40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1199: No. 1191

Li Yao's hair was horrified, Qiankun Jie was eager to try, not sure whether he should summon crystal armor.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet!"

The Fire Ant King smiled, "Guilao taught my elder brother for a while, but it is neither a fighting method nor a secret technique for refining viruses, but a theory!"

"Theory? What theory?"

Li Yao blinked his eyes as he thought about it. Although this "oldest demon king in the blood demon world" has a longevity, he is almost a mascot-like existence. I haven't heard that he has any great magical powers and can teach Youquan. What is the ancestor?

"The theory of defeatism."

Without waiting for the Fire Ant King to speak, Gui Shoushou took the initiative to speak.

This turtle demon emperor, who has lived for more than 800 years, has a voice that is not as old as his appearance. On the contrary, he has a very round feeling, like a jade that was dug out from the ground and made in a thin plate.

His eyeballs were covered with several layers of crystal film, but at this moment they opened up layer by layer, blooming with years of precipitation, incomparably pure and transparent light, carefully looked at Li Yao for a long time, and said gently: "Li Xiaoyou, hello, I am Gui Shoushou, a staunch defeatist."

Li Yao scratched his scalp and understood.

In Youfu, Ancestor Youquan had a conversation with the brothers of the Fire Ant King.

At that time, Youquan ancestor frankly admitted that he was a staunch "Demon Clan Destroyer". He believed that all the Yao Clan’s strategies were hopeless, so he had to implement the "Spore Plan" to strive for the soil of the Human Race and the Monster Race. Above, the gorgeous flower of "the third life form" bloomed!

Unexpectedly, it was Gui Shoushou who instilled the theory of "the demon race must be defeated" into Youquan ancestor!

"Actually, I can't be regarded as that little guy's teacher, it's just that everyone has been discussing it for a while."

Guishoushou smiled and said, "That was decades ago. At that time, I was sleeping in a cave in the depths of the West Sea of ​​the Blood Demon Realm, but I met this little guy named'Ye Mengsheng' who dived into the bottom of the sea to find What chaotic ruins."

Only then did Li Yao know that Youquan's real name was "Ye Mengsheng".

"The ruins of chaos is the submarine cave mansion where I slept. I just coveted it to hibernate and cool in summer, and it is quiet enough. I am not very interested in the techniques and magic weapons inside, so I let this little guy try my best. Be gentle and go quickly when you find what you want, and don't disturb my old man's good sleep."

Although Gui had no sorrow or joy in his longevity, he whispered, the ancestor of Youquan, the king of the first generation, seemed to him like a naughty urchin.

"Who knows, this little guy is frizzy, he doesn't stop after he gets what he wants, and he wants to kill me."

"Of course he can't kill me, but I don't bother to kill him. After all, every bit of my strength is very precious, and I need to use it to live as long as possible! Now that the violent spirit stabs him, I will most likely lose it in the end. Live for several hours—how bad is that?"

"Furthermore, I hadn't surfaced in the sea for decades. I didn't know if anything thrilling had happened outside, so I chatted with this little guy, and by the way, I told him the subtle way of'the demon race is bound to fail'. At that time, he could hear God, and he looked thoughtful."

"I thought he fully accepted my point of view. I didn't expect him to do such a thing in order to make a living. He was still too young and naive!"

Gui Shoushou shook his head in disapproval.

Li Yao and Wei Qingqing looked at each other and asked cautiously: "If you say this, go old, your ‘defeatism’ is different from the ‘defeatism’ of the ancestor Youquan?"

"Of course it's different."

Although Guishou said frankly, "This little guy Ye Mengsheng can be called a'relative defeatist'. Although he admits that the monster race is bound to be defeated, he still has a trace of luck. He thinks that he can use another way to make The monster race rises with a brand new look!"

"Not only Ye Mengsheng, but also the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance who was just under trial. What is the name of that kid? By the way, Jin Tuyi, he is also a'relative defeatist'."

"Well, I am an'absolute defeatist'. I firmly believe that from the fall of the Monster Beast Dynasty and the establishment of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago, the Monster Race has no chance. Individuals may be able to transform and change. But as a race and a civilization, the'monster civilization' is destined to be destroyed. No matter how you struggle or save, it is useless and just lingers."

Li Yao really opened his eyes. After scratching his scalp for a long time, he still asked in disbelief: "...So, when you return to the old age, you will give up struggling and watch your "Demon Race Civilization" perish, right?"

"of course not."

Although the longevity of Gui said slowly, "Looking at the scale of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, it is indeed'Human race must win, Demon race must lose.' This result is absolutely impossible to change.

"However, when we look at the problem from a broader perspective, the so-called'victory' may not necessarily be the case!"

"For example, lengthen time, lengthen, and continue to lengthen, from the scale of 100 million years, or even a billion years, to look at the struggle between human civilization and monster civilization, and the final victory or defeat is full of variables. "

Li Yao was dumbfounded. With the calculation power of his Yuan Ying series, he still felt that his mind could not be turned around: "100 million years?"

