40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1028: The brain gradually freezes

Following the cold voice of a famous demon emperor, sharp red lines gradually appeared on the light and shadow model among the crowd, surrounding the tall buildings, even torn into pieces.

Those are their expected offensive routes.

The highest government agency in Tiandu, major sect headquarters, higher education institutions, Lingwang base station, Psionic Fetion broadcasting tower, the largest spar warehouse in the Federation...

All strategic locations are locked by the Yaozu!

After the Demon King, there are dozens of Demon Kings.

Their mission is more trivial, but also more concealed and deadly, like a poisoned dagger, stabbing at the softest point of the Federation.

"Jin Wuxu!"

When Jin Tuyi read the name, a soft light seldom appeared on his face.

A tall, tall, looks similar to him, but with a more domineering youth stood up, with his head held up, and loudly said: "Report commander, I will lead the most elite'Phantom Golden Eagle' unit of the feather clan. , Immediately pounced on the'Six-pointed Star Array' in Tiandu!

"The six-pointed star array composed of 36,000 unmanned flying swords is the main air defense force in Tiandu. I will destroy it cleanly and appear in Tiandu for the follow-up troops, especially the'Blood Demon'. Over the sky, strive for the most favorable conditions!"

Jin Tuyi cast an appreciative look at his son, and said solemnly: "Okay, this is the case for the first wave of offensive missions, and I will personally control the assault fleet including the Blood Demon. Five minutes later, through the second teleportation, it appeared above the sky city!"

"It is estimated that within the first half an hour, we will be able to transmit the past thirty demon kings, more than three hundred demon kings, and one hundred and fifty demon battleships, including more than ten legions on board!"

"This is an invincible force, this is a force that destroys everything!"

"Remember, after occupying all strategic locations in Tiandu, you must immediately deploy the Star Torch and form a teleportation array at any cost!"

"As long as we have established enough star torches and teleportation arrays, we will have the most accurate teleportation coordinates, and we can teleport to all key points in the sky city as we like."

"It was like a dagger, inserted into the enemy's chest, and steadily stopped one millimeter outside the enemy's heart!"

"With our powerful strength alone, it is neither possible nor necessary to occupy the entire Celestial Realm in a short period of time."

"As long as we occupy the enemy's capital and maintain a strong follow-up force projection capability, we will completely master the initiative!"

"At that time, the Tianyuan people will have to succumb to the invincible forces of our race, let us take whatever we want, and even hand over the most advanced magic weapons and technology."

"After we knock the bones and **** the marrow, drain everything in the Star Federation, and even get a lot of information about the flying star realm, that will be their doomsday!"

In the secret meeting room, there was a silent laughter, and the eyes of all the monsters were full of ambition and greed, and their scorching eyes seemed to make the light and shadow models of the sky city burn.

"My clan has been sunk for too long."

Jin Tuyi stared at all the demon emperors, using a hoarse voice, and slowly said, "Since the defeat of 10,000 years ago, our clan has suffered defeat, drive and slaughter in all the worlds. We have lost all of them. The important star area eventually lost the entire star sea and had to curl up on the small island on the edge of the star sea."

"I don't know, in the vast sea of ​​stars, how many worlds are completely controlled by my race?"

"Even if there is, it is like us, lingering on the most barren land, right?"

"Destruction, rebirth, and immortality! This is the unshakable faith of our clan! I hope this war can make our clan reborn, reborn, and embark on a glorious and immortal road!"

Jin Tuyi raised his right hand high, clenched his fist, and smashed down firmly, as if to smash the bleak old monster clan to pieces, and smashed out a brand new, vibrant new monster clan completely different from the past. !

His feathers, like swords slowly unsheathed, stood up one by one, blooming with a cold brilliance.


In the secret meeting room, all the Demon Kings and Demon Kings were full of enthusiasm, roaring wildly, and releasing their wild fighting spirit.


At 2:33 pm on May 12th.

There are still 8 hours before the "Blood Demon's Smile" is formed.

The blood wave over the blood-colored lake has hit the sky hundreds of meters.

In the deepest part of the Eye of the Blood Demon, Li Yao just finished a complicated debugging, pretending not to see the owl gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and slumbered.

At the bottom of my heart, I was thinking about a question silently.

Jin Tuyi shouldn't see any flaws, right?

Every one of my answers has been well thought out, and there is absolutely no way to go wrong in the details.

The heartbeat, blood flow rate, and even the frequency of muscle tremors are also well grasped.

Unless Jin Tuyi has the ability to predict a prophet, there will be absolutely no flaws.

On the other hand, if Jin Tuyi really saw some flaws, there is no reason to let him come back!

Even if he is in the command center, he can make a surprise attack after he leaves the command center.

