40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1089: The only solution! (Fourth!)

Cut down from the high-level monsters, and carefully concocted for several years with Tiancai Dibao, the "Purple Flame Ice Extreme Bear's Paw", which has active psychic powers and promotes the redevelopment of brain cells, is eaten in everyone's mouth, but it is delicious. Such as chewing wax.

After the spring breeze, he held a lunch box, did not move a chopstick for a long time, his bloodshot eyes fixed on the unpredictable light curtain, and gave orders like a gun.

"Vulture Li Yao arrived in Qingyuan City, only two hundred and fifty kilometers away from Tiandu City. Whether he walks directly or drives a shuttle car, there is no time."

"From Qingyuan City to Tiandu City, all major traffic routes, whether waterway, land or sky, are strictly guarded and entered the highest alert!"

"If you walk, you don't use magical powers. If you have to walk for more than 200 kilometers for a day or two, then there will be accommodation problems in the middle of the night. If you don't sleep on the street, you have to use your ID card to stay in the store. Start from these two aspects and check!"

"The risk of walking is higher. This is the second option. The most likely option is a shuttle car. Therefore, we must focus on the investigation of car rental and car theft in Qingyuan City."

All the secret sword envoys were silent for a while.

Qingyuan City is also a large city with a population of several million, and it is also a famous shuttle refining base of the Federation. Looking for a shuttle here?

This is the real needle in a haystack!

However, there is no way, the intelligence work is far less than layman's imagination, and it is impossible for clues to emerge inexplicably after a flash of inspiration.

A valuable clue is often screened out from hundreds of millions of useless information.

This is water milling time, and the Boss Yuan Ying has to be investigated honestly and can't be lazy.

As a large amount of resources and secret sword envoys from several nearby cities flooded into Qingyuan City, flood-like information was quickly transmitted to the light curtain of the command center.

One of the flashing messages made everyone's heart beat three times faster.

Li Yao's third false identity, the middle-aged woman with heavy makeup, rented a car in Qingyuan City!

"Grab his tail!"

The mosquito said excitedly.

"It can be traced, but it's not worth investing too much."

After the spring breeze, he sat cross-legged on the soft collapse, draped the bare blanket on his shoulders, as if an old monk entered Ding, "Li Yao would not be so stupid. Use the same ID card to buy a ticket before renting a car? This is for fear of exposure Isn't it fast enough?"

"The trick to renting a car is almost always smoke bombs, and the focus is on the stolen vehicles in the past two days."

Sure enough, it didn't take long before news came from Qingyuan City.

The "Flying Pigeon" brand shuttle with the locator hidden was found in the countryside 150 kilometers away from Qingyuan City.

But it was not Li Yao who drove this car all the way, but two garbage bugs native to Qingyuan City.

They usually live in the tomb of magic treasures, scavenging waste for a living, and if they have the opportunity, they also engage in sneaky and reselling stolen cars.

The car was stolen by them half a day ago, and the two thought they had made a fortune.

But I didn't expect that there would be hundreds of secret swordsmen who were heavily armed and who were on the verge of an enemy who would descend from the sky with the windfall.

When hundreds of flying swords surrounded the "Flying Pigeon" shuttle car, the two little thieves were scared to pee.

As a result, the air pressure in the command center was reduced by half, and many people cursed in a low voice.

The spring breeze is calm, calmly ordering his subordinates to strictly guard against every traffic arteries from Qingyuan City to Tiandu City, and even expand the scope, with Tiandu City as the center, the entire capital circle with a radius of 500 kilometers, all turned upside down!

This is a dumb method that can't be helped, it will cause countless secret swordsmen to be exhausted, and consume a lot of resources, which may not be effective.

But now, apart from passive defense and waiting for the theft information, there seems to be no good way.

"If I were Li Yao..."

It collapsed like a swamp, slowly sinking into it after the spring breeze, thinking in a trance.

He doesn't like the feeling of being passively beaten and being led by the nose.

If this continues, even if they are found, they will always be behind Li Yao's ass.

We must find a way to copy it in front of Li Yao!

Suddenly, after the spring breeze, he shivered suddenly, the blanket fell to the ground, and he muttered to himself: "This is Li Yao, will I only prepare three false identities for myself?"

"Mosquito" and other subordinates knew the boss's habits for a long time, and immediately followed up and said, "Boss, what do you mean, do you suspect that he has more false identities?"


After the spring breeze, the waist became straighter and straighter, as if crawling out of the swamp of thinking, and said quickly, "Think about it carefully, these three false identities of Li Yao are not precise, and within three or five days, we will definitely discover them! "

"Then, even if he succeeds in sneaking into Tiandu, what capacity will he act as?"

"In Tiandu City now, the vigilance has reached the apex, three steps one post, five steps one sentry, there are surveillance crystal eyes everywhere, and the faces of passers-by will be scanned randomly to confirm their identities."

"Without a legal identity, he can't make any progress! Using the fake identities of three Beining citizens is even more self-contained!"

The mosquito's eyes lit up and he was a little confused: "No, we have checked all the'lost ID' incidents in Beining City in the past few days, and there is no new discovery.

The spring breeze said lightly: "This time, he neither needs an ID card, nor will he pretend to be a citizen of Beining."

"Tiandu's defense system is fully networked. If the face of a citizen of Beining is scanned, but there is no information about his entry into Tiandu, wouldn't it be weird? It's impossible for people to emerge out of thin air."

"So, he should pretend to be a citizen of Tiandu."

The mosquito frowned and said, "He may not even be able to sneak into Tiandu. How can he pretend to be a Tiandu citizen?"

"It's very simple."

