40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1189: Same source?

The Scarlet Heart Demon was stunned for a long time, and when he wanted to understand the key, he trembled slightly like Li Yao.

"Yes, is it a coincidence?"

He whispered.

"If transliterated words like ‘romance’ and ‘logic’ are coincidental, how do you explain the following words?"

Li Yao coldly said, "I have fought side by side with the Federal Army and the cultivators countless times. Every time when the ammunition and food are exhausted, everyone always likes to say two idioms to boost morale, that is,'break the cauldron and sink the boat' and'the last battle'. !"

"I didn't think it was weird when I heard these two words, but now that you think about it carefully, don't you think it's scary?"

"How did the term "break the cauldron and sink the boat" come from? It is the ancient Chinese civilization's famous general'Xiang Yu' on the earth. When he fought against the Qin army, he smashed rice pots, burned the warships, put them to death and survived, and finally defeated Qiang Qin in one fell swoop. That's why the idiom'break the cauldron and sink the boat'!"

The "Last Fight" is another famous general of the same era, Han Xin, when he was fighting with the enemy, placing the army on the most taboo side of the river. It also encouraged the soldiers to live in the dead, fight bravely, and finally win. Victory, there is such an idiom! "

"In other words, there were Xiang Yu and Han Xin, two famous generals in ancient times on earth, before the two idioms of'break the cauldron and sink the boat' and'a fight against the water'!"

"You and I have the memory of Li Yao, a man on earth. It is not surprising to know these two idioms, but what about others? Why do others use these two idioms from the earth?"

"The idioms that have prevailed in the 40,000 years of cultivation are far more than the two idioms of'breaking the boat and sinking the boat' and'fighting against the water'. What else do you have to do, try to be brave, point to the deer, and worry about the world... These are common idioms, and many people often talk about them, but they Allusions from the earth, can this really be explained by the word'coincidence'?"

"Also, stocks, the Internet, the government, the military... these things exist on the earth and the world of cultivation, and the terms are all exactly the same. Isn't that incredible?"

When Li Yao said so, the Scarlet Heart Demon also began to scratch his head vigorously.

After scratching his head for a long time, he patted his thigh heavily: "Simple, let's go online, find an online dictionary, look up the source of words such as'logic' and'break the boat', don't you know? Look at the dictionary. Said!"

Li Yao's eyes lit up, yelling that he was a fool, how could he not think of such a simple method just now!

Quickly stimulate Jingnao, browse the web, and find the most authoritative online dictionary. Enter the word "logic" and tap the "OK" rune. The meaning of the word "logic" immediately pops up in the dictionary.

"Logic in the narrow sense refers to both the law of thinking and the discipline that studies the law of thinking, that is, logic. In a broad sense, logic refers to the law in general, including the law of thinking and objective law."

"Logic includes formal logic and dialectical logic, formal logic includes inductive logic and deductive logic, and dialectical logic includes contradictory logic and symmetrical logic. Symmetrical logic is the logic of human overall thinking (including abstract thinking and concrete thinking)."

"The word logic originated from the ancient language'Tianzhe Luo' of the'Tianzhe Great World' 55,000 years ago. It is said that it has a certain connection with a certain alien civilization that communicates with each other through telepathy. It is now untestable... …"

Li Yao and Scarlet Demon looked at each other.

What do you mean?

According to the interpretation of this dictionary, the word "logic" does not come from the ancient Greek on earth, but from the ancient dialect of "Tianzhe Great World", ‘Tianzheluo’?

Li Yao thought for a while, then typed in the idiom "break the cauldron and sink the boat" and hit the "OK" rune.

"Breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat is a metaphor without leaving a way out. You have to win a battle and make up your mind to do everything to the end. Cauldron: Pot. Break the rice pot and scuttle the ferry."

"As early as in the middle of the ancient repair era 50,000 years ago, the important classic "Xuan Mu Bian" contained the saying of'burning the boat and breaking the cauldron', indicating the spirit of fighting to the death, but the allusion has not yet been spread."

"At the end of the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago, during the first civil war in the realm of cultivation, the Aria and the Wild Dragons fought. Escape to a foreign land in a fairy boat."

"Xiang Feitian, the commander of the 72 sects of the Wild Dragon Realm, ordered all the immortal boats in the whole world to be brought together and burned. The core magic weapons and spars were excavated and refined into brand-new weapons. Destroy powerful enemies!"

"As a result, the allusion of'breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat' slowly spread!


Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon scratched their heads at the same time. In this case, the incident of "breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat" has nothing to do with Xiang Yu, but a commander in the cultivation world named "Xiang Feitian" in the ancient repair era. !

This, this is too exaggerated!

Li Yao typed a few words in succession, including transliterated words such as "sofa" and idioms from the early Chinese civilization on earth, such as "salary and taste the courage".

