After an hour, it was early morning.

But at the point where the two worlds collided, the dark and terrible region of the sky fragmented and fragmented, there was often no distinction between day and night.

Thunderstorms and hurricanes are still raging, and the downpours seem to be endless, converging into a filthy constant current between the mountains and rivers, dividing the world into countless dying islands.

In the torrential rain and flood, tens of thousands of armor masters wearing profound bone armors stood silently like statues rising from the ground.

Behind the crystal armor warriors, there are countless ordinary soldiers who are driving the spar chariot, carrying the arrow blast gun and the crystal magnetic cannon. The rain can not shake them at all. They hit their hot bodies, but they were evaporated. There were layers of murderous aura like mountains.

In front of the 100,000 Federation Army, Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao was the same as them, carrying the gust of wind and rain, and the light in the depths of the crystal eyes matched the lightning above the sky!

"Warriors of the Star Federation!"

Zhou Hengdao roared, "Everyone knows their mission, the most dangerous mission in the history of the Federation!"

"We are going to cross the fragmented wall of the world, like burning dandelions, one after another, falling into the depths of the blood demon world!"

"Perhaps, if we are not firmly established, we will be surrounded by monsters!"

"Perhaps, we will see giant monster beasts hundreds of meters high, and there are a hundred or a thousand such monster beasts, forming waves, piled up into mountains, and smashing at us!"

"Perhaps, we will all die in the blood demon world, torn to pieces by the demon's claws and teeth, or even captured alive, caught in the demon clan's lair, and carry out various inhumane experiments!"

"Are you afraid? Tell me! Are you afraid?"

In the rainstorm, the 100,000 army was silent, silent as ice, silent as iron!

"Tell you, I'm so scared, so scared to death!"

Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao hit his chest vigorously, making a "clang", and roared, "I know as much as you guys, we are not prepared at all, and now we will set foot in the extremely dangerous area of ​​Shura blood. We are here only to conduct an exercise, not to start a war! Our ammunition is insufficient and supplies are lacking. All of us have our legs trembling, our hearts beating wildly, and our stomachs are overwhelmed. We are so scared to death!"


"Five hours ago, there were 3,113 soldiers and 3,113 brothers who fell into the blood demon world!"

"Maybe if they are not firmly established, they will be surrounded by monsters!"

"Perhaps, they will see giant monster beasts hundreds of meters high, and there are hundreds of such monster beasts, like a wave, like a high mountain!"

"Perhaps they will be severely torn apart by the demon's minions, or even caught deep in the demon clan's lair, to conduct various brutal experiments!"

"We haven't faced all of this yet, we are so scared to death, what about them who are facing all of this at this moment? What about these isolated and helpless brothers who are trapped in the blood demon world? Think about it, what are their feelings now?"

"Tell you, they will be scared, scared to death, scared to vomit!"

"But no matter how scared they are, they will not despair. They will surely muster up the courage to fight to the end!"

"Because they know very well that they are not fighting alone. Behind them, there is a whole Tianyuan realm, and hundreds of thousands of brothers who participated in the exercise together! They know that these brothers will definitely save them! Even if only among them is left. The next person is alive, these brothers will definitely save them!"

"Because they and us, and each of you, carry the same'Nine-Star Rising Dragon Battle Emblem', wear the same black uniform, and have the same proud name-the Federation Army!"

"This will be the most dangerous battle in the history of the Confederation; it will also be the greatest battle in the history of the Confederation! Warriors, brothers, I can't guarantee anything, only one thing-I will be with you Advance and retreat, every brother will charge behind me, as long as there is a Federation army lost in the blood demon world, I will definitely carry the nine-star rising dragon battle flag and fight to the last breath!"

"Now, are you still scared?"

"If you are still scared, then shout our names. We have spent five hundred years, the blood of countless heroes, the names poured out!"

"The Federation Army!"

"The Federation Army!"

"The Federation Army!"

In the gust of wind and rain, a thunderous roar came from the hundred thousand federal forces. The thunder on the ground and the thunder in the sky competed with each other, and there was a faint tendency to overwhelm one end. Even the lightning was shot up into the sky by a hundred thousand people. It dissipated and turned into an earthworm-like arc of light, struggling to annihilate.

Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao quietly looked at the ignorant soldiers, most of their faces covered by steel and rubber, showing a trace of trance.

It seemed as though ashamed of everything he had just said, and it was as if hypnotized by some unswerving force, it seemed a bit hideous.

Deep in the scarlet crystal eyes, the red dot seemed to freeze, but in the corner of the other eye, there was a drop of turbid teardrops.

The distance was too far apart, and was blocked by gusts of wind and rain, no one noticed this.

