40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 108: Scarlet Scourge

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A sweet female voice came from the sound transmission array:

"Dear passengers, a ball of lightning hit the last few cars of this train just now. For the safety of your journey, we will conduct a comprehensive overhaul of cars 12-15. Please evacuate temporarily under the guidance of federal soldiers. The car in the front, wait until the overhaul is completed, and then return to your seat. Thank you for your cooperation."

Then came the melodious music from the sound transmission symbol array, ding ding dong dong, like a mountain stream.

The music seemed to contain the magical power of peace of mind, and the passengers who were very anxious just now calmed down and mumbled forward.

Li Yao knew that it was definitely not a ball lightning.

The defensive symbolic array of the crystal rail train has been excited to its limit, and it can withstand any lightning attack-even if it is unable to resist, lightning can be introduced into the ground through the lightning protection magic weapon. How can it be possible to destroy the carriage?

Ten minutes after living like a year, the female voice sounded for the third time in the sound transmission array, but this time the announcer looked more nervous, and the voice was astringent and sharp, falling into great panic:

"Dear passengers, the ball lightning has penetrated the power symbol array of carriage 14. We are working hard to repair it. There may be some bumps in the next journey. Please pay attention to your safety and try not to walk in the aisle. Please also pay attention to the luggage rack. The condition of heavy luggage to avoid injury... In addition, passengers with magic weapon repair experience should go to Car No. 14 and repeat it. Passengers with magic weapon repair experience should go to Car 14!"

"Something big happened." Li Yao thought to himself.

Acknowledging that the power symbol array of a carriage was penetrated by the ball lightning, there is no doubt that it will cause a certain degree of panic among the passengers, but the truth must be a hundred times more terrifying than the ball lightning. Even the military's magic weapon repairers have appeared in the situation. As a last resort, I can only ask passengers for help.

Li Yao walked to Car No. 14 without hesitation.

The more you go to the rear of the train, the stronger the vibration you can feel.

There were no passengers in the last few carriages, and they were all heavily armed Union forces.

There were a few young recruits who seemed to have just joined the army, clenching their teeth, clenching their back molars.

At the door of Car No. 14, the door was closed, and an officer with red eyes was checking the identity of a young man.

Li Yao took a closer look and found that it was the low-level comprehensionist "Jiang Tao" who came across in the 8th waiting room.

Jiang Tao straightened his back and said lightly:

"I am a junior student of the Nebula University Refining Department. I have passed two registered refining master exams during the Qi refining period. As long as I pass three more exams, I am a federally recognized registered refining master. I can’t be troubled by magic weapon repairs.”

"Great, how about you?" The red-eyed officer turned to Li Yao.

Jiang Tao only noticed the existence of Li Yao and was obviously taken aback.

He didn't quite understand what this countryman was doing here.

Li Yao said honestly:

"I am a freshman in the Refining Department of the Great Desolate War Academy, and I am preparing to report. I don't have any level yet, but some simple maintenance work can still be done."

Jiang Tao smiled slightly, a flash of contempt in his eyes.

He had long heard that the Refining Department of the Great Desolate War College was the most **** refining department in the "Nine Majors".

The red-eyed officer was also a little disappointed, "Oh", and casually scanned Li Yao's identity spirit pattern.

When he discovered that Li Yao actually enjoyed the "federal-level disabled soldier treatment", his attitude changed instantly, his spine straightened suddenly, and he couldn't help shouting: "Great, there are not enough manpower, come in!"

The red-eyed officer grabbed Li Yao's wrist and walked into the carriage.

Jiang Tao was stunned again, wondering why the red-eyed officer was more enthusiastic about Li Yao, a freshman in the refining department of the Great Wilderness War College, than he was a high-achieving student in the refining department of Nebula University. Followed behind Li Yao's ass.

Car No. 14 is very sultry, with a faint smell of blood lingering. Seven or eight federal forces are wiping the magic weapon with gloomy expressions. Several younger soldiers have pale faces and trembling legs. Several unshaven veterans are joking around. , Said pornographic jokes to relieve the tension.


The car door closed behind her, and the car door in front opened, and there was a scream of sorrow immediately.

Li Yao and Jiang Tao were both frightened and sweated, biting their heads and heading to Car No. 15.

Carriage No. 15 was transformed into a battlefield hospital. The chairs were all lifted up. On the ground were four soldiers with severed hands and feet. The wounds were very irregular, as if they were bitten by wild animals. One of them was shrivelled on half of his body. The blood and bone marrow are all sucked up in an instant!

Next, is the last armored combat carriage.

The thin carriage doors could not stop the sound from the armored carriage.

Screams, roars, explosions, and thunder are all mixed together and mixed into terrifying music!

"Put on protective clothing!"

The red-eyed officer put two camouflage vests on the two of them. A crystal-clear night pearl was inlaid in front of the vest, and there were hundreds of luminous, octagonal charms suspended in it.

Li Yao pressed the activation talisman next to him, and with a "hum", a translucent light golden psychic shield opened around him, firmly protecting him inside.

"Everything is ready, I'm going to open the door!"