"Yes, 100 million years!"

Gui Shoushou nodded and said, "Since Pangu created the Monster Race and Human Race, that is, since our civilization was established, it has been on a scale of one million to one hundred thousand years ago. In other words, our civilization has lived for tens of thousands. Years old."

"what's next?"

"Little friend Li Yao, even if you have confidence in your own civilization, it is difficult to say that it can live 100 million years and continue its glory for 100 million years, right?"

Li Yao frowned. This is too mysterious. Who knows what happened 100 million years later!

Gui Shoushou smiled and said, "If you think that human civilization can last over 100 million years, what about one billion years? Birth, old age, sickness and death, the laws of nature, any civilization, no matter how brilliant the peak period, will inevitably be destroyed in the end, right? Is the demonic civilization like this, can the human civilization be an exception?"

"Even if the human civilization has defeated the demonic civilization now, what about? In the long river of hundreds of millions of years, we were only destroyed a second earlier than you!"

"When the universe blinked, after a billion years, our two civilizations have been destroyed. At that time, we are back on the same starting line, and we will distinguish the winner and loser in a whole new way."

Li Yao said in amazement: "Aren't they all destroyed? How can the winner be determined?"

"Civilization can be destroyed, but its corpse may contain some important information passed down, just like many fossils we see today. You can understand their past through the bones, excrement and even footprints of primitive creatures. Majestic posture!"

Guishoushou said indifferently, "After a billion years, both the human civilization and the demonic civilization are destroyed. It is better than who can leave more ‘fossils’, that is, the remains and fire of civilization!"

Li Yao still didn't understand, but Zhou Yifu, the historian next to him, had two lights of hope ignited in his eyes!

"Let's give an example."

Gui Shoushou rubbed the bumps on the crutches, as if it were a big world. He squinted his mung bean-sized eyes and muttered, "Imagine it is now a billion years later. Human civilization and demons Civilization has long been annihilated in the long river of history, but the sea of ​​stars is occupied by other new civilizations!"

"Suddenly, these new civilizations discovered an ancient relic in the depths of a sea of ​​stars. Through analysis, they discovered a splendid and glorious ancient civilization. This ancient civilization called itself the'Demon Race'!"

"Through the excavation of the relics of the demon race, the new civilization discovered that the demon race civilization is a righteous civilization, love of peace, hardworking, brave, and uncontested. It has developed an extremely bright and beautiful technology, culture and social form! "

"However, the good times are not long. There is a dark force called'Human Civilization.' They are evil, tyrannical, terror, devouring and destroying everything they have seen, and of course they have also destroyed the extremely beautiful demonic civilization!"

"The new civilization believes in everything that is said in the ruins, writes all this into their history and textbooks, and may also adapt the war history of the'monster civilization' and the'human civilization' into its own culture and Entertainment works."

"Of course, in these literary works, the Monster Race will always be the righteous and beautiful side, and the Human Race will always be the evil and the ugly side."

"Little friend Li Yao, do you think that when the mainstream civilization of the universe a billion years later has formed such a stereotype, who will win the war between our two civilizations?"

Li Yao was dumbfounded for a long time, a little bit dumbfounded: "Even if it is really like what you said, our two civilizations have already turned to ashes at that time. Does it matter who wins and who loses?"

Guishoushou smiled and said, "Whether in the human civilization or in the demonic civilization, there are countless warriors, knowing that they will die, and they still have to go through fire and water to complete their mission and let their side win."

"They obviously must die, and they don't know anything when they die, so what do they care about winning or losing?"

"Perhaps, some things are higher than life and death, even after the destruction of a civilization, victory or defeat is still very important."

Li Yao was speechless.

Gui Shoushou continued: "There is also a second situation. In the three thousand worlds one billion years later, there will be no highly developed mainstream civilization. There are only some'quasi-civilizations' that resemble apes and are on the verge of ignorance and civilization."

"Suddenly, an ape in these'quasi-civilizations' accidentally discovered a ruin. After opening, the exercises, magic weapons, and classics in the ruins ignited the fire of wisdom of this quasi-civilization!"

"From then on, this quasi-civilization worshipped the ruins as miracles, and regarded the owners of the ruins as the gods who created them and their ancestors; and the enemies of the owners of the ruins are naturally the most evil and ugly demons!"

"When this quasi-civilization grows into a real civilization, and even when it reaches out to the sea of ​​stars, it is deeply imprinted with that relic, and it will even name its own civilization after the owner of the relic!"

"This kind of possibility exists? It's as if both the Human Race and the Monster Race regard the'Pangu Race' as a **** and regard themselves as the inheritor of the Pangu Race.

"Then, here comes the question, little friend Li Yao, do you hope these apes discover the'remains of human civilization' or'remains of the demonic civilization'?"

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