40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1047: The original plan!

Li Yao was dumbfounded, and made a gesture: "Wait, Senior Jin, don't you mean to say that you planned to turn the demon race into a human race decades in advance, right? At that time, you shouldn't Know the existence of'Chaotic Blood'!"

Jin Tuyi coughed slightly, and said slowly: "First, I never said that the monster race should be transformed into a human race. In fact, I feel that the current'old monster race' and the'old human race' are both There are major flaws, it can't be called the'strongest fighting race in the sea of ​​stars', and it can't make a **** path in the'dark forest' you call."

"From this point of view, Old Ancestor Youquan and I coincided again, but his technique was more radical."

"If you have a chance, I really want to capture Youquan Ancestor alive, and then look up at the starry sky with him and talk all night long. It must be more interesting than chatting with you, a silly young man!"

Li Yao: "..."

"Secondly, a few decades ago, I certainly didn't know the existence of'Chaos', nor did I know the whole truth about the origin of the Monster Race, let alone the'Blood of Chaos', I could completely transform the Monster Race into a Human Race.'

"However, the Yaozu itself is a very strange race."

"No matter how different our appearances are, we all have a large number of human characteristics, as if we are based on human form and add various organs to form an'upgraded version'."

"Furthermore, when our children were just born, they almost didn't have the slightest form of a monster race, and they looked like humans."

"High-level monster race, after a little practice, can even master the ability to'transform into human form'. This seems not to be a kind of magic, but a kind of'innate supernatural power'!"

"We are not blind. In the face of these facts, haven't we really thought about the relationship between the demon race and the human race?"

"Perhaps everyone has thought about it, but everyone dare not think deeply-except me and Youquan ancestor."

"At that time, I didn’t know the existence of Chaos Blood, but since some high-level monster races can be'turned into human forms,' and the other parts of the chaotic blood monster race and the human race have very little difference in appearance, then they merge into In human civilization, it is not impossible to carry out a certain degree of exchange and learning, and finally find out the road to our national rejuvenation."

"This is my original intention to instigate the'Red Tide Project'."

"The Red Tide Project has never been a purely offensive plan. It is the beginning of a series of plans."

"What you see so far is only the first phase of the Red Tide Plan, which has two goals to achieve."

"First, to seize the highest power of the Blood Demon Realm so that the entire Blood Demon Realm can thoroughly implement my will-this is the most important step, because what I am going to do is destined not to be understood by many people, and even less likely to be. How many people support it, so I must get arbitrary power, unstoppable power!"

"Secondly, open up a channel to communicate with Tianyuan Realm, or to force Tianyuan people to sit down and communicate!"

"Under normal circumstances, it is of course impossible for Tianyuan people to sit down and negotiate with us,'monsters mutated and inhumane.'"

"But what if the knife rests on their neck?",

"The Eye of the Blood Demon is the core of the first phase of the Crimson Tide Project."

Li Yao's eyes opened wider and wider: "On the first day you built the Eye of the Blood Demon, you planned to destroy it one day?"

"The Blood Demon Eye was born for an unprecedented destruction?"

"But, it's not right. My appearance was an accident. How can you guarantee that without me, you will be able to destroy the Eye of the Blood Demon at a critical moment?"

Jin Tuyi said coldly: "In the original plan, I naturally had other arrangements, including arranging two tit-for-tat experts to jointly maintain the stability system, which is also a small part of it."

"And whether I can completely destroy the Eye of the Blood Demon at a critical moment is not important at all. I never even thought about destroying it completely."

"I only need to make the first wave of attacking clusters pass through the wormhole smoothly, cross to the sky city, and even send two or three waves of troops past, and then cause minor damage to the eye of the blood demon and stop it from running. It will be fine in two days."

"In one or two days, enough for the Tianyuan Realm to react, hundreds of golden cores and even Yuan Ying will come in a steady stream. Without the support of the follow-up troops, those demon emperors who are isolated and helpless are destined to die in the Tianyuan Realm! "

Li Yao took a deep breath: "So, your original plan was for the bloodletting robe ancestor, Youquan ancestor and other demon emperors to enter the sky city, then cut off the wormhole, and wait for them and the Yuan Ying monk of the Tianyuan realm to kill both? "

"Roughly the same."

Jin Tuyi touched his nose with a feather. "At that time, how did I know that I would be elected as the commander of the Allied Forces of All Demons? In the blood demon world, I, the patriarch of the Feather clan, was the third person at best. Gather all the people in front of me and kill them all in one go!"