The red-eyed officer said grimly, and with a gritted teeth, he slammed open the door to the armored combat compartment.


The wind was raging and the rain was pouring, and Li Yao couldn't open his eyes immediately, only to hear the screams of flash floods coming from his ears, and the roar that could not even cover the flash floods.

"Come on, you beasts, come, let Grandpa kill you all!"

"Fuck! The crystal box is out, let's get another box, hurry up!"

"Too many, this is not an outbreak of level nine beast tide, at least level seven! Ask for reinforcements quickly, we can't stand it!"

"No, we are in a thunderstorm zone. It is difficult to communicate with the outside world. We are still trying!"

Li Yao finally got used to the wind and rain, and opened his eyes with difficulty—the scene before him seemed to be the slaughterhouse in the deepest part of Jiuyou Huangquan.

The armored battle carriage seemed to have been severely ravaged by a pair of invisible claws, the roof of the car was lifted, and the armor that was dozens of centimeters thick was shattered.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground. Most of them were the Federal Army wearing black combat uniforms. There were also some octopus-like sticky monster beast remains. The corpses of both sides were entangled. There were even Federal soldiers biting the eight-clawed monster beast. On the respiratory sac, they all die together.

Most of the crystal magnetic guns are swayed and damaged seriously.

The few remaining crystal magnetic guns were seated by a nearly crazy Federal soldier, desperately blasting psychic energy into the dark clouds.

And in the dark clouds--

Li Yao looked up and took a breath of air-conditioning.

In the thunderous clouds, a huge gap opened up, like a mouth that swallowed the world.

Unlike the surrounding black sky, this giant lipstick is like a blood lotus, as if it is a gateway to another monster world!

This is a gap in time and space, a gap in time and space connecting the Heavenly Origin Realm and the Blood Demon Realm.

Among the vast majority of the population, it also has a harsher name——


Countless eight-clawed monsters filed out of the wormhole, waving their tentacles, as if swimming in the water, and rushing towards the crystal rail train.

"Chih! Chih!"

When most of the eight-clawed monster beasts are about to pounce on the crystal rail train, they will explode with a dazzling spark, and they will be electrified into a ball of unsmelling coke.

The defensive array of the crystal rail train forms an airtight grid in mid-air.

However, there were also a handful of extremely tyrannical eight-clawed monsters that stubbornly held the electric shock of the defensive circle, broke through the grid, and rushed to the train.

Before they recovered from the vertigo of the electric shock, they were shattered by the crossfire of the crystal magnetic cannon and turned into tiny floating debris.

In a short period of time, hundreds of eight-clawed monster beasts were killed under the combined attack of the defensive array and the crystal magnetic cannon.

However, hundreds of times more eight-clawed monsters gush out from the wormhole, making sharp and piercing whistling, and rushing to the crystal rail train one after another!

"It's the outbreak of the animal tide!"

Li Yao's face turned pale.

The outbreak of the beast tide is the most terrifying natural disaster in the Tianyuan Realm, and there is no one.

Hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, and hundreds of millions of low-level monsters have torn open the barriers of the great world, invaded the Tianyuan realm through the wormhole, and swallowed everything.

Farmland, towns, humans, animals, plants, and even the original monsters of the Tianyuan Realm are all in disaster-this is the outbreak of the beast tide!

A "Nine-level Beast Tide Burst" of the lowest level can gather hundreds of thousands of low-level monsters.

Even the weakest "rat demon" and "worm demon", as long as the number exceeds a certain level, it can pose a great threat to the cultivator.

In the history of the Federation, there was even an example of a cultivator in the Alchemy Stage being bitten into a skeleton by overwhelming migratory locust monsters.

Ordinary humans have no room for resistance in the face of the eruption of the beast tide.

However, the barriers between the great worlds are not so easy to tear.

Most parts of the Tianyuan Realm are very stable, extremely difficult to be torn apart, and the possibility of forming a wormhole is very slim.

Only the Monster Beast Wasteland is exactly between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Monster Realm. Many places are very fragile, and it is easy to have wormholes and be invaded by Monster Beasts.

This also created a situation where monsters and beasts on the wasteland are endlessly smashed and killed-no matter how many beasts are killed, more powerful beasts will continue to invade from the blood demon world.

With the strength of the Xingyao Federation, it is still impossible to penetrate the blood demon world and completely eradicate the demon beasts, and can only build a large number of towns and military fortresses on the demon beast wasteland, adopting the strategy of step by step and constant cannibalization to compress the activities of the beast.

During the five hundred years, the Federal Army and the practitioners have accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with the outbreak of the beast tide. Under normal circumstances, even if they encounter the outbreak of the beast tide, as long as the signal for help is issued in time, there will be a large number of reinforcements and combat-type comprehension within half an hour. Who came.

Unfortunately, this outbreak of beast tide happened to be in the "thunderstorm zone" where information could not be sent.

Up to this moment, the outside world did not know that they had encountered the outbreak of the animal tide.

They are fighting alone! (A great event for pie-dropping in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~ Click on the official account of Chinese website (add friend on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate right away! Everyone has a prize, now follow immediately qdread WeChat public account!)

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