40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1111: medicine!

Everyone thought that Li Yao escaped back to the ground again following the rain vortex, but no one would have imagined that Li Yao dared to rush to this battleship specially to hunt him down, lurking in Ye Feikong and more than a dozen Li Dan. By the monk!

It was never Li Yao's goal to behead the "dead light" Ye Feikong.

Because killing Ye Feikong at best made his escape a little more convenient.

However, after spying on the scales and claws of this terrible conspiracy, and firming up his soul, even after Dao Xin has nurtured his will, Li Yao will fight his way, and will never allow himself to flee again!

No matter who it is, if you dare to treat him as a pawn, you must pay a price if you are involved in such a tricky conspiracy!

Therefore, he would use the Internet chip that was sneaked into Ding Lingdang's hands to analyze all the information about "Dead Light" Ye Feikong, completely substituting himself in the role of "Ye Feikong", and put it down. Such a trap.

The purpose of the trap is not to kill Ye Feikong, but to inflict heavy damage on him, so as to catch the person hidden behind the scenes!

Li Yao is 90% sure that the other party will appear.

Because Ye Feikong is not an ordinary person, but a Nascent Soul, one of the few fighting Nascents in the Federation!

No matter how powerful the "Patriot Organization" is, it is elusive. Out of the need for confidentiality, it is definitely only a small group of people. The super-class powerhouse at the level of Ye Feikong is definitely rare in the organization.

He was seriously injured, which will definitely have a great impact on the organization's plans.

You know, after stepping into the realm of Nascent Soul, every monk has his own Dao Heart and pride, and it is difficult to buy it with pure profit.

"Dead Light" Ye Feikong is a fighting hero who has defended the Federation for more than 100 years. If someone uses money, power, or techniques to tempt him to betray the Federation, I am afraid he would have been shot in the head long ago!

Li Yao inferred that the relationship between the behind-the-scenes of the Patriots and Ye Feikong should be more like some kind of "like-minded" Taoist friends.

Ye Feikong was not tempted by money or power, but really believed in a certain "idea" and believed that he was saving the Federation, so he would be willing to become the opponent's minion.

Then, when an important character like Ye Feikong was seriously injured, this man behind the scenes would definitely have to come to visit in person.

Even if it wasn't out of morality, at least he had to see Ye Feikong's injury with his own eyes to determine Ye Feikong's recovery speed and combat effectiveness, to adjust his next plan!

This is the only breakthrough!

Li Yao guessed it right, and the Secretary of the Secret Sword Lu Zui really appeared.

Combined with the video taken by Professor Mo Xuan, Li Yao can be sure that Lu Zui is the leader of the Patriot Organization, at least one of the leaders!

And the "Tianyuan's strongest golden pill" he once cherished had passed the spring breeze, and he was also an innocent person who was kept in the dark by Lu Zui and was exploited!

In this way, everything makes sense!

Only Lu Zui, who has been fighting on the secret front for more than a hundred years, has an intricate network of connections and strong strength, can set up such a big game and count the Federation Speaker, Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao, and himself!

Next, from their mouths, a lot of precious news will surely be overheard.

When the two Yuan Ying of the "Patriot Organization" meet, they will not just talk about family affairs, right?

At first, Li Yao wanted to put the eavesdropping chip on Ye Feikong, but this trick he had already used on Duanmuming when he first returned to the Tianyuan Realm, and it was seen through by the opponent.

With Lu Zui's caution, the same trick cannot be used a second time.

Therefore, after repeated deductions, Li Yao asked Professor Mo Xuan to help him obtain the modification diagram and structure diagram of Ye Feikong's sniper rifle "Sky Drive".

Li Yao spent three full hours studying these structural drawings carefully, knowing every detail of the "Sky Drive" sniper rifle, and fine-tuning the eavesdropping chip he refined according to its structure.

When he suddenly appeared deep in the chimney, Ye Feikong really made the most "correct" choice, temporarily throwing away the "Sky Drive" sniper rifle, and replaced it with a pistol and a fighting stab.

This gave Li Yao a chance.

Under the cover of smoke and dust, Li Yao swelled his psychic energy and demonic energy to the limit. Even the "golden core" in his body bombarded with violent music, and performed a "magic sound through his brain" on Ye Feikong. The purpose of the attack is to temporarily distract Ye Feikong, and have no time to perceive the real movements of his hands.

With both his hands, within 0.1 seconds, the closed shoot structure of the "Sky Drive" sniper rifle was disassembled, turned into 22 finely divided components, and the eavesdropping chip as thin as a cicada's wings was gently embedded into the spiral guide pillar. Go up and reassemble it again!

This is a crazy gamble.

As the number one gun master in the Federation, Ye Feikong has already reached the realm of "the combination of man and gun", and as his main weapon, this "Sky Drive" sniper rifle must have been practiced by him day and night, dripping blood, and He resonated with "inspirational".