Li Yao swallowed his saliva, moved his **** back two inches in secret, and muttered: "I am beginning to believe that you and Youquan ancestor are really "confidantes". If you two combine your swords together, you will be invincible in the world. !"

Jin Tuyi didn’t care about the sarcasm in Li Yao’s words, and continued: “In addition to helping me remove all obstacles, the blood demon eye’s other important role is to open up a'express channel' to the sky city. ."

"In the original plan, I didn't intend to destroy the Eye of the Blood Demon so badly, but even if it is destroyed no matter how badly it is, it can be repaired after all."

"Once repaired, we will have a poisonous blade that can stab the heart of the Tianyuan realm at any time!"

"Of course, you might think that after losing a lot of Demon Emperor and Elite, and the Celestial Realm knows our attack mode, the second attack will never succeed."

"Yes, it will not succeed, but it can cause huge damage to the elite areas of Tiandu and even the southeast of the Federation!"

"You Tianyuan people, after all, peace has been too long. Although the sporadic wars above the Great Wilderness are still burning, under the protection of the Great Blade Pass, ordinary people living in the prosperous southeast area have not experienced a large scale for more than 100 years. The flames of war."

"Under this situation, if I, as the supreme ruler of the blood demon world, asked everyone to sit down and talk about a peace agreement, do you think the federal government would consider it?"

"Absolutely not."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said every word, "Under this situation, the first wave of the Demon Emperor and the army will never be able to wait and die. Even if they die, they will bury the entire Sky City! The federal capital becomes Shura. Hell, and you are the mastermind. There is absolutely no cultivator or Federation person who will negotiate with you!"

Jin Tuyi smiled again: "Young man, you are wrong again. Don't confuse my current identity with my identity at the time."

"When I conceived the plan for the Red Tide, I didn’t know that I would become the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance. At that time, I was only the number three figure in the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance. It will be the blood robe ancestor, Youquan ancestor and others."

"They are the mastermind!"

"And most of these'masterminds' were sent to the Tianyuan Realm during the first teleportation. They died dead, caught caught, and fled."

"At that time, I can completely shirk all responsibilities on them. They will be the chief culprits in starting the war, they are the crazy butchers!"

"And I, on behalf of the blood demon world, there is still a little bit of conscience, longing for peace, the "Dove! Pie"."

Jin Tuyi's spotless snow-white wings grew from behind again, like a white holy garment, gently wrapping him, "Look, I can’t find another one that looks more like a'pigeon! Pie' than me. Monster race, right?"

Although he knew that the other party hadn't used a little bit of demon energy, and even though his spar bomb had been firmly tied to the other's arm, he even knew that the other party was a severely ill patient whose brain was gradually freezing, and there was absolutely no threat to him.

Li Yao still felt a chill in his heart.

Jin Tuyi said indifferently: "At that time, the Star Federation had just seen the brutality and madness of the'hawks' such as the blood-robed ancestors and the Youquan ancestors, and they knew that I was a pigeon with a sage! ', will they completely close the door to dialogue and watch me as a pigeon! Sent down and replaced with a more brutal, crazier, and more unpredictable hawk?"

"This is my original plan. As long as the two sides have a dialogue, the follow-up links of the Red Tide Project can also be launched one by one. I firmly believe that I will lead the entire blood demon world on a completely different path to revival!"

"It's just that people are not as good as the sky. There are two things that I didn't think of how to calculate."

Jin Tuyi’s laughter was faintly bitter, "First, I did not count among the demon race. Besides me, there is a second person who sees so thoroughly, and he is also a demon. For the future of the clan, plan a new way out, and that is Old Ancestor Youquan!

Li Yao said: "Ancestor Youquan is still inferior to you. It was after he gained a lot of chaos inheritance that he gradually understood the past and future of the monster clan, but you did it out of thin air."

Jin Tuyi waved his hand: "This is not important. The important thing is that the appearance of Old Ancestor Youquan disrupted my original arrangement. What's more terrifying is that I actually suffered from'gradual brain freezing', even though I was naturally natural. There is still a long life span, but my political life and my excellent thinking ability are destined to end."

"The Spore Project and the gradual brain frost disease have driven me to a desperate situation. For a while, I almost gave up completely and could only watch my clan go to annihilation."

"Until-you appear!"

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