40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1128: Put your heart to heart!

On the Hidden Star, the spring breeze and Lu Zui quietly confronted each other.

An invisible electric arc collided between the Director of the First Division of the Secret Sword Bureau and the Director of the Secret Sword Bureau, causing the air to "crack".

Next to Lu Zui, there were four cultivators wearing crystal armors, swords unsheathed, and bullets loaded by Zhuo Li, who firmly locked every joint in the spring breeze.

The eyes of the spring breeze swept over them one by one, and smiles appeared: "Gu Feizhou'Juming Sword', Gao Cheng'Shaying', the elder of Qingyunmen, Lei Po, who is known as the number one master of Southwest Damenze, and Zhan Xie Longyin, the chief instructor of the Iron Armored Training Camp, the best of the four alchemy cultivators, did not expect all of them to work for our Secret Sword Bureau. They are the'Dark Sword Envoy' directly belonging to the Director, which is really surprising!

He is now seriously injured and blood is flowing like a tiger that has fallen into a trap and is tightly clamped by a trap.

But Gu Feizhou, Gao Cheng, Lei Po, and Xie Longyin, the four alchemy monks who were killed out of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, still did not dare to relax. Entangling him firmly. .

"Afeng, you seemed to be leaving just now?"

Lu Zui asked, "You just killed the blood demon Li Yao. If you don't report to me, where are you going? If my people are one step late, will you escape into the ground and disappear without a trace?"

The spring breeze was silent.

Lu Zui's voice gradually increased: "The blood demon Li Yao bounced something into your arms at the last moment. Why didn't you report such a big thing?"

"You mean this?"

After the spring breeze, I spread my hand, and a kit appeared in my palm, which contained a square thing.

Lu Zui's eyes lit up, and the four cultivators were about to **** it. However, after the spring breeze, they turned their hands and took the things back into the Universe Ring, stepped back, and roared like a tiger: "Who dares to snatch!"

Lu Zui narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "A Feng, what does this mean? This is the key evidence of the'Federation Square Bombing'. As the Chief Secret Sword, I will order you to turn it in. Is there any problem? ?"


Chunfeng stared at him, "After Li Yao sneaked into the headquarters, he found me and said that you planned the explosion in Federation Square. He has evidence and is hiding in this jade crystal disc!"

Lu Zui snorted: "Do you believe such a low-level lie?"

"I didn't believe it!"

After the spring breeze, he said word by word, "That's why I pretended to promise him, and went with him to the cell where Professor Mo Xuan was imprisoned. Taking advantage of his most relaxed moment, I drew my sword and killed him!"

"But, the look and expression in his eyes and expressions just before he died, is really weird!"

"I can feel that he actually had the opportunity to die with me, but he didn't do it. Instead, a strong wind blew me out of the cell, and the jade crystal disc was bounced into my arms! "

"What does it mean?"

"If he is really a blood demon, why would he rather die by himself and give me the jade crystal disc? Is there such a blood demon?"

"What kind of secrets are hidden in this jade crystal disc, or what kind of ‘evidence’ that makes him and you take so seriously?"

"Director, this is the question. If you can give me a reasonable answer, I will immediately hand over the jade crystal disc to you!"

This time, it was Lu Zui's turn to be silent.

After the spring breeze gritted his teeth: "Director, there is another way. Let's find a crystal brain expert to crack the jade crystal disc in public and extract the information from it. Then the whole thing can be solved and you can prove your innocence!"

Lu Zui remained silent, his eyes getting sharper and sharper.

The expression in his eyes caused the spring breeze to shudder coldly, and he lost his voice: "Said yes, what the blood demon Li Yao said is true? No, he is not a blood demon at all, he is Li Yao, he is a vulture Li Yao! There is really vital evidence in this!"

"A Feng."

Lu Zui slowly stood up, as if he was twenty or thirty years old suddenly.

He first took out a magic weapon in the shape of an egg from the drawer, gently tossed it, and flew into the air.

A sea of ​​gloomy light was released from the magical egg, filling every place in the cabin, making a faint "squeaking" sound.

Lu Zui said: "Okay, this cabin has been processed by psychic interference, and all eavesdropping chips have been shielded."

"Now, we can put our hearts to heart and have a good chat."

He held his desk and sighed softly, "Afeng, you are a talent. Over the past few decades, I have been carefully training you and watching you grow step by step. I am very, very optimistic about your potential and future! "

"You know, I'm more than two hundred years old, no matter how I care for it, my brain is gradually not bright, and it is impossible to sit in this position for too long."

"Originally, I really hope that after I retreat, you can top my position and become the next chief of the Secret Sword Bureau, the patron saint of the federal black front!"

