40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1121: Such a sword man!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of colorful shock waves appeared on the surface of the profound bone battle armor, swelling like a malignant tumor, and the destructive force pushed Li Yao out hundreds of meters in one breath.

The bright beam of light blasted by the giant Styx artillery also tore through all the defensive arrays of the submarine base in a destructive posture, and penetrated the core of the base.

That was Li Yao's comprehensive analysis through careful observation and scanning of Xiaolong, where the pharmaceutical workshop and the sterile room are located.

Suddenly, a series of earth-shattering explosions were set off at the core of the submarine base, and stern alarms sounded all around, sea water poured in frantically, and the base was in chaos!

The sterile room that tortured Youquan ancestors happened to be swept by the Styx cannon. The cultivators inside were caught off guard, all spinning, hitting and struggling in the shock wave!

Xiaolong has been quietly hovering in the corner of the sterile room, knowing the whereabouts of the jade crystal disc, and taking the opportunity to release four or five miniature smoke bombs, making the chaotic sterile room more and more smoky. .

The miniature porch drill on the front end was stimulated to the limit, Xiaolong turned into a streamer, and pierced the super crystal brain used to analyze the brains of the ancestors of Youquan!

In the depths of the super crystal brain, where is the jade crystal disc stored!


Two slender super-tough steel claws stretched out in front of the Xiaolong, which firmly fixed the jade crystal disc and pulled it out of the connecting talisman array!

It originally wanted to try to capture the main memory chipset of the super crystal brain, but at the same time, above the seabed base, Li Yao sensed a second unstoppable sword light and swept forward!

The strength has reached the superb level of the "Fifth Sword", even if it is the ultimate golden pill of Li Yao, it is difficult to see the opponent's complete recruitment process.

When he sensed the sword intent, the sword light had already invaded dozens of meters in front of him!

This battle was different from the battle against "Dead Light" Ye Feikong.

That battle was after several hours of strategizing. Both sides spent a lot of energy and computing power. It was a planned battle beyond the duel.

Li Yao had grasped the opportunity early, and it could be said that Ye Feikong was solved without blood.

This battle, however, met on a narrow road, caught off guard, neither side was prepared, and there was no fancy pure combat power competition!

Li Yao let out a low roar, the blood moon chasing the dragon knife dyed all the sea water in a radius of 100 meters into crimson. The crimson sea water attached to the sword light, like a blood whip hundreds of meters long, facing the sword intent. !

Sword intent, against the sword!


The amount of violent violence released by the sword fighting gasified all the seawater hundreds of meters near the impact point. From liquid to gas, the volume of seawater expanded dozens of times, causing a thrilling explosion in an instant.

It was like a hundred depth-water bombs exploding at the same time, forming an extremely chaotic barrier, temporarily separating Li Yao from the Fifth Sword and other pursuers!

This is Li Yao's purpose.

In order to achieve this goal, he even slightly dispersed the blade lights inspired by the Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Sword, so that one-tenth of the power of the sword intent of the Fifth Sword penetrated and hit his chest.

He was disturbed by the first weird sword beam of the Fifth Sword, and within a few seconds he could not form a psychic shield. This one-tenth of the sword intent was completely resisted by the profound bone battle armor and flesh and blood.


On the right breastplate of the profound bone battle armor, a huge breach suddenly appeared, and the flesh and bones inside could be clearly seen!

The internal organs are more like being interspersed, torn, and entangled by hundreds of small swords.

Li Yao didn't even have time to hum, turned around and ran, while running, he triggered the spar bomb that had just been glued to the shell of the subsea base!

A bomb madman like him, now that he has discovered the enemy's secret base and does not secretly install 170 or 80 spar bombs, how can he be worthy of his own hands?

A series of fireballs and light waves formed a brilliant band of light on the shell of the seabed base.

Although the submarine base has the highest level of defensive talisman formation, these spar bombs are too scattered to completely destroy the base, but they are enough to make the people in the base rush and relieve his pressure.


call out!

The Xiaolong successfully escaped from the base and galloped towards Li Yao, carrying the jade crystal disc from the memory of the ancestors of Youquan.

The fifth sword issued the third sword.

The "Sword God" who was still dormant in the depths of the sea and had not yet confronted Li Yao, keenly sensed the existence of the Xiaolong, and speculated that the streamer escaping from the depths of the base was extremely unusual.

The third sword intent went straight to Xiaolong!

In Li Yao's mind, the early warning system of the Xiaolong screamed.

If it is hit by this sword intent, Xiaolong’s damage rate will reach more than 55%, and most of its ability to move will be lost!

Li Yao gave a cold snort, raised his right arm horizontally, and the seven profound lights whizzed out, converging in the sea into a high-speed rotating drill bit, and as the speed got faster and faster, the drill bit unexpectedly took on the form of a giant dragon!

The fifth sword may be able to strike the Xiaolong.

But this electric light poisonous dragon drill will also penetrate his chest.

After he was seriously injured, absolutely no one in this base could stop Li Yao from taking the jade crystal disc and going away!

