40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1114: Fish in troubled waters!

The nine-headed sea monster is a variant of a certain ancient giant octopus. After the ancient crust changed and large tracts of land emerged from the sea, they still hung in the trenches tens of thousands of meters deep, becoming "living fossils".

Counting the nine tentacles, the size of the nine-headed sea monster can easily reach thousands of meters. It also has an innate talent for the use of water system psychic energy. It can manipulate the undercurrent of the sea at will, forming water columns, water arrows, and water walls. Even through the tentacles and the spray holes on the body, the ultra-high pressure "sonic water jet" can be released, which is unstoppable!

What’s more frightening is that the cell structure of the nine-headed sea monster is slightly different from that of today’s species. It is extremely capable of self-repair. It’s useless to cut off one tentacles. In just a few minutes, new tentacles will grow again. .

These terrifying abilities, coupled with a thick-skinned body and astonishing vitality, made it an absolute master in the depths of the ocean, and it was regarded by the ancestors of the sea as a **** or a monster.

In the Xingyao Federation, there is even a legend that the "Eastern Demon Kingdom" was completely destroyed in the past. There are countless demon soldiers, demon generals and the ghosts of the demon king, all attached to the body of the "nine-headed sea monster", so these The big monster is so terrible.

This of course is nonsense.

However, the biochemical technology of the "Eastern Demon Country" was quite developed back then. It was possible to capture some nine-headed sea monsters to modulate them, transform them from spirit beasts into monster beasts, and reproduce them from generation to generation.

In any case, the nine-headed sea monster was an opponent that the Tianyuan cultivator would never meet in the sea.

Fortunately, their range of activities is usually in trenches up to 10,000 meters deep, where they feed on giant whales and rarely go into shallow waters.

Because the seawater pressure here is too small, it is an extremely uncomfortable environment for their huge body.

As long as the Tianyuan monk is not fed, he has to be a hero to hunt it in a trench tens of thousands of meters deep, it will not easily run out to harm living beings, and the well water of the two sides will not interfere with the river water, and it will be safe for hundreds of years. .

Today, Li Yao fished a nine-headed sea monster from its lair.


The jet holes hidden in the folds of the Nine-headed Sea Devil's body blasted out a column of water, exuding an extremely powerful aura!

Li Yao smiled slightly and aimed at the "sea anemone" on the head of the nine-headed sea monster, and another bullet passed by.

This bunch of fluorescent tentacles growing on the forehead is the organ where the nine-headed sea monster releases pheromone, and the biggest role of this pheromone is to attract the opposite sex.

In other words, this "sea anemone" is the "thing" of the nine-headed sea monster!

Li Yao's series of bullets were like kicking into the crotch of the nine-headed sea monster. Although they were slapped by the opponent with their tentacles, they caused the nine-headed sea monster to furiously.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The nine-headed sea monster is like a moving submarine volcano, slamming it at Li Yao!


With a strange cry, Li Yao ran away and fled hurriedly in the direction of the seabed mining base!

A series of water arrows passed by him, leaving a clear mark on the profound bone battle armor, but Li Yao did not even turn his head, jumping up and down, dancing in the undercurrent and water arrows, while calmly analyzing The distance between himself and the nine-headed sea monster, as well as the weather conditions on the sea!

At this time, the tsunami caused by the volcanic eruption, the thunder brought by the super storm, and this completely crazy nine-headed sea monster, at the same time swept towards the seabed mining base!

Li Yao calculated the time just right, and when he fled near the seabed mining base, it happened to be the most violent storm and tsunami on the sea, and the most chaotic moment of seabed psychic energy!

At this moment, thunder and lightning flashed on the sea, turbid waves surging into the sky, and the bottom of the sea was also shaking with mountains and undercurrents. As if the seabed mining base was in the center of the whirlpool, the perception of the outside world fell to the limit.

However, no matter how slow the perception is, the approach of the nine-headed sea monster can still be scanned.

According to Li Yao’s speculation, since this submarine mining base is not far from the "Broken Vein Trench", the "patriots" in the base must know that in the deep trench, it is very likely that the "nine-headed sea monster" lives. Huge sea monster.

The eruption of a nearby submarine volcano caused ground shaking, which alarmed these sea monsters and forced them into the shallow sea, which is also normal.

Sure enough, after a while, Li Yao sensed strong psychic energy fluctuations from the seabed mining base. Obviously, the level of the defensive talisman was adjusted to the highest level, and some powerful offensive talisman was also triggered, and there were a large number of them. The armor master and the spar battleship rushed out!

Before they rushed out, Li Yao took the Xuan Bone Battle Armor back into the Universe Ring. He only wore a thin film battle suit with invisibility. It looked like a slippery fish, and even his heartbeat and breathing were converged. The limit, quietly fell to the bottom of the sea.