At this moment, an adjutant ran up in the rain, splashed a large amount of mud, and said in his ear: "Report to Tie Shuai, the Flying Star Alliance has agreed to send the Liaoyuan to join us in the blood demon world! They are landing, and the erection is super short. The connecting talisman array of the distance, so that all three of our battle groups can board the ship!"

"it is good!"

Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao’s crystal eyes flashed, "Let the commanders of the three battle groups act immediately. I will complete the boarding operation of all personnel within three hours! After three hours, no matter how many soldiers are loaded. , Jump immediately!"

Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao finally took a deep look at his beloved army, then turned and walked towards the depths of the rainstorm.

In the shattered sky, the mountain-like super battleship Liaoyuan slowly landed, and the Hundred Thousand EFF began to board the ship!


At the same time, in the south of the Great Wilderness, a "Speed ​​Dragon" class spar battleship with the fastest speed in the entire Federation, rushed towards the dark extremity!

On the battleship, there were Li Yao, Ding Lingdang and a few strong men stranded in Tiandu.

They all carried the "command in command" issued by Yi Yangtze River.

As the supreme commander of the Federal Army in name, only Jiang Hailiu's command can suppress Zhou Hengdao's "General Staff Command"!

The order to "stop the exercise immediately" has spread throughout most of the Great Wilderness, and the troops in the southern part of the Great Wilderness all obeyed the order and retreated to their garrison.

However, north of the Great Wilderness, the dark and extremis area, it seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of mist, and no order could penetrate into it.

Occasionally I received a response from the Darkness Territory, and I don't know if it was sent by a troop controlled by Zhou Hengdao. It is impossible to verify its authenticity!

Many liaison teams have been sent from several war bases in the southern part of the Great Wilderness to go north to the Dark Territory to recover the exercise troops.

However, with the ten-year collision between Tianyuan and Blood Demon, the area of ​​the dark extremity at this moment has expanded dozens of times, as if it were millions of square kilometers!

In a vast area of ​​millions of square kilometers, under the interference of hurricanes and strong thunderstorms, it is not easy to find an army that may be deliberately shielding oneself!

What's more, even if they are found, can these military liaison teams really fight against Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao?

Therefore, Li Yao and the many powerhouses still set out from the sky city, with the fastest spar battleship, rushing all the way to the Dark Territory.


The "Athlon"-class spar battleship suddenly uttered a harsh roar, but the power rune array was continuously overloaded and burst again!

This is the third spar battleship they consumed along the way.

As soon as Li Yao heard the voice, he knew that this battleship was not saved.

Within a radius of hundreds of miles, there is no second military base and cannot be supplemented by new warships.

All the cultivators boarded the armed shuttle cars in the warship hangar, preparing to advance to the next military base.

Li Yao looked at the time displayed on the portable crystal brain, but gritted his teeth and summoned the Black Wing Sword.

In the battle against the "Fifth Sword", the Black Wing Sword was heavily bombarded by a "Secret Sword Intent of Heaven and Man", cracks appeared on the sword, and Li Yao was distressed and angry. For a while, he did not. Know how to fix it.

The Black Wing Sword sensed his needs, and shook his palm slightly, as if saying: "It's okay, wrap it around me!"

"Li Yao, what are you doing!"

Ding Lingdang felt anxious when he saw that he had extracted the flying sword.

"It’s too slow for such a base to squeeze over from one base to another. You take a large group of troops and take your time. I will fly over to check the situation first!"

Li Yao rubbed the crack on the Black Wing Sword, squinted his eyes and said, "Many people on the Liaoyuan know me. As long as you find the Liaoyuan, even if you can't stop them, you can at least delay it for a while until the troops arrive. !"

The Black Wing Sword was seen by Li Yao. When flying in the atmosphere, it is the fastest magic weapon, even the "Athlon-class" spar battleship and many super shuttles can't compare to it.

More than a decade ago, when Li Yao was still in the Great Wilderness Battlefield, he often relied on the speed of the Black Wing Sword to gallop across the Great Wilderness.

Today, the past is about to reappear!

"I'll go with you, I have brought all my dedicated "Raging Flame War Shuttle"!"

Ding Lingdang said without hesitation.

"As long as you can keep up with my speed, come on!"

Li Yao smiled slightly, swooping to the "Athlon-class" spar battle shuttle out of the warehouse, the black wing sword was thrown into the air, and the black mist instantly filled, condensed into two tens of meters long psychic wings!

Li Yao jumped down, just leaning on the body of the sword, dozens of black psychic energy fluctuations wrapped him tightly, the human sword merged into one, and with a long whistle, he whizzed towards the north, leaving only one behind him. A tail flame that lasts for dozens of miles!

"wait for me!"

Ding Lingdang screamed strangely behind him, and the angry flame war shuttle turned into a red streamer, following Li Yao!

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