40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1103: gift!

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I went to the hospital in the morning. There was a lot of people. Lao Niu didn't register in advance, so he could only hang up the number in the afternoon and go back later.

So, continue to code words, fight for the four chapters in one breath, and go to the hospital in the afternoon!


Secret Sword Bureau, Demon Slayer Division, Command Center.

The hunt for the "Blood Demon" continues, and because of the exposure of a large amount of evidence, the members of the hunting team have been fully upgraded, including Ding Lingdang, many powerful gold cores have joined the team, and even some highly respected battles. Xing Yuanying is willing to help and stand by at any time.

Thousands of light curtains float in the huge command center. Each light curtain changes at a rate of three times per second, showing all the pictures captured by hundreds of thousands of surveillance crystals scattered throughout the city.

Such a fast speed, in the eyes of ordinary people, is a colorful ocean of light, and only the eyeballs and brain cells of the cultivator can process such a vast amount of data.

Li Yao was in a hurry and disguised indiscriminately. After several hours of capture and analysis, Li Yao finally showed his feet.

"There is a citizen's face that appeared twice in different places at the same time!"

"One of them has been locked by us, and after a blood test, it is indeed the citizen himself, and the other one is fake!"

"All the crystal eyes are capturing the traces of this counterfeit!"

In the process of fleeing all the way, Li Yao changed his false identities twice, but was quickly picked up again, and the tracking route has been followed until...

The entrance to the underground city!

The major cities of the Xingyao Federation are three-dimensional structures from the air to the ground. In the 500-year history of the Federation, in order to defend against the invasion of large-scale beasts, all major cities have dug deep underground battle castles. Many cities have more underground space than The ground is still big.

As the capital, Tiandu City is even more so. In the five hundred years, various air-raid shelters, underground battle castles, magic treasure warehouses, emergency shelters... , An extremely complicated maze!

In the huge underground city, the resident population has reached tens of millions, and there are also a large number of tourists, passers-by and clerks pouring into the ground from the ground. Especially after today’s explosion, the government launched an emergency plan to hide in the underground safety zone. countless.

In the unfathomable underground, in addition to residential areas, there are larger pipeline areas, garbage areas, and abandoned areas that have been in disrepair. It may be clear how many secrets are hidden.

The most headache of the Secret Sword Game happened, and Li Yao escaped into the ground!

In the underground world, the space is narrow, the passages are tortuous, and there are a lot of dark pipes and gullies. Not to mention that it is difficult for a sniper to lock the target. Eyes, with Li Yao's cunning, it is easy to avoid.

There was silence in the command center.


After the spring breeze, a word was squeezed out between the teeth.

"Should you invite some Yuan Ying to do it?"

Asked the subordinate "mosquito".

After the spring breeze, he pondered for a moment and said, "Of course, please, but the underground city environment is complicated, and there are many citizens. If this blood demon is forced to jump over the wall, several powerful infants will fight underground, it is not a joke, just in case. Crashing a few blocks, it is very likely that hundreds of thousands of casualties will be killed!"

"So, ask a few Yuan Ying to lie in wait at the main exit of the underground city, our people lock the secret entrances and exits, and find a squad to go down and force him out!"

"Remember, the safety of the citizens is the first priority. Don't push too hard. He is now a frightened bird and his actions are unpredictable! Tiandu City has just suffered a panic, and tens of millions of citizens are in a panic. Second time!"

The mosquito was about to nod his head, Ding Lingdang stepped forward in front of the spring breeze, and his silver teeth made a "crack" noise: "Chairman, let me take the lead. I know him better than anyone, and I will definitely be able to get him out! "

After the spring breeze, he squinted his eyes and looked at Ding Lingdang with a hint of alertness.

Ding Lingdang's eyes rounded, and he looked at him with anger.

After watching the spring breeze for a long time, he suddenly smiled, nodding his head and said: "Okay, then Daoyou Ding will take the lead and pull out this blood demon!"


In the underground city of Tiandu City, a mixture of fish and dragons, smog, and a mess of mazes.

In the chaos of tens of millions of residents in the underground city and millions of emergency evacuees, thousands of elite operatives from the Secret Sword Bureau sprinkled in, as if salt was spilled into the sea, and it was instantly diluted to the extreme.

And the monitoring crystal eyes at the corner of the underground passage can only occasionally send back vague news.

"The suspected target appeared in a commercial area on the sixth floor underground!"

"The target disappeared and appeared in the hospital on the eighth floor underground!"

"The target disappeared again, ah, it appeared in the area to be rebuilt on the 12th floor underground, ready to be arrested, wrong, the wrong person was arrested, it is not the target!"

I don’t know if Li Yao is lucky or deliberately fishing for the Secret Sword Game. He is like an indeterminate ghost, occasionally showing a scale and half of his claws under the eyes of the monitoring crystal. However, when a large number of Secret Sword Envoys rushed forward, he again Disappeared without a trace!

