40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1157: Road collision!

The figures of the two suddenly shattered into hundreds of flying fire meteors with two colors of blue and red, which slammed into the mid-air and shattered into thousands of pieces of afterimages!

However, their bodies fought hundreds of times in an instant. The two swords crossed each other, and both sides shot out a flash flood-like tail flame behind them. Several power talisman arrays burst almost at the same time, and the two fell out together. , Involved in the psychic vortex, it took a long time to stabilize the figure!

Li Yao's blood moon chasing dragon knife made up of thousands of metal wings almost couldn't condense, and the film collapsed.

On Zhou Hengdao's brand-new Five Tiger Prison Breaking Sword, dozens of cracks and cobweb-like gaps spread rapidly across the sword.

Two remnant knives pointed at the opponent far away, and the blades roared, illuminating the pitch-black earth!

As soon as the two met, they raised their psychic powers to the peak, and there was no room for them to stay!

What was staged at the same time as the battle with the saber was the infinite will, ideas and spiritual power of the two people! Every second, a lot of thoughts are released in their brains, entwined with psychic energy, like a flying sword bursting out of the air, piercing the opponent's eyebrows!

The Great Dao Controversy is by no means a simple power struggle, it is the most thorough analysis, rebuttal, and collision of each other's Taoism!

"Li Yao, stop being obsessed! As a federation hero, why do you have to protect the blood demon world?"

Zhou Hengdao's will suddenly exploded, exploding this thought directly into Li Yao's brain!

This is not a simple voice, but the crystallization of thinking that contains Zhou Hengdao's strongest emotion and strongest determination, and even contains endless pictures, colors and even smells!

"I also want to know why!"

Li Yao also blasted an idea fiercely, "Tie Shuai, you obviously have no immediate family members who died in the hands of the Yaozu, why do you also be blinded by hatred, accept Lu Zui's bewitching, and join the'Patriot Organization' '? Why on earth!"


Zhou Hengdao screamed and rushed again. The Five Tigers Prison Breaking Knife was raised high, aura shot all over, seduce the thunder, hundreds of lightning hit the tip of the knife, and was sucked in by the Five Tigers Prison Breaking Knife. The fierce tiger, turned into five thunderclouds and profound lights, really flew out, and with the spirit of devouring everything and devouring everything, it smashed at Li Yao's head!

"It is precisely because I have no deep hatred with the Yaozu, that I joined the'Patriot Organization'! As a soldier, all my decisions come from the most rational thinking and the coolest mind! I have not been blinded by hatred, I have not been deceived by Lu Zui! My avenue is calculated repeatedly and meticulously deduced. It is absolutely correct!"

This idea exploded in Li Yao's mind in only 0.1 second, and the Five Tigers Prison Breaking Knife mixed with the power of the Thunder Tiger and Leopard also followed!

Li Yao couldn't hide, so he could only raise his sword to parry. With a loud noise, the Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Knife was smashed into flying feathers, almost broken from it, and all the way back, the back of the knife was embedded in his shoulder blade!

Zhou Hengdao's fighting spirit exploded, and the Five Tigers Prison Breaking Knife pressed Li Yao's Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Knife tightly, and a flood of swords rushed towards Li Yao's carotid artery!

Li Yao gritted his teeth, and the Black Wing Sword once again bloomed its most stubborn wings, outputting a powerful driving force, pushing Tie Shuai back with the sword!

His brain seemed to collide with Zhou Hengdao's, and he roared: "The massacre of tens of thousands of innocent compatriots was also a result of repeated calculations and elaborate deductions?"


Zhou Hengdao was slashed away by him, and flew out dozens of meters. On the basalt battle divine armor, several talisman formations burst at the same time, and the five tiger prison swords were deeply hidden behind him, trembling slightly in the miserable wind and rain.

"The original plan was not like this! The deaths of the tens of thousands of innocent people are not in my calculations! After this event is over, I will naturally give everyone an explanation!"

Zhou Hengdao yelled, "Even if there is a problem with the method, it does not mean that our avenue is wrong! In any case, the blood demon world is already at the weakest moment in a thousand years, and we have hundreds of'children of the underworld', and there is a'monster **** virus'. 'There are Liaoyuan and thousands of Star Sea battleships in the entire Flying Star Realm, and hundreds of thousands of Taixu combat soldiers. It is the most powerful moment in a thousand years!"

"Answer me, Li Yao, do you think you can lose a battle like this? Why do you have such no confidence in the Federation? Answer me!"

He didn't produce a sword, but this question, with his thoughts, condensed into an impenetrable sword light, and struck Li Yao again!


The invisible blade light was more than ten meters away from Li Yao, and it smashed into his psychic shield, and beams of light circumvented Li Yao in an arc, swept back and disappeared into the depths of the heavy rain.

"Of course I have confidence in the Federation!"

