40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1045: Sit down!

"In order to achieve this goal, you even reimbursed the fourteen demon emperors and countless elites in the blood demon world at one go, and even threw out your life's hard work'Red Tide Project' as bait and completely ruined it!"

Li Yao's mouth was cold, and Jin Tuyi's coldness was beyond the limit of his imagination.

But that's not right!

Li Yao changed his mind and shook his head: "No, there is a problem here. If you really have cerebrospinal syndrome, you won't be able to hide it for long. Even if you become the master of the blood demon world, what's the point?"

"It's me instead. After you have a terminal illness, you should put into practice the plan that has been devoted to decades of hard work at all costs? How can it be possible to exchange the hard work of a lifetime for a moment, fleeting What about power?"

Jin Tuyi laughed, laughed and coughed violently, with tears gathered in the corners of his eyes. He rolled up his wings and gently rubbed his temples with his feathers to relieve his headache. He nodded repeatedly and said: "Young People, you are right, so I am doing this!"

"In your opinion, the Red Tide Project and the Eye of the Blood Demon can be equated, and destroying the Eye of the Blood Demon also destroys the Red Tide Project, right?"

Li Yao frowned: "Isn't it?"

"of course not."

Jin Tuyi said indifferently, "How can a plan that allows me to contemplate for decades and even spend my entire life to realize it is such a simple surprise attack?"

"Even if the surprise attack is successful, what if the capital of the Xingyao Federation is really occupied? From the resistance organization five hundred years ago to a huge country that occupies the entire Celestial Realm, your Federation people have enough resilience and determination, even if the capital is Once occupied, you will never surrender. At the last juncture, you may even drag the Blood Demon Realm into destruction together!"

"Even if you do surrender, the Star Federation is completely destroyed, and the monster clan ruled the twin world of'Blood Demon-Tianyuan' after the fusion, what about it? Does it make sense?"

Li Yao didn't understand: "Is it meaningless to completely defeat the Xingyao Federation, rule the new twin world, and double the territory?"

"No, it makes no sense at all."

Jin Tuyi said very coldly, "Even if we completely conquer the Tianyuan Realm, it will only turn from an isolated island on the edge of the star sea to two isolated islands-or two devastated and devastated islands, how can we face them? The offensive of the true human empire?"

Li Yao became more and more shocked: "Do you believe in the existence of the real human empire? No, no, no! You planned the red tide plan decades ago, at least ten years ago, when you would never know the real humans. The existence of an empire is absolutely impossible!"

"Of course I don't know the existence of the real human empire. Until now, you have not given conclusive evidence to prove this."

Jin Tuyi smiled and said, "However, you don't need any evidence at all. You only need to have the simplest thinking ability. After a little thought, you can figure out one thing."

"If even the barren land on the edge of the Star Sea could be born in the Celestial Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, and inherit the power of civilization and fire for the past 40,000 years."

"So, in the center of Xinghai, in the highly concentrated area of ​​resources, in the past ten thousand years, one or several more powerful and advanced forces will inevitably be born, right?"

"It's not a real human empire, a fake human empire, or a new human empire... In short, it doesn't matter what the name is. The key is that such a powerful force is destined to be born long ago!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment and nodded. It was strange, why didn't he think of such a simple truth?

Jin Tuyi continued: "Since this force was born in the center of the star sea, the elite area of ​​the former empire, while gaining the huge arsenal and magical powers of the former empire, it slowly discovered the star map left by the former empire, and finally discovered The existence of the worlds is only a matter of time, right?"

Li Yao nodded solemnly.

"And after discovering the existence of the worlds, they will definitely embark on an expedition, hoping to restore the homeland of the former empire, and even expand the territory to a wider star sea-this is the nature of our race, but we call ourselves'stars.' The strongest fighting nation in the sea', right?"

Li Yao noticed that Jin Tuyi used the word "our race", but he just frowned and didn't interrupt.

Jin Tuyi’s voice was extremely calm, and the deep eyes rippling through all the desolation: “A month ago, I learned the truth of'chaos' and the origin of the monster race. However, the'human and monster homology theory', as I’ve heard of a voice from the academic world a long time ago, and I believe it."

"More importantly, through the exploration of the past ten thousand years of history, as well as the research on the rise of the Star Federation and the war between the Tianyuan and the Blood Demon, I have slowly strengthened my belief that the old glory of the Yao Clan has long passed. , And gone forever, the era of the'monster' has ended, and the future is destined to be the era of the'human'!"

"Hehe, in this matter, the old ancestor Youquan and I are like-minded, and can be called ‘confidantes’ and ‘friends of the Taoist’!

Li Yao's face was strange, and a strong sense of absurdity emerged spontaneously.