Ding Lingdang wore a fiery red mustard combat uniform, lest he wasn't eye-catching enough, the whole body was rippling with a faint red light, turning into a red streamer, chasing continuously in the underground world.

This is the combat outfit she is most used to, and there is nothing to say about it.

The crowd chased deeper and deeper, gradually chasing to the deepest part of the underground city.

It is inaccessible here, but it is surrounded by dense pipelines. There are hundreds of underground drains and aeration pipes that lead directly to the outside of the city. They are responsible for the treatment of waste water and waste gas generated by the lives and work of tens of millions of people. There is a huge "underground magic treasure tomb"!

"It's locked!"

"He is wearing a blue and white crystal armor, disguised as a policeman in the underground city!"

"Quickly, the nearest operatives, stick to him, reinforcements will be here soon!"

Thousands of secret sword ambassadors are like sharks smelling blood, rushing towards the garbage area deep in the dungeon at the fastest speed!

However, perhaps by coincidence, Ding Lingdang is the closest to Li Yao.

Above the stinky underground magic treasure tomb.

Li Yao and Ding Lingdang, who hadn't seen each other in ten years, quietly confronted each other.

In this second, time seemed to stop, the world seemed to disappear, the stars and the sea were melted, leaving only the swift heartbeat and heavy breathing of a pair of men and women in the dark and endless world.

Their eyes are like four hungry and thirsty snakes, entangled tightly, secreting a large amount of pheromones that are not enough for outsiders, moisturizing each other, **** and exchange.

After enjoying a long and short second, he glanced at the light that was sprayed from countless crystal armors not far away, Li Yao pulled out his eyes in pain, and said calmly: "Listen to my explanation."

Ding Lingdang: "I won't listen, I won't listen!"

Li Yao: "Actually, I have difficulties!"

Ding Lingdang: "I'm bitter, big-headed ghost, take my old lady's punch first!"

She rushed over like a cannonball, without any mercy from her underlings, instantly equipped with a set of scarlet flame-like crystal armor, and punched her fiercely!

Li Yao crossed his arms to parry, but the performance of the most basic police crystal armor on his body was too poor, but it became a cumbersome. He was smashed by this fist and flew out, dancing in midair, struggling and shouting: "Ding Lingdang, trust me!"

"Of course I believe you!"

Ding Lingdang yelled frantically, "But let me blow your head first, bastard! My old lady has been waiting for you for ten years, and you are looking for another woman behind your back!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Ding Lingdang is like the triple main gun on a super-heavy battleship, with hundreds of vigorous bombardments in one breath, and waves of powerful fireballs and shock waves rained on Li Yao’s face, crystal armor. Fragmented, Li Yao's nose and face are swollen!

"No, he's playing tricks!"

The command center yelled after seeing the spring breeze through Ding Lingdang's crystal eyes.

That's too late.

"Asshole, die for my old lady!"

Ding Lingdang's whole body turned into a shooting star, and with his legs exhausted, he slammed Li Yao's chest and slammed him directly into the mountain of magic trash.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

Li Yao's spar bomb buried under the **** in advance exploded, almost half of the magic treasure tombs were lifted up, and strange magic fragments were flying all over the sky, completely disrupting the sight and tracking of all the secret swordsmen!

When the dust settled, the secret sword ambassador who hurriedly discovered that beneath the magic treasure tomb was a hole that had just been dug out with a mysterious light drill.

And this hole directly leads to the underground drainage pipe network extending in all directions next to it.

All the secret swordsmen looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Ding Lingdang was panting, and the flames all over his body grew higher and higher. He turned his head and stared at everyone like: "How?"

Secret Sword Envoy: "...No, nothing, Sister Ding is brave and brave!"


Deep in the underground drainage pipe, in the rotten sewage, Li Yao stared at the pig's head with a blue nose and swollen face. He galloped all the way, and finally couldn't help but laughed "chichi", the more he laughed, the louder he was!

"I found that you have a problem."

The Scarlet Heart Demon frowned, "They beat you into a pig's head when they meet and bites the flesh with fists. There is absolutely no mercy. If it wasn't for your big head, you might have a headshot! Are you still smiling so lewdly? Are you a bit of an obscure sexual addiction? No, what do you have, I know exactly! In the first few years, I like to use my hands, but in the next few years I have achieved success in cultivation and can use psychic energy. After condensing the air and performing dynamic simulations, you don’t even need your hands!"


Li Yao opened his hand and spit out a **** saliva, but in the saliva was a shining Universe Ring!

It was Ding Lingdang that hit his mouth just now in a series of extremely magnificent punches with acousto-optic effects.

"see it?"

Li Yao shook the ring and said proudly, "This is my wife!"

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