Sure enough, Fifth Sword also realized this. The third sword intent and his breath disappeared in an instant, as if melting into the depths of the sea.

Li Yao didn't hesitate for a moment, turned around and moved towards the sea, speeding to the limit, halfway through the round with Xiaolong, and included the jade crystal disc in the universe ring!

His speed was extremely fast. The opponent had just killed the Nine-Headed Sea Demon, and the exhausted Pill Formation Monk couldn't catch up with him, and the crystal magnetic cannon fired by the spar battleship only spread fireworks behind his ass.

In an instant, he swept dozens of nautical miles!

However, his heart fell more and more, as if he had fallen into the bottomless "broken vein"!

It's too calm, this sea area is too calm, there are no undercurrents, no schools of fish, not even the slightest wave of fluctuations, as if the entire sea is frozen!

For a moment!

Hundreds of invisible water blades flashed out from all directions, like a transparent mica sheet that was as thin as a cicada's wings soaked in seawater, completely invisible, forming a deadly killing array, slamming at Li Yao!

The Fifth Sword's control of the "sword intent" has reached such a superb level. Hundreds of water blades have super-highly compressed the sea water, shrinking its volume hundreds of times, but maintaining the softness and toughness of the liquid, and absorbing the seabed. The essence of ocean currents, from an incredible angle, attacked Li Yao's vitals!

This is a trap that cannot be avoided.

The only way to dodge is to retreat.

But behind Li Yao, there are not only the Fifth Sword, a terrible opponent, but also hundreds of fighters of the Patriot organization who are not afraid of death.

They were brainwashed by fanatical ideas, even if they were not as powerful as Li Yao, they could cause considerable trouble.

Therefore, Li Yao can only go forward!


Even the Black Wing Sword seems to have released the soul of the sword to its limit, inspiring black psychic wings that are hundreds of meters long. The wings are closed like a zongzi, and they wrap Li Yao layer by layer to form a The **** ball, forcibly rushed into the fifth sword's blade to kill the array!


Li Yao and the Black Wing Sword are connected with each other and can clearly perceive the pain of cutting the Black Wing Sword with the blade.

He gritted his teeth and insisted with Black Wing Sword!

There was also a part of the sword intent that penetrated through the gaps in the wing shield that was transformed by the black wing sword, but it was shot by Li Yao Lightning and crushed heavily!

Within half a second, Li Yao broke through the sword killing array and rushed out of the sea!

The Black Wing Sword that has followed him for more than 20 years has a dozen shocking cracks. It seems that the entire sword is pieced together from fragments, and will fall apart at any time!

Li Yao's eyes were red, staring fiercely at the bottom of the sea, then squinted to observe the surrounding sea.

Above the sea, turbulent waves, super storms and tsunamis raged around him, but not far away was a waterspout that was thousands of meters high, sucking up hundreds of millions of tons of seawater and sucking up the clouds!

Li Yao turned into a black streamer and rushed into the waterspout!

Behind him, a dark golden streamer also flicked out of the sea, only 0.1 seconds apart, and also rushed into this super waterspout with a diameter of more than a few hundred meters!

It is one of the strongest battle infants in the Federation, the fifth sword!

He didn't expect Li Yao to be so strong, he would forcibly penetrate his sword killing array, but he didn't lose a bit of speed, and he got into the waterspout at this moment!

"This super waterspout has a diameter of more than 500 meters, and the central wind speed can reach more than 800 kilometers per hour. It can send people to the clouds while breathing!"

"Want to escape along the waterspout? It's not that easy!"

The fifth sword didn't even think about it. The moment it rushed into the waterspout, the fifth strong sword intent rose into the sky along the waterspout, condensing the strongest blow of a lifetime skill, it seems that even the sky can poke a hole in the sky!


He saw a pair of eyes.

A pair of **** eyes, a pair of red blood, burning eyes, a pair of red blood, burning eyes, tearing crystal armor!

The owner of these eyes was quietly hovering beside him in the strong wind of nearly a thousand kilometers per hour, even a little lower than his position.

The Fifth Sword was shocked. He didn't expect that Li Yao, who had fled all the way, found a good escape tool like the waterspout, but did not escape. Instead, he stayed at the bottom of the waterspout with his magical powers. Here comes a wait and see!

The Fifth Sword hurriedly changed its moves. The Fifth Sword Intent had just passed halfway. It only took 0.01 seconds to change its direction and attacked Li Yao!

Too late.

Faced with a terrible opponent like Li Yao, giving him 0.01 second is almost the same as letting him beat him up for a minute without moving.

The **** moon chasing the dragon knife hidden deep behind, spurred a roar like a wild beast, even in the depths of the violent waterspout, it suppressed all the surrounding movement.

In this second, all natural disasters, including waterspouts, super storms, and tsunamis, seemed to have been swallowed by the Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Blade, and together with Li Yao's fury, they condensed into an unstoppable blade light!

Seeing the sword light rushing towards his face, Fifth Sword suddenly jumped out of a very abrupt thought.

"Such a blade light can almost completely break the entire Milky Way!"

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