Among the four giants of the blood demon world, there are actually two who firmly believe that the demon clan will lose? This, this is too exaggerated!

He blurted out: "You and Old Ancestor Youquan are both capitulationists?"


Jin Tuyi said indifferently, "We are staunch defeatists, not capitulationists."

Li Yao didn't understand: "What is the difference?"

Jintu Yidao: "Of course it is different. The defeatist turns around and racks his brains to open up a new path after discovering that the road is blocked; while the capitulationist finds that the road is blocked, and just stays on the spot, just sits and waits for death. The enemy is showing mercy."

"Old Ancestor Youquan and I both firmly believe that the old road is absolutely unworkable, so we are desperately trying to come up with a new way. However, Ancestor Youquan thought of the'Spore Project', and what I thought of was'Red Tide.' The plan' is nothing more."

"I firmly believe that the demon clan will be defeated. Of course, it is not a small struggle between the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world. Of course, the demon clan may win a temporary victory in this local war between the two small worlds, or even conquer Tianyuan. World."

"However, when I tossed and turned in countless nights, let my soul escape from the blood demon realm and the celestial realm, fly to the depths of the star sea, stand on a larger scale, and think about the future of my race, I was desperate countless times. I found out that the victory of this kind of local war has no meaning at all."

"The world has changed!"

"As you said, the rise of the monster race was due to the tragic war of ancient cultivators 40,000 years ago, which led to the exhaustion of 3,000 world psychic energy and entered the'era of the end of the law'."

"In a world lacking psychic abilities and a harsh environment, the demons using genetic power are more adaptable to the environment and more able to survive."

"That's why the demonic tribe's glory for thirty thousand years!"

"After forty thousand years of recuperation, the psychic energy in the three thousand worlds has slowly become stronger again, and slowly walked out of the'Dharma Era.' This is destined to be the demise of the old monster race, and the first death knell is sounded."

"But this is not the most important reason why the old monster race is doomed to perish."

Li Yao was completely confused: "What!"

"The key is the large-scale popularization of technology, various magic weapons and cultivation techniques, and the integration of practitioners and ordinary people. While subverting the old social pattern, it also slowly eroded the biggest advantage of the old monster race."

Jin Tuyi slowly spread his wings and smiled: "Very beautiful wings, right? Do you know why the Yaozu evolved wings, carapace, claws and fangs?"

Li Yao scratched his hair. What kind of a weird problem is this. Isn't it natural that the monsters have wings, minions, and carapace?

Jintu Yidao: "In the ancient cultivator era 40,000 years ago, the cultivators were selfish and conservative. They regarded ordinary people as ants. They never thought about imparting advanced magical powers to ordinary people, and they never thought about how to use powerful magic weapons for ordinary people. For profit, the only thing they do is to use magic weapons and magical powers to fight, fight, and fight! While killing each other, they are unscrupulously wasting precious spar and psionic energy!"

"So, in the ancient repair era, the upper and lower layers of society were completely torn apart!"

"On the one hand, it is a cultivator who is aloof and has great magical powers, who can turn things around."

"On the other hand, they are ordinary ancients who live in abject poverty, lack doctors and medicines, are ignorant and backward, and are not much better than primitive people."

"Even if the flying sword of the cultivator is stronger, ordinary people still have to rely on a bald hoe, plan to eat in the barren land, and still have to curl up in the black mud shack, even if the oil lamp is reluctant to light it, and the cultivator I would rather spend decades in retreat and meditate and practice a new killing technique than wasting a few years to create a more labor-saving psionic hoe, or a cleaner and cheaper universal lighting magic weapon."

"That was an era when the gap between ordinary people and cultivators was the biggest. In the eyes of ordinary people, cultivators are truly'terrestrial immortals'. It is not a complete'human civilization' at all, but'cultivators'. "Civilization" and "ordinary human civilization" are forcibly combined with freaks, and there is a gap of at least several thousand years between the two civilizations!"

"Such a gap creates the best opportunity for the rise of the old monster race."

"By taking the'Chaos Holy Water', the old monster clan released the power deep in the cell and received a gift from the predecessor. It grew sharp fangs, sharp claws, wide wings and a powerful tail."

"Even if they don't have flying swords, they can fly freely in the sky with their wings; even if they don't have the'water bead', they can swim freely on the seabed with their parotid glands!"

"Even if they are not the opponents of cultivators, they are more than enough to deal with other ordinary people, and ordinary people are the basis for the birth and nourishment of cultivators, and the foundation is broken, how can the superstructure not fall apart?"

"The Yaozu understood this truth earlier than the cultivator, so it has a subsequent rise."

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