40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1117: The abyss that does not exist!

In the sterile room, the interrogation continued, and the scarred man smiled and said, "Very well, Old Ancestor Youquan, you are very cooperative. If everyone cooperates in this way, you will not have to endure this torture soon. The last question. Who is "Abyss"? Say the answer and you can go to death."

On dozens of light curtains, the brain waves of the ancestor Youquan suddenly agitated, and roared: "There is no'Abyss', no! Why don't you believe it!"

The Scarface looked at him coldly for a while, and said to his assistant: "Inject three times the dose of Fennaoling into the brain to amplify his perception, and then inject five times the dose of golden jellyfish venom extract, and give him an electric shock. Keep his brain cells active."


The old ancestor Youquan slid on his head, the crystal lines and the drug delivery tube were tightened one by one, his dead gray eyes almost burst out of his eyes, and even blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

And on the surveillance light screen, his brain wave curve also fluctuates as if going crazy!

"Ah! Ah! I said! I said! It's Ling Yu, it's Ling Yu, the head of the Confidential Office of the General Staff of the Federal Army!"

Old Ancestor Youquan screamed again and again, with sharp screams, as if to tear the sound transmission array!

The Scarfaced man and his assistant analyzed on the monitoring light screen for a moment. An assistant with deep eyes and the appearance of a meditation master shook his head and said: "The brain waves are wrong, he is lying."

The Scarfaced man frowned slightly, and once again signaled his assistant to strengthen the medicine. As a virtual rune on the light curtain was gradually moved to the highest level, the eyes of Old Ancestor Youquan rolled quickly, foaming at his mouth, even a few meters away. The body bounced like an electrocuted frog.

"Why bother, Ancestor Youquan, you can be considered a man of the first generation. We can't bear to fall into such a fate."

The Scarface sighed, "You have been completely defeated and there is no hope of a comeback. Why are you still protecting the'Abyss' like this? All the'Children of the Nether' have been swept away by us, and a single'Abysm' alone can't set off any storms. of!"

"Let's talk, more than a hundred'children of the nether' have confessed, and don't care about one more'deep', right? Say it, we save trouble, you can also be free from this kind of humiliation and pain forever, right Right?"

"What's more, all the'children of the nether' have betrayed you. Wouldn't the'Abyss' betray you? Maybe, he would have thrown you out of the clouds at this moment, and even wish you were dead! You are so! Carry it hard, but he is chic and happy outside, I'm really worthless for you!"

Above the light curtain, Old Ancestor Youquan was like a block of melting ice, dying and said: "It's Di Mingxin, Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Defense Di Mingxin... No, it's the spring breeze. The spring breeze grows in one place...Yes..."

The Scarface looked at the assistant, who kept shaking his head.

The Scarfaced Man’s voice gradually became hard and cold: "Old Ancestor Youquan, originally we admired you as an old predecessor in the blood demon world, and gave you a bit of face. Since you have such an attitude, then stop. Blame us for being cruel!"

"You forced me to lie!"

Ancestor Youquan collapsed completely and roared, "There is no abyss! There is no abyss! There is no abyss! What do you want me to confess!"

"The abyss is impossible to exist, don't you understand? His loyalty cannot be guaranteed at all!"

"The time when the'Children of the Nether' was released was decades ago. At that time, I hadn't mastered such superb genetic technology, how could I absolutely control them!"

"Ordinary'children of the underworld' often send information back to me, and I also send them their status in the blood demon clan. Only in this way can they maintain their loyalty to the demon clan and to me! Ha ha, even so, In the end they all betrayed me! They all betrayed me!"

"If there really is an'Abyss', he doesn't even know that he is a monster, nor does he do anything sorry for the Federation. Even if I'activate' him, there is no evidence to explain it apart from me and him. He is a monster!"

"Then how do I control him? How can I convince him to be loyal to me instead of the Federation where he has lived for decades!"

Scarface and his assistant listened very calmly. It seemed that they had heard these words more than once.

Perhaps "Fen Naoling" played a role, and Youquan Ancestor's thinking became clearer and clearer. He roared: "The abyss is just a cover, used to cover up the guise of the'child of the nether'!"

"The original idea was that once you noticed the existence of the'Nether Son', you would release the non-existent'Ultimate Nether Son' of'Abyss' to make you suspect each other. 'You can also jump out and testify that someone threatening them is the'Abyss'!"

"In this way, if you testify against me and I test against you, if you can't find the'Abyss' after a long time of review, the investigation of the'Nether Sons' will be greatly reduced, and there will be enough time for them to calmly deal with it!"

"In a word, the abyss is the'protective shell' of the children of the netherworld, there is no abyss at all!"

The Scarface glanced at his assistants. This time, more than a dozen assistants nodded after carefully studying the brainwave diagrams of Old Ancestor Youquan.