After the spring breeze, he said quickly, "When he was in Beining City, he only needed to squat at places such as the crystal rail train station or the crystal transport ship port, and wait for the train or transport ship from Tiandu to arrive, and he could lock a few Tiandu citizens, and Get their identity information."

"As long as these days are citizens and return to Tiandu within a few days, then it is completely reasonable for them to appear in Tiandu. Let alone scan by the mysterious light, even if they encounter the police in person, there will be no flaws. !"

The mosquito’s eyes lit up, and he nodded: “Yes, if the vulture Li Yao disguised himself as an ordinary citizen of the city, it would be reasonable to go to the street without his ID card. We can’t treat all citizens without ID cards. Grab it!"

Guo Chunfeng smiled and said, "Do you know how to check it?" =

The mosquito smashed his fist hard: "Understand, look up the list of all passengers who have recently traveled from Tiandu to Beining, focus on those citizens who have returned within these two days, and conduct a focused investigation on them!"

After the spring breeze, he smiled slightly and finally got the mood to take a bite of the bear's paw.

The bear's paw has long been cold, and his mouth is full of greasy, but it is as sweet as sweet.

He had a hunch, and looking in this direction, he would definitely find Li Yao's new identity.

This time, it was finally copied in front of the opponent!

At the Jinggui Train Station in Liuhe City, Li Yao was dormant in the dark, like a black scorpion.

The investigation has been upgraded, and even in the remote small station of this nine-tier city, several cultivators who are suspected of being a secret swordsman have appeared.

However, the focus of their investigation is the crystal rail trains bound for Tiandu, or the lines of traffic between the capital area. They have no interest in trains that go outside the capital area and run completely opposite to Tiandu.

Li Yao took a deep breath and let the cold wind help him calmly think for the last time.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Li Yao knew that his sneaky sneaking into the capital was like yellow mud in his crotch. It was really difficult to explain.

If there is a more direct and effective way, he would never do it.

Li Yao closed his eyes and revisited several previously rejected plans.

Option one, now, regardless of everything, turn on the brain, contact Ding Lingdang with the old number more than ten years ago, and make everything clear.

"Ding Lingdang will believe me!"

"Even everyone, even if every star in the entire sea of ​​stars does not believe me, Ding Lingdang will definitely believe me!"


The relationship between himself and Ding Lingdang is not too big a secret. If the "Abyss" is really lurking at the top of the Secret Sword Bureau, he will definitely know, and he will definitely make arrangements in advance to monitor Ding Lingdang!

No, not only Ding Lingdang, but also Professor Mo Xuan, Brother Feixing...everyone Li Yao can trust, I'm afraid they are under their supervision.

"As long as I send a message to Ding Lingdang, I will definitely be locked in within half a minute. Maybe I haven't even finished chatting, and I will be surrounded by a large number of secret swordsmen!"

"Moreover, this will also bring too much danger to Ding Lingdang!"

No matter how tough Ding Lingdang is, he is only a young golden pill. Li Yao believes that the "children of the nether" who have been in business for decades have absolutely a way to deal with her.

Li Yao must not allow Ding Lingdang to take such a risk. Plan one is rejected!

Option two, just find a crystal brain, and in the future all the details will be posted on the Internet and made public?

In this way, it is not so easy to be locked.

But how to write it?

"Hello netizens, everyone, tell you a little secret, in fact, the super federation hero Li Yao is not dead, and once again saved the federation by his own efforts!"

"Yes, I am actually the legendary'Vulture Li Yao'. Next, please listen to my story..."

Li Yao sighed, okay, his experience in the blood demon world is really tortuous and bizarre. Who believes it when I put it on the Internet!

Even if I believe it, how can I contact him? Is it possible for him to leave his contact information and address at the end of the post?

Option two, veto!

Option three, now run back to the city center of Qingyuan City, the most lively public square, and shout: "I am Li Yao, I am still alive! I have bleed for the Federation, I have contributed to Tianyuan! I I want to see Tie Shuai! I want to see the Speaker!"

The question is, will it be the reporter, the psychiatric hospital doctor, or the secret swordsman who rushed to the scene first?

Li Yao felt that it was the secret swordsman who was the most likely.

The point is that he doesn't even know who is the villain among the secret swordsmen.

Maybe, of the 100 secret sword ambassadors, ninety-nine of them are loyal to the Federation, and there is only one "Nether Son" on the secret front of the unsung hero.

Then, when other people's Feijian and Iron Fist greet him mercilessly, can he still kill them?

Not to mention that he is just the ultimate golden core, even if it is the ultimate soul infant, it is difficult to bring down hundreds of cultivators without hurting their lives!

What's more, the current profound bone battle armor is full of demon energy, once it is fully output, it will be a big demon alive!

If he puts on the profound bone battle armor, inspires a strong demon energy, fights fiercely with many secret sword ambassadors, and kills a few good people with the wrong hand, then the whole body is unclear!

Then, as soon as the secret swordsman arrives, he will be arrested, and then said to them earnestly: "I was wronged, there is a big conspiracy in it, you listen to me slowly explain..."

Will the "child of the nether" lurking in the secret swordsman give him a chance to explain it?

Will the biggest suspect in "Abyss" have a chance to explain it?

Therefore, he must not be caught by the secret sword ambassador, at least not now.

To be arrested, we must also be arrested in the presence of the Speaker, Tie Shuai, heads of major sects, and hundreds of millions of people.

In this way, you don't have to be afraid of the "Nether Son" and "Abyss" lurking in the Secret Sword Bureau playing tricks! The top federal leaders will listen to him slowly explain!

Option three, veto!

Well, all unrealistic plans are rejected, and there is only one way left before us.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and carefully observed the crystal rail train that was about to go to Dongou Port not far away.


The fourth one is sent!

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