, which fully highlights the exquisite curve. She installs daggers and nailed soles, and walks up. Lu Lai made a crisp sound of "click, click," which made her look more upright and neat.

After finding her "Dao Xin", she radiated a strong aura invisibly, which made Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong feel slightly stagnant, even in front of the Fire Ant King. Many disadvantages!

"The daughter of the commander-in-chief of the Ten Thousand Demons Coalition Army, really extraordinary!"

"Li Yao is too incredible, how can there be a way to accept such a woman as a disciple, it seems that he is still devoted to him!"

Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong looked at each other, and once again sighed with Li Yao's methods.

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