In such a small space, three or five demon emperors were arranged to block each other, and he was Da Luo Jinxian and could not escape.

"So, I lied to Jin Tuyi!"

Li Yao snapped his fingers silently in his heart, and then began to concentrate on designing the explosion plan.

After his personal transformation, the use of a double helix structure stabilization system will only be more convenient than in the past.

After repeating the deduction dozens of times, he was absolutely sure to explode the eye of the blood demon when the power of the tide reached its limit!

Next, is the escape plan.

In the depths of the blood demon eye, in addition to the teleportation array and the lifting platform, there are also very strong emergency escape channels. After all, the staff here are all senior experts in various fields, and they are the most precious treasure of the blood demon world. In case of an accident The entire army was wiped out, and that was a blow that couldn't be relieved by vomiting three tons of blood.

The moment the Eye of the Blood Demon was destroyed, the power of the tide spread in all directions, and it would surely set off stormy waves, and even shake the mountains, causing a great chaos.

When the time comes, you can just make up as an Allied Force of Ten Thousand Monsters or an expert, then fish in troubled waters, and act by chance!

Li Yao smiled slightly and sank into the world in his mind again, wondering how to make this explosion bigger, more gorgeous, and more brilliant!


At 4:25 pm on May 12th.

There are still 6 hours before the "blood demon's smile" is formed.

The sea of ​​clouds churned, the setting sun was like blood, and three bewitching crescent moons loomed behind the fragmented clouds.

Jin Tuyi and the eldest son Jin Wuxu, standing on the left side of the Blood Demon, on a platform protruding outward, the father and the son, quietly admiring the magnificent scenery.

"In half a day, there will be a sea of ​​smoke and flames over the capital of the Star Federation, which is as magnificent as this sea of ​​clouds, no, it will be a hundred times more magnificent, Dad!"

Perhaps because of the excitement before the expedition, Jin Wuxu rarely yelled "Dad" instead of "Father".

This shout seemed to evoke Jin Tuyi's long-lasting memories. He trembled softly and was silent for half a minute before whispering: "Axu..."

This is also a name that hasn't appeared in a long time.

"Dad, what's your order?"

Jin Wuxu straightened his waist and said eagerly, "In Operation Red Tide, my'Phantom Golden Eagle Troop' will definitely go all out to defend the glory of our Feather Clan!"

Jin Tuyi smiled, pondered for a long time, and finally put his hand on his son's shoulder: "It's nothing, I just want to say, be careful, don't...don't die!"

Jin Wuxu was stunned. He didn't expect that his father, who had always been ruthless, would say such a thing.

Jin Tuyi touched the hook nose of the eagle bitterly, and took out an antique jade slip from his arms. His voice became more hoarse: "This is a secret full-body examination I conducted more than a year ago, especially for brain tomography. Check, you see."

Jin Wuxu suspiciously put the jade slip on the center of his eyebrows, and under the scan, he was shocked: "Big, the brain is getting frozen?"


Jin Tuyi said indifferently, "Our demons have highly developed biochemical technology. If only a malignant tumor grows in the brain, or small diseases such as cerebrovascular burst, or even brain cell atrophy, there are ways to cure it."

"But gradual coldness of the brain is an incurable disease of our family. It involves the deepest part of the gene, even the mystery of the soul. For thousands of years, no one has been able to crack it."

"We only know that this is related to genetic mutations in our race. If the brain is highly stressed for a long time, and if you keep thinking about it for decades or hundreds of years, you may get this disease."

"Hehe, for the past few decades, I have been thinking about the'Red Tide Project' with great dedication. Almost every second, the brain is in a boiling state, and now it wants to'cool down'. It is not surprising."


Jin Wuxu has mixed flavors, and I don't know what to say.

"Do not worry."

Jin Tuyi smiled slightly and squeezed his son's shoulders with care, "Birth, old age, sickness and death, the law of nature, even those who pursue immortality, how many can really live forever?"

"What's more, it's not dead. It's just that in the next few years, brain cells will gradually shrink, and computing power and intelligence will gradually decline."

"If you are treated in time, properly maintained, and never hit the peak of computing power beyond the limit, maybe I still have hope, and spend the next half of my life with the intelligence level of an ordinary monster race!"

"The most important thing is that before my intelligence declines, the Red Tide Project has been completed, and my clan is about to get a new life, embarking on a completely different path from the past!"

"Furthermore, I have also found the most suitable successor, the most suitable person to lead the Yu clan and even the entire monster clan on a new road to rise, toward the sea of ​​stars!"


Jin Wuxu was startled slightly, looking at his father's expectant eyes, he instantly understood his father's meaning, and couldn't help being ecstatic!

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