40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1038: Yes, commander!

Jin Tuyi's words made all the demon kings shudder.

They didn't expect that even Jin Tuyi, the biochemical beast commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance Army, could be infiltrated by the "Spore Project".

What about their biochemical beasts? What about the people around them?

If it hadn't been for Li Yao who had just ruined the Eye of the Blood Demon, at this moment, many of them all went through the wormhole and entered the sky city to fight.

When they were inextricably killed with the Yuan Ying and Jin Dan of the Tianyuan Realm, the "spores" suddenly broke out. Who could be spared?

The Ten Thousand Demon Coalition Army on the ground also clearly saw this scene, seeing that the biochemical beasts commanded by the Ten Thousand Demon Coalition Army turned into a group of twisted monsters.

The heart of these demon elites was even more shocked.

They were dumbfounded, staring at each other, and the same question echoed in their minds: "Could it be that what he said is true, the Spore Project really exists, and he... saved us?"

"see it!"

Li Yao was ecstatic, this "spore" burst out too right, it was in front of hundreds of thousands of demon elites, released an indisputable evidence, he yelled, "Jin Tu Yi! If you insist on going your own way, the final appearance of this biochemical beast will be your fate, it will be the fate of hundreds of thousands of demon clan elites, and the fate of all the demon clan in the blood demon world!"

"The spores hung by your side are resolved, but who is sure that Old Ancestor Youquan only dropped this spore by your side? What about the other demon emperors? Are there no spores by their side?"

"Anyway, I was seriously injured and the crystal armor exploded. I couldn't escape! Even if you want to kill me, why rush for a while? Take a moment and check your army! If you can't find a second one, Spore, I can cut off my head and give you a kick!"

Jin Tuyi's eyes were sharp, but the corners of his mouth trembled unconsciously, falling into a strong entanglement.


The Sea Clan Demon Emperor Hong Yuntao gave a dry cough and reminded, "When formulating the'Red Tide Plan', you were not worried that our soldiers would encounter a strange virus in the Tianyuan realm, so you specially arranged a ship with a level 6 virus. The medical ship'Bloodborne' with detection capabilities joins the battlefield? Call the'Bloodborne' to test it! He really has nowhere to run, and he is not in a hurry to kill or slash."

Jin Tuyi's eyes flickered, and after struggling for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth, turned his head, and stared at the other dozen demon emperors.

"Everyone, the Blood Demon Realm has really reached a critical moment. At this moment, the most important thing is unity. Only unity can help us tide over the difficulties!"

"Right now, we are not completely sure whether the'Spore Project' is real or a conspiracy by the Tianyuan people."

"However, assuming that the'Spore Project' does exist, then the primary target of infection of Old Ancestor Youquan must be us Demon Kings!"

"Catch the thieves and the king, as long as we all infect us and become his slaves, then the full-scale infection of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance will be much more convenient!"

"So, please think about it carefully. In the original combat plan, after arriving in Tiandu, who are the closest people around you?"

"No, not only warriors, but also monsters and biochemical beasts!"

"I am going to call in the'Blood Source' to conduct a comprehensive test on these people and monsters. It may take a day. Who has objections?"

Many demon kings looked at each other.

In the world of the demon race, the strong is respected. Among the four giants of the blood demon world, Jin Tuyi originally ranked third, with the blood-robed ancestor and the Youquan ancestor pressing on it.

These second-line demon emperors, especially the claw clan and zerg clan demon emperors, naturally respect their patriarchs, and cannot completely obey Jin Tuyi's orders.

But now, the blood-robed ancestor has crossed to the Tianyuan realm, and there are many good things and bad luck. The Youquan ancestor has already gone to the wild and is involved in the treacherous storm of the'spore plan'.

The remaining Zerg Clan Demon Emperor, under the gaze of so many demon emperors with strange eyes, was too late to clear himself, let alone defend Youquan Ancestor.

Jin Tuyi's request was reasonable and reasonable, and these demon kings neither had the power to disobey, nor could they find a reason to refute.

The chief of the sea clan, Hong Yuntao, is Jin Tuyi's hard-core ally. He nodded first and said: "Okay, I will make a list, including myself, all will be tested!"

Among the four giants, one is unclear about life and death, one is under suspicion, and the remaining two giants have the same attitude, and the other demon kings have nothing to say, and nod their heads.

After all, they are also very worried about whether there are terrible "spores" hovering around them!


Jin Tuyi's eyes flashed, and he said quickly, "Give my order!"

"First, the Ten Thousand Demon Allied Forces are stationed on the spot, be vigilant, and carry out anti-virus and epidemic prevention operations in accordance with the standards for entering the sixth-level epidemic area! The'monster virus' is not resistant to high temperatures and extreme low temperatures, so be prepared for flame and freezing attacks! Those who are suspected of being infected by the'spore' will be killed without mercy!"

"Second, immediately mobilize the medical ships and biological weapons ships, including the'Bloodborne', to prepare for rapid virus testing in the field!"

"Third, find out your cronies, and the monsters and biochemical beasts that are most indispensable in combat, and test them. If there is a slight change, kill you without mercy!"