Under normal circumstances, Li Yao believed that as long as Ye Feikong retrieved his "Sky Drive" sniper rifle, he would notice something wrong in a few seconds.


What about when the right arm is cut off, the internal organs burst into pieces, hundreds of crystal armor fragments are embedded in the body, and the limbs and hundreds of skeletons are attacked by both psionic energy and demonic energy?

Li Yao is absolutely confident in his shots. Ye Feikong's ability to stay awake is the greatest miracle. At this time, it is impossible for him to "drop blood" on the "Tian Drive" sniper rifle!

What's more, the "Sky Drive" sniper rifle was contaminated with a bit of evil in the fierce battle, and it was a little abnormal. It made sense?

In this way, Li Yaoshen planted an eavesdropping chip next to Ye Feikong without knowing it. As long as the two sides were within 50 meters of each other, even the heartbeat could be heard clearly.

Of course, there are also various unexpected factors, such as Ye Feikong's complete coma, forgetting to take the gun, or taking the gun back into the universe ring.

But Li Yao had no choice but to take a risk. Even if the "eavesdropping" trick failed, there was no loss. He could at least lock down the black hand behind the scenes, and he could just assassinate Lu Zui directly.

Decapitation tactics have always been his favorite.

Perhaps it was the last infiltration plan. His luck was too bad. Now it is really unbelievable. Everything is going well. Ye Feikong really put the sniper rifle next to him and let him hear the conversation between the two!

However, this kind of dialogue does not have much nutrition other than confirming the identity of Lu Zui's behind the scenes and washing away the suspicion of the spring breeze.

The news of the passage of the war dispute case will soon be released in the news media, and Lu Zui's strategy of dragging the Fei Xingren onto the chariot is also an old trick.

The key is that such a dialogue cannot be used as evidence, after all, "voiceprint" is too easy to forge.

This action of Li Yao has both advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that he was forced to release a strong demonic energy under the public, and he also severely inflicted Ye Feikong on the head. As Lu Zui said, this **** bowl was buttoned on his head. , It's really hard to get rid of.

Li Yao continued to eavesdrop and secretly figured out whether he should follow Lu Zui's line and continue to chase him, trying to dig out more secrets from him, and even kill him directly!

But in the secret room, Ye Feikong coughed a few times again, and said: "Friend Lu, you have to be careful of'Vulture Li Yao'. I have a faint hunch that this young man will never sit and wait for death. He will definitely find a way to do it. Escape from the dungeon!"

"Such a big game, not ordinary people can set it, maybe he will guess you, and even come directly to you and kill you! The decapitation tactic is his favorite!"

Lu Zui smiled and said, "What should I be careful about? The war machine has already been rumbled. It can't be blocked by one or two people. What's the use of killing me?"

"If he really kills the Secretary of the Secret Sword Bureau, what's the use besides realizing his identity as a'Blood Demon' and arousing the indignation of federal citizens?"

"For the rise of the Federation, you and I have already set aside life and death. Even if we kill all of us, there will be countless'Patriots' who will come forward. Can he kill all the'Patriots'?"

"He really killed all the'patriots', then all the citizens and cultivators of the Federation will be shrouded in fury and become the new'patriots' and continue this war!"

"Friend Daoist Ye, we are already invincible!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth bitterly, Lu Zui is indeed the meditation master who is the most adept at figuring out people's hearts. This game laid at the expense of life is really hard to disassemble!

Ye Feikong seemed to agree with Lu Zui's statement. He didn't speak for a long time, and suddenly said, "What's the situation over there, is the'medicine' ready?"

Lu Zui said: "It's coming soon, all technical obstacles will be overcome, and mass production is only a matter of time."

"The question of time is also a big problem."

Ye Feikong said, "The medicine is very important to our plan. If there is no medicine, even if the blood demon realm is really captured, it will not make any sense. I don't want to see the end of the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm at the same time!"

"You Daoist Ye can rest assured, will I let the tens of billions of compatriots be buried with those smelly beasts?"

Lu Zui cut the railroad firmly, "From the very beginning, I promised you that our actions are by no means as simple as venting hatred, but to blaze a trail for the Federation in this cruel universe! And you also watched the whole deduction. During the process, I thought that the probability of success was extremely high, so I joined this operation."

"Now, what I promised is becoming reality step by step, everything is under control, what can you doubt?"

"Of course I believe you."

Ye Feikong said, "However, I read the news from the Meteorological Bureau. There seems to be a submarine volcano that is about to erupt, which will cause a large-scale tsunami and collide with a super storm. It is expected to hit there in a day. A shell ruptures and the sea water flows back in. That is a disaster."

"I've got people to prepare in advance."

Lu Zui said, "The shell has been heavily reinforced, no matter how big a tsunami and storm can be resisted, there will never be a problem."

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