40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1136: The bottom line!

"Such a powerful aura, this is... a Daoist friend is condensing the infant!"

In the sky, the three fighting Nascent Souls were all shocked. They all sensed waves of Li Yao's psychic energy condensing thought, will, and Taoism, spreading in all directions like a torrent of water.

A new baby is about to be born!

There are only dozens of Yuan Ying in the Tian Yuan realm. The birth of a new Yuan Ying greatly improves the overall national strength of the Federation. It is a grand event in the entire Tian Yuan cultivation world!

According to the provisions of the "Federal Basic Law", in order to enhance the strength of human civilization, once a cultivator discovers that a Daoist is at the critical moment of forming a pill or condensing an infant, he must go forward to protect the law, and must not let evil spirits take the opportunity to infringe!

It is the responsibility of every practitioner to enhance the overall strength of the realm of comprehension!

What's more, helping a strong person who is condensing the infant to protect the Dharma can be regarded as a big "good relationship", even if it is a Yuanying boss, it will not mind having more Yuanying friends!

Therefore, when the three combat infants sensed that a Daoist friend was condensing the infant, and the few spar battleships in mid-air were quite unkind, whoever cares whether it is the battleship of the Secret Sword Bureau, stand in between them first Say it again!

The three battle infants released their biting auras and instantly locked all the spar battleships in the Secret Sword Bureau, making Lu Zui completely cut off the chance of being frenzied.

However, in the next second, the three fighting Yuan Ying were a little dumbfounded.

They heard the sound of a mountain whistling and a tsunami coming from the crowd.

"Li Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao!"

The three Yuan Ying stared at each other, and Monk Zhang Er couldn't figure it out. What do you mean, the one who is congealing the infant is...Li Yao?

They all got a lot of evidence from the Secret Sword Bureau, knowing that Li Yao had been possessed by the Gorefiend, and also cut off one of the arms of "Dead Light" Ye Feikong.

They gathered together this time, originally to kill this "blood demon" and prevent it from killing more people.

The situation in front of them made them a little embarrassed. Can the blood demon... also congeal the baby?

What's going on? Did "Blood Demon Li Yao" use any secret method to confuse hundreds of thousands of people at once? Or is there another hidden story?

The three Yuanying bosses are all a little tangled.

Hundreds of parliamentarians and senior sectarians floating in the sky also found that the situation in front of the parliament building was very complicated, like a flood, out of control.

They are not ordinary people, they are not so innocent, and their ideas are more complicated and far-reaching.

There is even a handful of congressmen who are members of the "Patriot Organization"!

At this moment, their expressions were volatile, they exchanged their eyes calmly, trying to find a few gaps, and struggling to death.

The boiling masses and the silent high-levels are like the polarities of ice and fire, and the scene is a little strange.

Li Yao's Taoism is clear, and he has keenly grasped the minds of many congressmen, strong men, and high-level sects.

"They still don't know whether I am a blood demon or not. After all, this matter is too complicated and complicated. I really don't know where to start at the moment!"

If it were changed just now and did not thoroughly see his heart, Li Yao might be furious and feel wronged.

But now, he understands some of these big and powerful figures.

This incident, in the final analysis, was caused by him. When he returned to the Tianyuan realm, he parted ways with everyone, and left them a conclusive letter saying that there was a big "blood" in his body. "Magic", no matter what you say, please don't believe it!

At that time, he hadn't figured out the truth about the "Blood Demon", hadn't been able to face the abyss in his heart, or, in other words, he didn't trust everyone enough!

Now, everyone did follow his message at the time. Is there anything wrong?

They are not the roundworm in his stomach. They don't know what he has done in the blood demon world. Even if they know it, they don't know his mental history. How can they be 100% sure that he is not possessed by the blood demon?

The most important thing is that, in a sense, he is indeed possessed by the "Blood Demon"!

However, as early as on the way to the Blood Demon Realm, when he jumped in the starry sky, he had already completely killed the original "Bloodmark Clan", but the fragments of the Bloodmark Clan were mixed with the dark side of his soul. Turned into a "Blood Heart Demon".

He who was entangled by the Scarlet Heart Demon was not the same thing as Yanxibei who was controlled by the Bloodmark Clan, but was essentially different.

But how do others know?

Li Yao compares his heart and thinks from another point of view. If he is a member of Congress, he is a great figure who can influence the future of the Federation. Under such circumstances, he may not be able to completely believe in such a suspected blood demon!

"This is the cause that I planted myself, so today, I will make a complete cessation by myself!"

Li Yao grinned.