"Your cronies must not only be tested for the virus, but they must also be interrogated after entering a deep hypnotic state, resist the hypnotizer, and kill no mercy!"

"Fourth, all monster battleships will immediately activate the self-destructing talisman formation and aim the artillery at the ground. If a suspected'spore' infected person appears on the ground, immediately kill! If there is a large-scale infection in the monster battleship, and The scene is uncontrollable, the entire monster battleship will be blown up in the first place!"

"Fifth, please contact Old Ancestor Youquan now and ask him to rush to the Eye of the Blood Demon as quickly as possible. On the one hand, he will preside over the overall situation of the Zerg army here, and on the other hand, he will also participate in the investigation of the'Spore Project'!"

"Fifth, urgently repair the Eye of the Blood Demon, and strive to repair a certain short-distance teleportation ability in the shortest time!"

Hong Yuntao was taken aback and frowned: "The destruction of the Eye of the Blood Demon is extremely serious. It can't be repaired in three or two days? Even if the repair is completed, the peak of the'power of tides' has passed, and it is impossible to transport a large number of troops. Go to the Tianyuan Realm."

"Who said I want to send the army to the Tianyuan Realm?"

Jin Tuyi squinted his eyes, and the mania and rage a moment ago had all converged to the deepest part of his pupils, and his whole person became extremely calm, but his strong murderous aura continued unabated, as if he was covered with a layer of sharpness. Feather, "As long as the Eye of the Blood Demon restores part of the teleportation function, I can teleport an elite force to Youquan Country, the old lair of Youquan Ancestor!"

Hong Yuntao nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly trembled all over his body, his pupils contracted, and when he looked at Jin Tuyi's eyes, it became very different, full of shock and fear!

Jin Tuyi patted his shoulder lightly, clutching his big hand on the shoulders of the hard-core ally, his eyes were as deep as the sea, and he slammed into many demon emperors, and said in a deep voice: "In very times, the clan is difficult to take the lead. My clan has already I am in a desperate situation with my life hanging by a thread! In order to preserve the vitality of our race, this commander must do whatever it takes! If your cronies, and even you themselves, are involved in the'Spore Project' case, don't blame this commander for his ruthless military skills!"

"Execute the order!"

"Yes, commander!"

Numerous second-line demon emperors were stared at by Jin Tuyi in a cold sweat, and they suddenly agreed to disperse each other to gather the troops and gather their cronies.

Only the patriarch of the Sea Clan, Hong Yuntao, still stayed beside Jin Tuyi, his expression was both frightened and confused, as if he had met this old friend who had been fighting side by side for decades on the first day.

Jin Tuyi didn't evade his questioning gaze. He held the saber in one hand, and said every word: "General Hong, is there anything unclear about this commander's order?"

In the Pantheon Palace, both of them are one of the four giants, one is the clan chief of the Yu clan, and the other is the clan chief of the sea clan, and their status is equal.

But now it is a state of war. In the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, Jin Tuyi is the commander in command, and Hong Yuntao is just a general.

In theory, Jin Tuyi could of course be "ruthless" towards Hong Yuntao!

Hong Yuntao glanced at the ground with his left light, looking for his troops.

Under the raging force of the tide, the elite of their sea clan has mixed with the fighters of the other tribes, and they are stationed in place, hurriedly carrying out anti-virus and epidemic prevention operations. In the short term, it is impossible to gather together to form combat effectiveness.

Although the ocean is vast and the seabed is rich in resources, the resource density per unit space is far less than that of the land.

Moreover, the cost of extracting resources from trenches as deep as tens of thousands of meters is too high.

Fire is the source of civilization. Modern civilization is inseparable from large-scale metal smelting. On the seabed, the use of flame has many restrictions and is extremely costly.

Therefore, although the Hegemony ruled the vast sea frontiers, its overall national strength was the weakest among the four great monster kingdoms, and it was not even better than the Golden Crow kingdom that ruled the sky.

If it were in the sea, Hong Yuntao would not be afraid to turn his face against anyone, even the most elite troops of the Lion Tuguo or Youquan Kingdom, he would have the confidence to lead his son Lang to confront.

However, it was land here, and the only water area was the blood-colored lake, and the lake's water had also been evaporated to a halt.

The tiger fell to Pingyang and was deceived by a dog, and once a ferocious shark arrived on land, wouldn't it be the same?

In the thrilling eyes of the two, the Sea Clan Chief Hong Yuntao was the first to lose, and slightly lowered his head: "Very clear, Commander, I will call a cronies and be tested!"

"and many more."

Jin Tuyi still held on to Hong Yuntao’s shoulders, but his eyes softened, and he whispered, “The blood robe is dead, and Youquan is dead, and the Lion Tu and Youquan kingdoms have been hit hard, and the blood demon world is doomed. We will usher in a completely different future!"

"This future is very big, and it is destined to be impossible for the Yu family to enjoy exclusively, isn't it?"

Hong Yuntao moved in his heart, smiled again on his face, took a deep breath, nodded, and replied in a loud voice: "Yes, commander-in-chief!"

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