Li Yao gasped quickly, speeding up the psychic cycle, and trying his best to regain consciousness with his numb arms, "But our greatest enemy is not the blood demon world, but the real human empire! Since the blood demon world has the possibility of surrendering, we can solve the problem without blood. Why have to sacrifice more innocent lives! These forces could have been used to fight the empire!"

"Surrender? Hahahaha, if you are not my race, your heart must be different! Li Yao, you are all about to stand firmly in the realm of Nascent Soul, are you still so naive, will you believe that the enemy surrendered "sincerely"?"

Tie Shuai Zhou Hengdao laughed up to the sky, "If you are afraid that we will lose too much in this battle and cannot get enough slaves to develop the resource planet, then you don't have to!"

"Yes, the Blood Demon Realm is raging under the raging'Demon God Virus', and a large number of demon races are turned into dead bones. Our large-scale expeditions are very likely to aggravate the epidemic and cause the Blood Demon Realm to become a barren land!

"But don't forget, we now have the'Demon God Virus' and the antidote made with the blood of'Nether Son'!"

"We can completely control the plague. Let the plague only rages in the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, but we control a large number of demons, vaccinate them, and plant them again, and they will become the healthiest and strongest slaves!"

"I calculated, I spent ten days and nights, and repeated the deduction hundreds of times! With this method, we have a 70% chance of conquering more than half of the blood demon world! Transform these low-level demon races. If you become a slave, it is enough to mine the resource planet!"


Li Yao gradually adjusted his breath, and the sword became more and more prosperous. "Do you really think that we can control billions or even tens of billions of slaves and honestly mine on a resource planet billions of light years away?"

"Impossible, Tie Shuai, the slaves will surely riot! Even if they are strongly suppressed within a hundred years and there is no large-scale riot, how efficient is the collection?"

"What's more, the accumulation of a hundred years of humiliation and hatred will surely transform into the most violent killing intent when the expeditionary army of the true human empire arrives. These slaves will definitely take refuge in the true human empire without hesitation and turn their heads against the Federation! "

"If you have to talk about time bombs, this is the biggest time bomb. It will blow up the entire Federation to pieces at a critical moment!"


The blades of the two slammed together again, smashing into the sparks of thousands of wills, and Zhou Hengdao shouted: "You also know that the Monster Race may riot, and you also know that the Monster Race is unreliable? Then you still want to destroy these guys. Are all introduced into the Federation, and even integrated with the human race?"

"Yes, you are right. Putting on the shackles and planting restrictions, the monster races that become slaves may riot, and they may betray us and take refuge in the empire when the real human empire arrives!"

"So, even if you let these monsters easily escape the punishment of the war and integrate into the Federation according to your plan, won't they betray them?"

"No, people's hearts are greedy, and they may still betray! Without the suppression of shackles and restraints, and deep into the heart of the Federation, they will only betray faster and cause more painful harm to the Federation!"

"The most important thing is to unite as one at the beginning of the war. There is no way for us and the monster race to unite. Rather than splitting a hundred years later, it is better to kill this hidden danger with the sword in the hands of my generation!"

"Tie Shuai, you are so wrong!"

Li Yao whirlwind slashed out hundreds of sword lights, "Since you have imprisoned Youquan Ancestor and even know the mystery of'Chaos', then you should know that the human race and the monster race come from the same source! Years ago, everyone was a human race! They were forced to become like this!"

Hundreds of sword lights were taken over by Zhou Hengdao abruptly. He would rather fight his breastplate burst than move an inch. The Five Tigers Prison Blade once again blasted Li Yao's hands: "Forty thousand years! You too! I know, that was all 40,000 years ago! Forty thousand years of blood feud is enough to turn us into two completely different races! Two races that kill each other and die endlessly!"

Under his fierce hacking, Li Yao's Blood Moon Chasing Dragon Knife finally got out of his hand, but it turned around in mid-air, suddenly split into hundreds of streamers, and returned to Li Yao's back.

Taking advantage of the disturbance of the blood moon chasing the dragon knife, Li Yao pulled open the chest armor forcefully, revealing the "Stay Cannon", a group of supernova explosion-like **** of light have long been ready to go, and blasted out!

"But now, we have found a way to transform them, we can change them back!"

"Crack, click, click!"

Zhou Hengdao’s wide shoulder armor and breastplate also burst, exposing hundreds of densely packed miniature flying swords, all whizzing out, stabbing at Li Yao’s Styx cannon, and hundreds of them burst out in midair. Crystal clear ball of light!

"Just knowing that you have such naive thoughts, that's why we desperately want to start a war!"

"Appearance can change, but how does the heart change? The human heart is separated from the belly, let alone the heart of these monster races! Don't you understand the principle of raising a tiger?"

"Li Yao, don't be stubborn anymore! Doing this is just to satisfy your illusory sense of justice under wishful and naive thoughts. In the end, it will ruin the entire Federation!"

"I won't let you ruin the Federation, never, go to hell!"

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