"Even now, I don't want to ruin you. I hope you never do stupid things and ruin yourself."

"Hand over the jade crystal disc, I will arrange a place for you to take care of the injury for ten and a half months, and then come back to reunite with your family, okay?"

"Since you trained me alone, I should know my character. I don't rub the sand in my eyes, and I can't hide the ugly things in my heart!"

After the spring breeze halted the railway, "Tell me the truth, what is in this jade crystal disc, maybe after careful consideration, I can stand on the side of the director, otherwise, let's do it!"

The atmosphere in the cabin suddenly became tense, and the metal bulkheads all around made the sound of metal fatigue!

Lu Zui stared at him for a long time, his eyes flickering, thinking over and over, and finally said: "It is the memory information of the ancestor Youquan. Nearly three months ago, we caught the ancestor Youquan and used the'Soul Search Dafa'. 'Extracted all his memories, and learned the truth of the'Nether Son' plan."


After the spring breeze was struck by lightning, he shook his body and murmured, "You have caught the ancestor Youquan and learned the truth about the'child of the nether', then you have long known that the monster race assassinated the speaker and seized the'Liaoyuan'. Plan, but just watched everything happen?"

"No! No! No! No!"

"I understand. What Li Yao said is true. There is no conspiracy of the'Monster to seize the Liaoyuan.' Everything is planned by you, it's you!"

"why why!"

"Chief, you are an outstanding figure standing on the highest peak of the Federation. You have fought for the Federation for two hundred years. You have no reason to betray the Federation. Why do you do this!"

"I did not betray the Federation!"

Lu Zui roared, "Everything I do is to protect the Federation, to protect our purest, most sacred, and greatest Federation!"

"Afeng, don't you understand? Human race and monster race can't be merged together. Reluctantly, they will only plant time bombs, which will explode in the deadliest time after decades!"

"A Feng, you are also a war orphan. Your hometown was destroyed by the outbreak of the beast tide, and your parents died tragically under the claws of the beasts. Can't you still see the evil nature of the beasts? These beasts, smelly What is the qualification for an inhuman beast who is inhumane to'integrate' with us!"

"Only attacking, completely conquering the Blood Demon Realm, turning these lowly beasts into slaves and sending them to the resource planet of the Flying Star Realm for mining, is the only way to save the Federation!"

"Even so—"

The spring breeze also roared, “Why don’t you just throw out your ideas and persuade most of the members of the parliament to start a dignified war! But you have to use such a despicable, frantic method to excite Raise the hatred of the people!"

"Because we don't have time to let the hatred slowly ferment."

Lu Zui suddenly calmed down and said coldly, "Ordinary people are numb, weak, and short-sighted. They will never see the contradictions decades later, they will only be immersed in the peace in front of them!"

"Since the flying stars came to the Tianyuan realm and brought news of the real human empire, the entire federation has been immersed in illusory fantasy, hoping that peace between the Tianyuan realm and the blood demon realm can be realized, and join hands against the real human empire."

"Under this atmosphere, all kinds of strange talks have been released, and even the strongest and unyielding warriors of the past have been corroded. They believe that the swords of the human race and the monster race can point in the same direction, and they have been between each other for tens of thousands of years. The blood feud can be eliminated invisible!"

"This is human, the weakest animal in the world. He only believes in what he is willing to believe, and always has unrealistic illusions, but he is unwilling to open his eyes and see this cruel world thoroughly!"

"And in the blood demon world, Jin Tuyi, a conspirator who has never met in a thousand years, has also deeply grasped the human weakness of the federal people, put a layer of'peace' on himself, and threw out a peace plan, trying to use it. The subtle way erodes the entire Federation!"

"This peace plan was brought back to the Celestial Realm by the former'Federation Hero' Li Yao!"

"A Feng, I have worked in the Secret Sword Bureau for two hundred years, and I have seen too many lies, disguise, betrayal, regret and death. I know too much about the despicability of the monster race and the cowardice of my compatriots!"

"I can guarantee that when Li Yao returns to the Tianyuan Realm with this peace plan in the name of a'federal hero', our short-sighted and weak compatriots will be bewitched by his rhetoric, and they will be happy, singing and dancing. Come for peace!"

"But this is not peace, it is not true peace, it's just a period of decades of preparation for the demon clan to sharpen its minions before killing us!"

"Now, in the last thousand years, the blood demon world is the weakest, and our strongest moment is an excellent opportunity to conquer the blood demon world. If we miss this opportunity, we even promised the peace of the demon race, the federation is over. It's completely over!"

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