"Almost there?"

Shou Yuxuan had been watching coldly by the side and couldn't help but said, "You have asked the same question more than a dozen times, and the answer is the same every time."

"Under this kind of super stimulus, every second seems like a whole eighteen layers of **** smashed in his head, and he can lie without being seen by you. His willpower is so high. To what extent? It's impossible!"

"What he said is very reasonable. Since the'Nether Son' will betray, then the possibility of the'Abyss' betrayal is even higher! You also said that if we are the'Abyss', I hope he will die sooner, the better. As long as he dies, there will be no evidence to reveal our identity!"

"If there really exists an'Abyss' that always regards itself as a human being, how can it be controlled even if it is activated? There is no way to control it!"

"The conclusion is that the abyss does not exist, it is just the'protective shell' of the children of the Nether."

The Scarfaced man pondered for a long time, looking at the ancient Youquan Spiritual Soul that was gradually rippling away from the light curtain, and said thoughtfully: "However, deep in his brain, there is always a small area shrouded in gray mist. , I can't crack it anyway."

Shou Yuxuan said disapprovingly: "The human brain is like this. Even if Soul Search Dafa can squeeze 99% of the secrets, 1% will always be elusive. It may be a very long and early memory that has nothing to do with our plan. Don't worry about it."

The Scarfaced man and his assistant deliberated for a while, and finally straightened his back, nodded and said: "Okay, the results of the last nine interrogations are the same, and finally they can come to the final conclusion that the ‘Abyss’ does not exist!"

"President Shou, our problems have basically been solved, and this brain will be used by you most of the time."

The Scarfaced Man stretched out a finger. On the huge light screen, Ancestor Youquan flicked his brows and smiled and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, Ancestor Youquan, in fact, the'Abyss' you came up with. , It’s really an amazing idea. It was originally very likely to cause serious interference to us."

"It's a pity that people are not as good as the heavens, but in the end you made yourself suffer so much. Haha, you can't blame us for this. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself."

Old Ancestor Youquan completely lost the strength to argue, and said weakly: "I said everything, let me die, let me die..."

Scarface said humanely: "I don't have any problems, but Dean Shou still has a lot of things. I want to have a good chat with you."

Old Ancestor Youquan yelled: "You promised me that you would kill me if you tell the truth about the'Abyss'! You lie to me, you lie to me!"

The Scarface sneered and said, "The evil spirit is outside, everyone gets it and punishes it. Why do you have any credibility with a monster like you?"


Old Ancestor Youquan burst into anger. In an instant, the intensity of his brainwaves reached the limit, as if to break free from the light curtain, spewing out like a volcanic eruption!

The head placed in the transparent box, as well as the body firmly nailed to the operating table, all trembled crazily, releasing an overwhelming wave of psychic energy!

"not good!"

An assistant exclaimed, "In the depths of his brain, there are signs of crazy stimulation of seven times the dose of'Fennaoling'!"


Scarface was shocked.

"It must be that he usually controls his brain, trying to secretly hide a part of the "Fen Nao Ling"!"

Another meditator cried out strangely, "At this moment, all the ‘Fen Brain Spirit’ that is usually hidden have been stimulated, and the brain waves have soared to the limit!"

"Grab! Grab! Grab!"

Under the brainstorming of the ancestors of Youquan, the restraints firmly nailed in the body came out, deeply embedded in the ceiling!

His hands and feet danced wildly, and several meditation masters were caught off guard, they were all thrown against the wall by him, breaking their muscles and breaking them!

"Suppress him!"

The Scarface screamed, and dozens of instruments of torture that looked like steel fangs popped out from under the metal operating bed. With a "swish", they pierced the Ancestor Youquan deeply and fixed him on the operating bed.

The three cultivators in the corner jumped up, and the three modified arrow-burst guns slammed into the body of the old ancestor Youquan. The muzzle spewed out a super-strong electric arc, and after a series of series of lightning, It almost turns the body into coke!

And the transparent box containing the skull was injected with a blue liquid, which instantly froze into ice cubes!

Ancestor Youquan's body was firmly suppressed, and his brain was completely frozen again. Seeing that this resistance will end in failure!


At this moment, the sterile room shook fiercely, and the psionic energy inputting all magic weapons surged in an instant!

It should be outside. The cultivator and the nine-headed sea monster fought to the fiercest point, and accidentally ran into the front of the defensive formation, causing an instantaneous overload of all magic weapons in the secret base!


On the huge light curtain, after serious interference, the illusory face of the ancestor Youquan showed a sense of mockery, and gradually disappeared like ripples.

On the monitoring light screen, the ancestor Youquan's brain waves fell weakly from mid-air after soaring into the sky, and fell straight into the eternal abyss.

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