40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1086: The means to pass the spring breeze!

"Our people in Beining City have thoroughly analyzed the crystal brain."

The mosquito quickly said, "Although the browsing records have been emptied, after technical repairs, a large amount of data is still exported. This crystal brain has browsed about the'Heavenly City Beast Tide','Ding Lingdang' two days ago,' Professor Mo Xuan', a large amount of information including the'flying star people', and finally browsed the information of the'Hundred Days Memorial Rally for the Victims in Tiandu City'."

"The owner of the crystal brain confirmed that he has not searched for this information, that is, another person has used his crystal brain, and the information browsing time is the same as the sleep time of the crystal brain owner."

"This piece of information can correspond to the information we had before. It is almost certain that the other party's target is Tiandu!"

"That's why we issued the'Super Storm Warning' to bring the whole situation together!"

The spring breeze is like a sleepy old cat, entwined on the old soft cushion, and a blur of light emerged from the whole body, as if entering a mysterious and mysterious realm. After a while, he yawned and said: "If The other party is really Li Yao. We must know that we have already seen through his identity as a'blood demon'. If we want to go to the capital, we can't just walk with the sword openly."

"From Beining City to Tiandu City, the distance is more than thousands of miles. He can't choose walking or short-distance transportation. First, the speed is too slow. Second, there are checkpoints and surveillance everywhere inland. Long-distance travel brings higher exposure risks. "

"The only reasonable choice is long-distance transportation such as civilian transport ships and crystal rail trains."

"If you want to take these vehicles, you need a legal identity. Li Yao is a master of disguise and easy penetration, but no matter how disguised, a legal ID card that stores a lot of information can't be changed out of thin air."


"All the resources of the Northern Region are concentrated in Beining City to find all cases and disputes related to ID cards! Note that it is not necessarily the case of ID card theft, but also includes the case of ID card loss and later retrieval, all Check properly!"

The mosquito and several secret sword envoys looked at each other with a little embarrassment: "Boss, if it was just an ID card theft, it would be nice to talk about it, but if the ID card is lost and then retrieved, 90% will not report it. Take effort!"

After the spring breeze, he took a sip of strong tea, licked off a piece of tea that was on his lips, put it in his mouth, and chewed it with relish: “Thinking about it, if you’re Li Yao, you need to get a few ID cards.

"Go on the street to steal? How do you know who brought the ID card and who didn't? You can't cast a net all over the sky and steal a dozen or twenty wallets to try your luck, right?"

"Even a powerful cultivator who stole a dozen or twenty wallets will leave a lot of traces."

"You will definitely choose a place, and all the people who go there have their ID cards, so you can do it precisely."

"Where does everyone bring their ID cards? Banks, water bills, electricity bills, psionic fee payment business halls, and entertainment venues that only adults are allowed to enter!"

"Start from these places."

The mosquitoes and many secret swordsmen suddenly realized, after a burst of "crackling" calculations on the light curtain, they nodded and said: "In this case, the scope of investigation will be greatly reduced. It is expected that there will be results within 24 hours! "


After the spring breeze, he frowned deeply, "It's too slow to give Li Yao so much time. In this way, let's change our thinking and do both!"

"After Li Yao stole his ID card, he would use his new identity to take a crystal rail train or a civilian transport ship to Tiandu City."

"Well, the security check of civil transport ships is very strict, and the possibility of crystal rail trains is a little bit more likely."

"However, it was Li Yao, not the owner of the ID card, who went to Tiandu on the Crystal Rail train!"

"That's simple, look up the passenger list of all crystal rail trains and civilian transport ships that depart from Beining City to Tiandu in the past three days, and then send them a letter of Linghe to make sure to contact me."

"Remember, don't use the Linghe biography number they left when buying tickets. This number is most likely to be fake. Please cooperate with the Beining police and use the Linghe biography left by these passengers when they dealt with government agencies. The book number, that's true!"

"If after contacting, it is found that a certain passenger who'should' go to Tiandu City is still in Beining City, then Li Yao is disguised as his identity!"

"If a passenger can't be contacted all the time, pay special attention to it. It is very likely that he has been killed by Li Yao."

The mosquito was dumbfounded: "Boss, all the passengers from Beining to Tiandu in the past three days? This, this list is simply astronomical, and it is a hundred times more difficult than checking the drop of an ID card!"

"No, it won't be too difficult."

Guo Chunfeng smiled, "Li Yao does not have a legal identity and dare not use Lingwang. He cannot use the bank card bound to his identity to buy tickets. Therefore, you only need to check all the tickets in the ticket hall and use cash and anonymous Jinlingtong. The list of tickets can be purchased by card."

"In recent years, the Lingnet has developed. The vast majority of people buy tickets online. Even if they buy tickets at the window, they mostly use credit cards. There are definitely not many people who can buy tickets with cash!"