Today, he is going to kill the Scarlet Heart Demon in full view!

"My compatriots, friends, please be quiet, quiet, please listen to me!"

Li Yaosheng is like Hongzhong, and there is an inexplicable power in his voice, which even calmed down hundreds of thousands of boiling people in a few minutes.

All citizens, veterans, congressmen, and cultivators held their breaths, pricked their ears, and looked at him expectantly.

"I want to tell you two things!"

"First, in the Federation Square tragedy a few days ago, the real culprit has been locked. I have a lot of evidence in my hand and I can get him out!"

"Second, many friends may be surprised. Since I am not dead, where have I been in the past year? I went to the blood demon world! I have contacted the high level of the monster clan! I also brought the surrender of the Pantheon Palace! The monster clan surrendered, we Victory!"

There was a thunder on the ground, exploding the nine heavens!

These two sentences, especially the second sentence, caused an uproar among ordinary people and cultivators at the same time!

Even the deepest Nascent Soul Boss in the city was taken aback, and almost never fell out of midair!

"The monster clan surrendered?"

"We won? This, how is this possible? Hasn't this battle been fought yet?"

Seeing that the crowd was about to boil again, Li Yao let out another long roar, controlling the scene, and loudly said: "I know you have a lot of questions, all the evidence is in my hands, and these evidences require a powerful master crystal. Only the brain can be displayed, so now I have to enter the parliament together with all the members to show evidence!"

"Everyone's enthusiasm, I understand very well, but there are too many people here, and the scene is too chaotic. If there are ill-intentioned guys hiding in the crowd, if there is any riot, it will hurt everyone!"

"There are many elderly people around you, and many citizens come out with babies. For the safety of the elderly and children, please calm down, keep order, and evacuate slowly!"


The parliamentarians and the strong in the sky also felt that the scene was very tricky. Nearly a million excited people gathered together, like a barrel of powder keg that was exposed to the scorching sun, and a spark could make it explode!

At the moment, many strong men are flying to the crowd to maintain order, patrolling around with vigilant gazes, guarding against people and dogs rushing over the wall.

"Li Yao!"

In the crowd, the bare-backed old gunner Zhang blazed out. He was sweating profusely, and one eye was still green. He and a few old brothers were helping each other, but his spirits reached the limit, and he shouted, "We and Go together and testify to you. You saved us just now, at least hundreds of people!"

"Yes, Vulture Li Yao is also a member of our Disabled Veterans Association. We are here and you must not suffer!"

Li Yao smiled from the bottom of his heart.

He still doesn't know the name of this uncle, but if it weren't for him, perhaps the future of the entire Federation would be a different picture.

Thinking about it carefully, the fate is really wonderful. When he took the college entrance examination more than ten years ago, he was also relied on the veterans of the Floating City Disabled Veterans Association to help him out of a bad breath.

Ten years later, it was these lovely veterans who stood up at the most critical moment and showed him a power far more powerful than psychic energy.

"Thank you, uncle!"

Li Yaochao Zhang Danao and the other veterans bowed deeply and said sincerely, "Thank you all, everyone who came forward!"

"Everyone’s kindness, I understand it, please don’t worry, there are hundreds of parliamentarians, there are hundreds of high-level denominations, and even hundreds of veterans and representatives of ordinary people, all in full view, no problem. of!"

"I see that many uncles are injured. Come to the side to take a rest and let the doctor come to check it!"

Zhang Dahuai curled his lips: "What kind of injury is this, I think back then—"

"Zhang makes a big noise, I knew it was you old boy who caused the trouble!"

In the sky, a congressman jumped down and hugged Zhang Danao fiercely. The same shriveled and wrinkled like an orange peel, with hideous tattoos on his arms and chest!

In the system of the Star Federation, in order to protect the rights and interests of ordinary people, a certain proportion of the members has been specially divided and can only be held by ordinary people.

There are also many deputies who are disabled veterans themselves. After leaving the army, they moved into politics and continued to serve the country.

Just now, the noise from the outside world was shielded by the magic circle. They didn’t know what was going on. Now they smacked it, and naturally stood up: "Don’t worry, this matter is not trivial, it’s under the spotlight. , It will definitely come to light!"

"We will never wrong a good person, let alone let go...Any **** who dares to attack the innocent!"


Countless sharp gazes roared out, nailing the "hidden star" in mid-air.

Under the strict defense of three battle infants and hundreds of cultivators, not to mention it is specially refined for urban warfare, and the speed and armor parameters of the Hidden Star are not too powerful, even if it is a heavy battleship of the Federal Army, Don't even think about running away.

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