The nine-headed sea monster lives on the dark bottom of the sea and has no need for vision. Its eyeballs have long been degraded and only have a vague light perception. It mainly relies on the folds of its body to swallow the sea water, analyzes the pheromone in the sea water, and the skin cells sense psychic energy fluctuations. To detect the enemy.

If we say that the psychic energy fluctuations that Li Yao just emitted are equivalent to a small firefly.

So, in order to guard against strong winds and waves, the seabed mining base that has raised its defenses to the limit, in its perception, is a raging flame!


The nine-headed sea monster usually lives in the abyss of the sea. How can I know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and the dignity of the deep sea overlord has been so insulted.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

In the depths of the seabed mining base, a dozen dazzling mysterious lights were shot out. The psychic energy condensed in the mysterious lights was so powerful that even the surrounding sea water was decomposed and turned into a blurred arc of light, like a dozen swords and swords. Severely smashed the nine sea monsters, and cut wounds tens of meters deep on its body, and even a tentacle was cut off!

The nine-headed sea monster didn't realize it, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, a large amount of granulation spewed out from the fracture of the tentacle, and a new tentacle formed quickly.

Nine tentacles danced into the wind, slammed the two spar battleships away, and a large group of water spewed out from behind. With the help of recoil, it turned into a submarine meteor and hit a corner of the mining base!


The defensive talisman array around the mining base blasted a large amount of electric current to form a lightning barrier, but it was easily torn by the nine-headed sea monster, and even self-defeating, sprayed a lot of corrosive from the wound of the nine-headed sea monster. The body fluid corroded the outer shell of the mining base into big holes!

The sea water poured in!

Hundreds of elite armor masters and the nine-headed sea monsters battled together, setting off a large area of ​​mud on the seabed, making a smoky atmosphere for dozens of miles, and the visibility was extremely low. The psionic scanning was severely disturbed and completely turned into a chaotic world!

Li Yao hid in a piece of sea sand, quietly observing the fierce battle above his head.

He didn't guess wrong. As the most important secret base of the "Patriot Organization", the defense here is indeed extremely tight. Several of them started to show their strength in the Golden Elixir period. As for whether there is a Nascent Soul and Old Monster sitting in town, it is not at this moment. Knowing, maybe he is looking for an opportunity, ready to give a fatal blow to the nine-headed sea monster!

It's just that the nine-headed sea monster with strong vitality is not so easy to kill. It should be able to delay enough time before it completely dies!

Li Yao smiled faintly, held his breath, and with the weakest movement, he caught the shock wave spreading out on the battlefield, drifting towards the damaged part of the shell of the mining base with the smell of "following the flow".

Everyone’s attention was firmly attracted by the nine-headed sea monster, but they did not notice that in the turbid sea, there was a "monster" more terrifying than the nine-headed sea monster, which rushed into the mining base along the hole. in!

Li Yao successfully sneaked into the seabed mining base!

But he doesn't have much time!

When the opponent kills the nine-headed sea monster, repairs the defense system of the submarine base, and returns to the base all the time, his activity space will be compressed to the limit!

Must be fast!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The tentacles of the nine-headed sea monster kept bombarding the shell of the submarine base. The whole base was shaking gently. A large amount of seawater poured in from the damaged area, flooding several passages and large areas of space. High-intensity risk elimination operations.

As a result, the defense system naturally becomes messy and full of loopholes!

Li Yao released the Xiaolong and went into invisibility. He directly followed a few anxious rescuers and found another person who seemed to be the boss. He went round and round with him to the depths of the base.

If the entire seabed mining base is like a giant crab, now the chaos is roughly in the "crab claw" position, and the center of the base, like a crab navel heavily protected by a carapace, is still calm. in.

Passing through several airtight doors, what appeared in front of Xiaolong was a huge elixir refining workshop. Hundreds of pharmacists wearing white airtight suits and filter masks were operating at their desks.

What they are refining is a potion with a faint fluorescent green.

The refining workshop is very quiet, and even the sounds of fighting from the outside are not audible, and few people whisper.

"what is this?"

Li Yao curled up behind a gap in an air circulation magic weapon unit, thinking a little curiously, "Is this the'medicine' that Lu Zui said? It seems that small-scale mass production has been possible. What is this kind of'medicine'? what's the effect?"

The little leader of the rescue team spoke to an old man who looked like the director of the pharmaceutical workshop, as if he was introducing the situation outside.

The old man nodded and motioned for him to go back for repairs, then took off the filter mask and walked to another door in the corner.

Li Yao's pupils suddenly shrank.

For all the Nascent Soul cultivators in the Tianyuan Realm, he couldn't say it well, at least he knew the appearance and general information of the other party.

He recognized at a glance, this kind-eyed, kind-eyed old man named "Shou Yuxuan" was a research cultivator in Yuan Ying period, one of the "Nine Great Schools", and the deputy dean of Tiandu Medical College. He was extremely famous. Of biochemistry and virology experts!

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