40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1171: I am a gorefiend, who am I afraid of!

After the spring breeze, I looked at Li Yao very seriously for a long time, and finally heaved a sigh of relief and smiled and said: "I understand, brother, it seems that your condensed Taoism is really not easy! Okay, here it is. After a long time, they must be anxious, let's go back soon!"

I wiped off the dust from my body, and jumped up after the spring breeze, as if I had changed a person, completely reborn, from the inside to the outside, unspeakably relaxed.

Although it is still sloppy, but looking at the taste of a handsome man with a little raunchy, one can't help but wonder how handsome and elegant a middle-aged man he would be if he was sloppy.

The two went back into the hole again, refilled two buckets of ice springs, talked and smiled, and walked back.

"Little brother, I actually have a question too. I have been stuck in my heart. I don't know whether to ask it or not."

After the spring breeze, he hesitated and smiled, "Don't get me wrong, I'm the same as you, there is nothing malicious, just pure curiosity, occupational disease, you know."

Li Yao said: "Big brother, just ask, I won't say anything about the big deal."

After the spring breeze, he smiled and said leisurely: "Everyone knows that you are in the Federal Parliament Building, in front of thousands of parliamentarians, heads and powerful men,'killing the blood demon', just acting a scene, in order to It's just to get rid of your suspicion. In fact, the so-called blood demon was completely beheaded on your way back to the two realms of Tianyuan and the blood demon, and you were not controlled by the blood demon from beginning to end."

"Well, everyone thinks so. It's just that this matter cannot be verified, and it's not easy to break. It can only end in a vague manner."

"However, I have a different view!"

"I always have an intuition. You didn't kill the'Blood Demon' at all. That thing is still in your body and has turned into a part of your soul, right?"

"Hehe, if you find it difficult to answer, then don't say it. Anyway, as long as you don't take the initiative to admit it, no one can prove that you are a blood demon! It's like if I don't take the initiative to admit it, no one can prove me. It's the abyss!"

Li Yao was startled slightly, scratching his head, and found that the situation seemed to have turned away from just now.

He and the role of the Spring Breeze exchanged each other.

The Scarlet Heart Demon came out from the depths of his brain and yelled strangely: "Wow, I was found, kill him!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon at this moment, instead of being cut to the dregs, is more white and fat than in the past, round and jade, faintly lingering in the whole body, more than a "Xian Feng Dao Bone", it is almost a "treasure and solemn" taste. It's just the evil spirit that flashes in the **** eyes from time to time, revealing its dark nature.

Obviously, as Li Yao's realm improved, the Scarlet Heart Demon, who was part of the Divine Soul, also upgraded!

With a thought, Li Yao sparked a flash of lightning in his brain, screaming "Wow" in the **** heart, "I'm not righteous! At the Federal Parliament Building, I helped you so, and I did a good show with you obediently! Just do it! Treat like this to a good brother who is fighting side by side!"

"It's a big show, it's a terrible scene!"

Li Yao's brainstorming converged into a big foot, and kicked this guy back to the depths of his brain, "Go to the side, don't just grab the show, and climb up when you are greeted!"

Settling down, Li Yao continued to move forward, thinking: "Big Brother Guo, do you know that when I was hunted by the Secret Sword Bureau, I was thinking about two questions-first, how do I prove myself? Not possessed by the Blood Demon! Also, what is the difference between me and the "Blood Demon Swallow Northwest" back then? You know, the "Blood Demon Swallow Northwest" was killed by myself! So now, Secret Sword Bureau Or other cultivators want to kill me this blood demon, isn't it also natural?"

"Well, what then?"

Guo Chunfeng also devoted himself to thinking, and after substituting himself into the role of Li Yao, he found that these two issues were indeed entangled.

"I don’t even think about these two questions. In the darkest time, I even thought of the word'retribution'! The former Blood Demon Swallow Northwest said before dying that he was not possessed by the Blood Demon at all. I killed him in this way, and I will definitely regret it! Is this true? Is this the retribution for killing him?"

Li Yao smashed his fist fiercely, "Until the end, I finally figured it out!"

"The first question is totally unsolvable! Why should I prove that I am not possessed by the blood demon? Obviously it should be the one who arrested me to prove that I was possessed by the blood demon!"

"Otherwise, there will be the situation in the Federal Parliament Building. Thousands of big people may be possessed by the Gorefiend, but they can't get rid of the suspicion, so in the end, it will be nothing?"

"It's like asking an ordinary citizen to prove that on a certain night three years ago, he didn't kill anyone! Who remembers the incident three years ago, if it is not a special situation, there is no proof at all! If the police and Judges handle cases and decide cases in this way, isn't society going to be messed up?"

Guo Chunfeng pondered and said, "You mean, the presumption of guilt and the presumption of innocence."


Li Yao nodded and said, "I don't think I need to prove that I am possessed by the blood demon. If anyone says that I am possessed by the blood demon, please show me irrefutable evidence. A video left a year ago to convict!"

