40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1185: If you want to fight, then fight!

"Bang! Boom, boom, boom!"

In the outskirts of Tiandu City, in a training ground with luxurious facilities, Ding Lingdang is practicing in the highest class VIP room.

What was screaming under her fist was the wreckage of a spar chariot, and she was torturing rather than attacking the wreckage.

She forcibly shattered the wreckage of a spar chariot that was five meters long, two meters high, and weighed tens of tons into a piece of iron lump no more than one meter in length and width.

Under the bombardment of dozens of heavy punches every second, Tietuo’s edges and corners were gradually flattened, all the gaps were squeezed together, and the exterior turned into a translucent orange-red, and the interior seemed to be thousands of degrees high. The air is a little distorted by the burning!

Ding Lingdang didn't care.

She only wore a thin sports vest and tight shorts with excellent elasticity. All her honey-colored skin and explosive lines were revealed. The sweat evaporated before she could fly away, forming a blur all over her. Mist.


With a fierce punch, a hole more than half a meter deep was left in the ultra-high-density iron tuo. Ding Lingdang blew his steaming fist and turned his head to look.

Li Yao sneaked in sneakily and grinned at her.

"What's the matter, I'm so anxious to come back, isn't it saying that I want to come back after dinner with your three apprentices?"

Ding Lingdang raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing, I came back when I wanted to come back, practice?"

Li Yao scratched his head and didn't know where to put his hands.


Ding Lingdang turned his head again to torture the wreckage of the chariot "bang-bang-bang", and said, "Now that the war is over, the Great Wilderness has become a peaceful area again. Many Great Wilderness people are ready to go back and rebuild their homes. Rebuilt on the original site, this time it will definitely be the first of the nine federations!"

"Professor Mo Xuan is gearing up, and can't wait to build the Refining Department of the Great Desolate War Academy into a ‘Holy Land for Refining Masters’ that surpasses the Refining Department of Deep Sea University, and realize your dreams back then!"

"The old principal also contacted me just now and asked if I would like to go back to be the dean of the Martial Arts Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy. How could I not be willing to do such a majestic thing? However, the dean of the Martial Arts Department is not easy to be. Of course, I have to practice hard to get rid of it!"

Li Yao's eyes lit up: "Dean of the Martial Arts Department? That's a good thing! Not bad, not bad, I will definitely support you!"

"Why are you talking nonsense today? Who else would you support if you didn't support me? Without your support, who would I rely on for support?"

Ding Lingdang turned around again, looked up and down at him suspiciously for a long time, and narrowed his eyes and said, "No, there is a situation, what is in his hand, show it to my sister!"

"No, nothing."

Li Yao's face was red, and his heart crossed, "I just want to say, what? Anyway, we have to stay in Tiandu for a few days, and there is nothing important to do. Otherwise, we can take time out tomorrow, don't we, go get the certificate? chant?"

He opened his palm, and the palm of his palm was a pale gold ring. The surface of the ring was finely engraved with a bunch of bells that looked like grapes. There were dozens of small bells, all of which were inlaid with spars of different colors, which exudes incomparable brilliance. Light.

Ding Lingdang's eyes widened and looked at him seriously.

Li Yao sweats on his forehead and his throat is dry. Whether facing Yan Beibei, Xiao Xuance, Bai Xinghe, Xinghai or Jin Tuyi, Lu Zui and Zhou Hengdao, he has never been so nervous. He stared at Ding Lingdang eagerly. Stuttered: "Isn't it informal?"

"is a bit."

Ding Lingdang held back a smile, grabbed the ring with his hand, and looked at the light over and over for a long time, "You made it yourself? What's special?"

"Of course!"

As soon as he mentioned the magic weapon he refined, Li Yao got excited, and personally helped Ding Lingdang put the ring on the ring finger of his right hand, and said, "This ring is called'Red Flame Caixia Slaying Dragon Ring', you see, Fang Cun There are as many as ninety-nine and eighty-one attacking talisman formations engraved in between. Once activated, it can surround your right arm and shoulder armor to form a highly aggressive seven-color black light armor, which will at least increase your fist strength. 10%!"

"And it also has two modes. As long as you gently input a psionic energy, the ring will automatically expand. It can be worn directly on the finger, and after wearing the crystal armor, it can also be sheathed outside the crystal armor to form a crystal armor and The double attack of Xuan Guangkai!"

"The most important thing is that in addition to dozens of unpredictable attacks, it is also a small universe ring with three cubic meters of storage space inside. I use half a cubic meter to place the spar. It can be driven by internal energy, and there is no need to charge it every day. I know you are most afraid of trouble!"

"The remaining space is enough for you to store a lot of swords, magic weapons, and even a pair of light crystal armor!"

"Actually, it was refined two days ago, but the bell pattern on the surface hasn't been engraved yet, so I haven't shown it to you!"