As a result, the online dictionary's interpretation of "sofa" is that the earliest secret technique of gathering sand into a tower was the soft collapse made by condensing and "foaming" small materials such as gravel. Now it refers to all soft foam or Air seat.

Of course, it is not the Yue King Goujian who "has a guilty salary", but another emperor in the ancient Xiu era.

In short, the words peculiar to the earth in Li Yao's memory can almost be found in this dictionary, but the source of the vocabulary is to start anew, completely changed the term!

He didn't give up and changed several other online dictionaries, but apart from some details, the general results were almost the same.

In other words, whether "logic", "romance", "sofa" and other transliterated words are good, or allusive idioms such as "breaking the boat", "fighting against one's back", "fighting for courage", they are all "born and grown up" in the world of comprehension. The local language has a whole set of orderly inherited origins, not plagiarized from the earth's civilization.

This result left Li Yao deeply confused.

He pondered for a long time, aroused a blank light curtain, and wrote four words on the left and right sides.

On the left is "Earth Civilization" and on the right is "Cultivation Civilization".

Below the two civilizations, there are almost identical words:

"Pangu, Nüwa, dinosaurs, logic, succumbing to the courage, breaking the boat, stocks, government, celebrities..."

After finishing writing, Li Yao turned on the faucet and used the ice water in the twelfth lunar month to cool the hot brain. After taking a dozen deep breaths, he calmly said: "Let's analyze it."

"Assuming that the'earth civilization' where Li Yao lived in the previous life and the'cultivation civilization' where Li Yao lived in this life are two completely different and completely unrelated civilizations, then it doesn't make sense."

"Look, the words I wrote, ranging from Pangu to logic, and from the guts to the federal government, are shared by both worlds."

"Even the language we speak is called'Chinese' in earth civilization and'Human language' in cultivation civilization, which is almost the same."

"One or two words can be said to be a coincidence. The whole language system is the same. How can it be a coincidence?"

Scarlet Heart Demon said: "In other words, there is actually a certain close relationship between'earth civilization' and'cultivation civilization', and it is even possible that'earth civilization' is part of'cultivation civilization'?"

Li Yao frowned: "Will it?"


The Scarlet Heart Demon nodded, "Think about it, the earth civilization is said to be hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years old, but what really ignited the fire of civilization and rushed forward is actually the events of the last few thousand years. , The "Huaxia Civilization" we were in before said it was "up and down five thousand years", that is only five thousand years!"

"The Xinghai Empire collapsed ten thousand years ago. Could the'earth' originally belonged to a certain large world in the Xinghai Empire, and lost contact with other worlds during the war, and the original cultivation civilization was also lost. After thousands of years of dark exploration, mankind has slowly developed a brand new civilization?"

"In this case, both sides know the concepts of'Pangu' and'Nuwa'. It is not surprising that they are originally a family!"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said: "It doesn't look like it, there are three doubts."

"First, if the earth is really a certain big world in the old Star Sea Empire, then how can it be without any psionic energy?"

"Yes, we have seen a lot of worlds with exhaustion of psychic energy, and it is impossible to be exhausted to the point where there is not even a trace of psychic energy?"

"There are more than six billion people on the earth. Even if one cultivator is born out of 100 million people, there should always be dozens of cultivators!"

"But the reality is that there has never been such a thing as psionic energy in the history of the earth, and there has never been a cultivator."

"Who said this?"

The Scarlet Heart Demon retorted, "Of course there are spiritual abilities in the history of the earth, and there are also cultivators. In the history of the West, there are'Jesus' and his saints who can perform various'miracles'. In the Middle Ages, there were What werewolves and vampires; there are also various gods in Eastern history, such as Zhang Jiao, Zuo Ci, etc., legends can call the wind and rain, make ghosts and gods, and later zombies, Maoshan skills, etc.-can they not be regarded as cultivators?"

"Don't stare, even if these are made up, but as the saying goes, there is no wind without waves. If the concept of a'cultivator' is not first developed, how can these people with supernatural powers be made up?"

"What's more, even if these are all fakes, the ugly woman you saw in your dream must be real? Isn't she a ‘earth cultivator’?"

Li Yao was speechless for a while, and said for a long time: "The second question is, even if the earth civilization is really a part of the cultivation civilization, the words'logic' and'salary for the bravery' have all been independently developed in the past two thousand years. At this time, there should be no connection between the earth and the realm of cultivation. Why is it so coincidental that all the allusions of the realm of cultivation can be replayed in the history of the earth?"

"As for the third point of doubt, the Vulture Project. What does the so-called Vulture Project mean? Regardless of whether the earth is related to the realm of comprehension, in the early 21st century, there was no major disaster on the earth, and it was not too dark. The threat is too powerful!"

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