The mosquitoes and many secret swords made the eyes brighter, and the eyes that had watched the spring breeze became more admired, and nodded again and again: "Understood, let's check it out. Then, at most three or five hours, the results will be available!"

"Go, it doesn't matter, don't bother me, I'm going to sleep for a while, the "game" behind is still long."

After the spring breeze, he arched into the depth of the soft chair, and pulled a shed woolen blanket in the corner to put it on him.

"Right, boss."

The mosquito remembered another thing, "Today’s work briefing was sent from the third place, Li Yao’s last high school classmate, and the gangsters who lived together in the magic treasure tomb and nicknamed the “Fat Dragon” were all found. Up."

"As of 7:29 this morning, all of Li Yao’s relationships in the Tianyuan Realm, including Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan, Monk Feixing, former partners of the magic treasure tomb, Chixiao No. 2 Middle School, and all the classmates of the Great Desert War Academy, are all locking!"

"The third place said that this time they have mobilized a team of elite troops and hundreds of masters in the Lingwang tracking team, led by Professor Gu Mo, the only Lingwang expert in the Federation, to ensure against Li Glory to the entire network, 360-degree monitoring without blind spots!"

"As long as Li Yao sends messages to Ding Lingdang and Professor Mo Xuan, even if only a word or even a secret code is sent, it will be detected, and within ten seconds, the source of the message will be locked!"

"Uh, uh!"

After the spring breeze, a big nasal bubble popped out of his nose, and he was about to fall asleep.


The mosquito gave a cautious cry.

After the spring breeze, he woke up suddenly and muttered with some dissatisfaction: "Don't waste time with this kind of boring thing. Those guys in the third place are usually used to catching evil cultivators. Seeing that all cultivators are not like good people. !"

"I guess they spent so many resources to monitor Li Yao's network, but they still got nothing?"

The mosquito nodded: "Yes, it's strange, Li Yao still hasn't contacted his acquaintances in the past, how can he bear it?"

"Can bear it, it's a vulture."

After the spring breeze, he closed his eyes and said lightly, "I can't help it, it's a small mosquito like you, who was slapped to death by a casual slap!"

"Huh, Vulture Li Yao, the most dangerous person in the Federation in the past 100 years, how can you not know that his former relationship network must be controlled by us? Sending a small piece of news to old acquaintances is all self-reporting. the behavior of!"

"Even if he really wants to convey some information to an old acquaintance, he will definitely adopt a method that we did not expect and will never be monitored and interfered. How can he be stupid to transmit it through the Lingwang?"

"Do those guys in the third place think that Li Yao is an ordinary evil cultivator they had caught before? Stupid!"

"By the way, what is the reaction of the cultivators being monitored? Especially Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan, and fellow Daoists in the Flying Star Realm? Do they know they are being monitored?"

The mosquito nodded and said: "You know, Professor Mo Xuan himself is one of the top crystalline brain and spiritual net experts in the Federation. This level of rigorous monitoring is impossible to escape their magical eyes, and it also involves the flying star realm. It’s even less likely that the friendly people of China will risk diplomatic disputes and monitor them in secret."

"So, in the name of the Secret Sword Bureau, I sent them an official letter requesting cooperation."

"Attitude, I am naturally very dissatisfied, especially Ding Lingdang and Professor Mo Xuan. They have never believed that Li Yao has already taken refuge in the Pantheon Palace, and they do not cooperate with the work of the third place."

"These idiots, every time I go to wipe their ass."

After the spring breeze, I adjusted my posture and slept more comfortably. He narrowed his mouth and said, "Ding Lingdang, Professor Mo Xuan, and the leader of Monk Fei Xingzi, should all be in Tiandu City? Help me make an appointment with them. Tonight, everyone have a meal and have a good chat."

"This matter, Yu Gong, is a major issue of national security, and there is absolutely no room for opposition."

"Yu Si, don't they believe in Li Yao's betrayal? Then we should cooperate with our work, find out the whole thing as soon as possible, and return Li Yao's innocence!"

"Tell them the latest work progress and promise them that if we are willing to cooperate, we will send them detailed work briefings three times a day and invite them to join us when we finally arrest Li Yao!"

"If they don't want Li Yao to fall into the hands of others, please understand and cooperate with our work!"

The mosquito nodded his head: "Yes, boss!"


After the spring breeze, he waved his hand in confusion, and covered his greasy head with a blanket.

He has already made all the arrangements. Before the assistance information is sent back, he should have a good night's sleep and recharge his energy.

But tossing over and over again, but still can't fall asleep, the nerves that are usually very thick, but at this moment faint pain.

In a daze, he felt that he had made a mistake, a crucial mistake.

What is it?

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