"Compared with the rings on the market, they may not look so beautiful, but they are absolutely powerful, and it’s absolutely not a problem to blast a chariot with one punch!"

"How about it, okay?"

Li Yao waited dryly.

Ding Lingdang's eyes were hooked into two crescent moons, and she looked at the ring with joy, and didn't mean to take it off her fingers. She softly said, "You know, I am not a material woman, as long as you give me a gift. Yes, I like them all!"

Li Yao was overjoyed: "Then you agreed!"

Ding Lingdang leaned over, circling his fingers around his chest, rubbing his round and strong thighs on another part: "I haven't finished yet. I'm not a material woman. Rings are just forms. I don't care, even if You gave me a can pull ring, as long as you are sincere, I am very happy."

"Also, for ordinary women who pursue romance or something, they have to engage in a grand proposal scene, how many people are onlookers, and so on. I don't have the problem. I don't think it's a big deal, so I just keep it simple and I'm practicing. Proposing in the room is also great!"


Li Yao nodded again and again, "Yes, that's right, what I said is extremely true, it's just going to be in my heart, return to the basics!"


The light in Ding Lingdang’s eyes became more and more dangerous, and the fingers that circled Li Yao’s chest became harder and harder, “I don’t care about matter, and romance doesn’t matter to me, but between you and me, on the avenue, there seems to exist. Is it necessary to find a small disagreement and find a place to compete?"

"Huh? Still fighting!"

Li Yao's complexion was immediately soiled, and the two battles fought, "Friend Ding, the road is long, and the future is long, so why bother to fight for a moment? Why don't we take a truce for a while and make peace?"

"Furthermore, the last time there was too much movement, there are still a large number of experts and scholars on Huawei 9 who are investigating, and an inspection station has been established. There are countless crystal eyes flying around, so you can't be in front of so many people. Do you want to fight for the great road?"

"Of course it's not Hua Weijiu."

Ding Lingdang gently bit his lips, pressed his ears, and said softly, "I have found another good place, the Longclaw Great Ditch in the depths of the South China Sea, the first Great Ditch of Tianyuanxing, and the deepest point can reach 50,000 underground. Meters! Let’s dive into the depths of the trench for 10,000 to 20,000 meters. It’s quiet enough and cool enough that no one will be disturbed. It’s best for us to have a heart-free, three-day and three-night battle over the road!"

Li Yao: "This...will destroy the marine ecological environment, disturb the small fishes and shrimps that live there, as well as innocent little lives such as the'nine-headed sea monster', isn't it good?"

Ding Lingdang: "Hmph, you don't love me!"

Li Yao: "How come, kidding!"

Ding Lingdang: "Or, your road is not strong enough?"

Li Yao: "You—you are trying to kill yourself, no wonder I! Go, Longclaw Great Ditch, if you want to fight, then fight!"

Ten days later, Fuge City, an important training center in the southeast of the Federation, is a luxuriously decorated and large-scale image design center.

It’s still early and the door has not yet opened. Several image designers are cleaning, while the boss and the proprietress are holding two babbling little girls, eating breakfast and watching the morning news.

"It is reported that in the depths of the South China Sea, strong psychic energy fluctuations have emerged in the Longclaw Great Ditch recently, and a large number of'nine-headed sea monsters' known as'deep sea overlords' have fled their homes to find new habitats. "

"All signs indicate that it is most likely an undiscovered super submarine volcano, awakening, active, and erupting in the Longzhao Great Ditch, spewing out a large amount of magma, causing a sudden change in the submarine environment."

"Experts predict that this will be another evidence of the accelerated integration of the two realms of Tianyuan and Blood Demon following the continuous meteor shower attacks of the'Huaweijiu'."

This kind of news is too far away from the small people in the market, and the couple listened to each other one by one, and teased the two fleshy little girls from time to time, but it was a good time.

Soon, the news of the city began to be broadcast.

"The ninth branch of the training hall "Lingxiao Martial Arts Hall" of the famous young strongman "Zhao Liang" in Floating City will officially open at 9 o'clock this morning. Cut the ribbon yourself."

"Zhao Liang is one of the most outstanding among the young cultivators of Floating City. He was born in the Chixiao Sect and he entered the foundation building stage before he was thirty years old! His'Lingxiao Martial Arts Hall' is a fusion of the Chixiao Sect. The strengths of the training model of the Lingyun School and others are the best training hall brand in Floating City in recent years. With the unanimous support of the major sects in the city, it will soon step out of Floating City to the entire federation!"

"And what Zhao Liang talks about most is his past grievances with the legendary'Vulture Li Yao'."

"Zhao Liang and Li Yao used to study together in'Chixiao No. 2 Middle School', and in the school, the two were tit-for-tat rivals! It is said that Li Yao once knocked Zhao Liang down twice, but every time Zhao Liang They all stood up again stubbornly and unyieldingly to face a terrifying enemy like Li Yao! Perhaps it is this unyielding and fearless spirit that made Zhao Liang come today...

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