"It makes sense!"

After the spring breeze, he nodded slowly.

"As for the second question, I can't understand it better."

Li Yao said seriously, "Even if I am really possessed by the Blood Demon,'Blood Demon Li Yao' and'Blood Demon Swallow Northwest' are completely different!"

"Why did I kill Yan Xibei on Tieyuan Star back then? Is it because he was possessed by the Bloodstripe Clan and turned into a Gorefiend?"


"The reason why he was killed is because he participated in the cult organization "Eternal Life Palace", killed one of the six tribes of Cheorwon, the patriarch of the Lie Sun tribe, and kidnapped countless college students in the Flying Star Realm, in an attempt to provoke Cheorwon Star. Civil war in the Flying Star Realm!"

"In the process, he has killed hundreds of innocent people, and if the battle begins, hundreds of millions of innocent blood will flow in vain!"

"Because he did these bad things and wanted to stop him from doing more bad things, I killed him. This has nothing to do with whether he is a'blood demon' or not!"

"Suppose, even if there is no such thing as the bloodline clan, even if Yanxibei is still Yanxibei, he is still a pure gas refiner, just like Lu Zui, planning the whole thing with his own free will, killing it. Many people, don't I want to kill him?"

"Of course not, I will still kill him, no matter whether he is a Qi refiner, a cultivator, a cultivator or a blood demon, he can still kill him!"

"Also suppose that Yanxibei was really possessed by the Bloodmarked Clan and turned into a blood demon, but he did nothing bad, but a kind blood demon, a righteous blood demon, a blood demon who picks up gold, who will help. The old blood demon who crossed the road—"

The Scarlet Demon came out again: "Just like me?"

"Go on your side!"

Li Yao once again flew the Scarlet Heart Demon, and continued to confront Chunfeng, "Then what reason do we have to kill him?"

"If he really abides by the law, loves his job and works, and does not fight against the world, even if he really refines the'Heavenly Tribulation Battle Body' secretly, turning himself into a monster that is not human, insects and insects, I think this also belongs to My personal hobby is that he has a special aesthetic taste. I want to kill him when I'm full? At most I persuade him to see a psychiatrist!"

"The conclusion is that I killed Yan Xibei not because of his certain'identity', not because he was a'blood demon' or a'bad guy', but because of some'bad things' he did. This is'right or wrong.' People's truth."

"Then, even if I am really possessed by the blood demon and become a'blood demon Li Yao', just like you as an'abyss', which national law has been violated? Why do others kill me, kill me, Except me?"

"Yeah, I am possessed by the blood demon, I like it, I am happy, I am so cool, what's the matter? I didn't provoke anyone, didn't go out to do bad things, so I raised a blood demon in my heart Isn’t it okay to be a pet?"

"If one day,'Blood Demon Li Yao' really did something bad, then the law will naturally sanction me! It's like if you, the'Abyss Over Spring Breeze' really did something bad one day, the law will be merciless. It’s the same as sanctioning you! This is the meaning of the "Basic Law of Cultivation"!"

"But before that, before there is no evidence to prove that we have done any illegal activities, who has the right to interfere with us?"

"Because we are the abyss or the blood demons, we may cause danger in the future, so we must get rid of us in advance!"

"The men all over the street have a murder weapon hidden in their crotch, which may cause serious harm to the good women in minutes. What should I do? All cut off?"

After the spring breeze laughed: "Little brother is really interesting to say!"

Li Yao smiled embarrassedly, and scratched his messy hair: "I'm a little excited, too big brother."

"Speaking of this matter, I still want to talk about it. I heard that there has been a recent trend in the parliament that I want to define the'Patriot Organization' as the spy organization of the'True Human Empire'. However, Lu Zui, the chief culprit, is A cultivator bewitched by the real human empire."

"Yes, doing so can indeed temporarily stabilize people's hearts, share the same hatred and hatred, and let people not disappoint the federal government."

"But as far as I am concerned, I firmly oppose this statement!"

"This kind of argument is like all bad things are done by monsters, blood demons, abysses, or immortal cultivators. Even if a cultivator falls into the water occasionally, it is corroded by these'bad guys'! And most of the cultivators are It is innocent, natural and just!"

"Is this really true?"

"Why do we just dare not admit that there is no need for the bewitching and corruption of monsters, blood demons, abyss, and immortal cultivators. We, all of us cultivators and ordinary people, have an abyss in our hearts, and we live in one. , Even countless blood demons, without the corruption and bewitching of demons and ghosts, we ourselves can become very bad and very bad!"

"Even if Lu Zui is really a cultivator, he is definitely not a cultivator of the true human empire, but a cultivator born and raised in our Star Federation!"

"Furthermore, he almost succeeded in turning the Xingyao Federation into a nation of immortal cultivators, a nation of unscrupulous means to achieve goals, and a small real human empire!"

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