40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1203: the core issue! (Fourth!)

Due to time constraints and short construction schedules, the "New Federal Conference Center" located in the middle of the Great Desert City was not completely completed.

The surrounding walls have not been painted and decorated yet, exposing the iron-lead color of rocks and mortar. The huge ceiling is covered with intricate pipes, and there are crystal cables hanging down like pythons. Even the seats are not installed. , Scattered in a box.

Hundreds of Yuan Ying old monsters didn't take it seriously. They sat or stood in the messy venue. Instead, the simple scenes were full of solemn sacredness, indicating that they would create a glorious history from nothing!

When Li Yao stepped into the venue, he felt a little dizzy.

On the black ceiling, the illuminating talisman array and the light curtain device were shining with dots of brilliance, giving him the illusion of being under the stars, an open-air venue.

Li Yao couldn't help thinking of all the deep, ancient and awkward faces like statues.

He thought that hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the fire of human civilization had not been ignited, would there be one or two hundred apes, who could not bear the invasion and squeeze of jackals, tigers and leopards, and decided to gather together as a tribe. 'In the form of going to war against all enemies stronger and fierce than them?

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The light curtain on the ceiling raised the power to the limit, and bunches of three-dimensional light and shadow with ripples and snowflakes fell among the people, condensing them into dozens of virtual figures.

It was the Demon Emperor who was far away in the Blood Demon Realm, and the Nascent Soul in the Flying Star Realm.

There are nearly two hundred super masters in the three realms of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, and Fei Xing, all of them are here!

Li Yao didn't have the slightest psychic gaze, and he swept across the faces of many Yuan Ying old monsters.

Each face represents a name that has been like a thunderbolt since childhood, yet unreachable.

At this moment, the owner of these names is standing by his side alive, and he has become a member of the crowd and will fight to defend their civilization!

This feeling of being dizzy and walking into history is really mysterious and indescribable.

While he was looking at others, they were also looking at him. The demon emperors from the blood demon world turned their eyes around and kept looking at the many Nascent Infants.

No way, this kind of observation is naturally not polite, but all the super masters from the three great worlds are gathered together, it is an unprecedented event, even these highly cultivated seniors can not help but feel a little gaffe.

"Dear fellow Taoists, today we can gather together and talk about Taoism, and we have created a whole new history!"

The Federal Conference on the Yangtze River and the ocean current stepped onto the rostrum composed of two wooden boxes, slowly scanned a circle, and said in a deep voice, "In the history of the three realms of Tianyuan, Fei Xing, and Blood Demon, even in the past 40,000 years of history. , There has never been such a miracle-nearly two hundred peerless powerhouses gathered together, neither for the petty gains of each other's sect, nor for the small differences of our own, but to really let go The hatred and wariness of the old days, to contribute all my wisdom, force, determination, courage and imagination to face a brand new war!"

"This is the greatest war and the most just war! Because we are not fighting for our own selfish desires, let alone the ambitions of a handful of people! We are fighting for ourselves, for our people, and for the survival of our civilization. war!"

"We want to live!"

"No matter how powerful an enemy we face, we will not sit still, we will fight back and live at all costs until the most brilliant part of our civilization illuminates the entire star sea!"

The decisive remarks made all the Nascent Soul old monsters fall into deep thought, and even many demon emperors who were far away in the blood demon world showed thoughtful expressions.

To live, how simple, but how complicated, how humble, but what a lofty goal!

"Dear friends, all experts and leaders in their respective fields, time is very precious, and our array of starry sky communication array is still in the trial operation stage, every second will consume a lot of spar."

Jiang Hailiu said, "This is a non-governmental gathering. I won't say much about it. You have read all the information before attending the meeting. Let's hurry up and go directly to the topic!"

"First, I think at this Nascent Soul Conference, the first thing everyone wants to understand is, is the existence of the so-called'Covenant Alliance' real? Or is it just the'real human empire'? What about a little trick that came out, a kind of unskilled strategic fraud?"

"It's a simple truth. Originally, we always regarded the ‘True Human Empire’ as our greatest enemy, and all resources will be used to fight the empire, but now suddenly a ‘Holy League’ has emerged, which is rendered even more terrifying than the empire!

"In this way, our vigilance against the true human empire will inevitably relax a little, and even faintly change our position on the true human empire."

"From the perspective of the empire, our subtle change is of course very in line with their interests."

"Therefore, many daoists will inevitably mutter in their hearts, does a ‘Holy League’ that is a hundred times more evil than ‘Empire’ really exist, or is it a conspiracy of the real human empire?”

"Using a non-existent'Holy League' to bluff and terrorize the weak and small forces in the sea of ​​stars. In order to escape the conquest of the'Holy League', these weak and small forces have no choice but to seek the asylum of the empire."

"In this way, the real human empire will be able to conquer a large sea of ​​stars without a **** sword!"

In front of Li Yao, a virtual light curtain lit up. This was the meaning of Jiang Hailiu, the convener of the conference, who invited him to speak.

Li Yao is the discoverer of the "Holy League". His adoptive father claimed to be from the "Holy League". Of course, he has the most say in this issue.

Li Yao had already finished the draft. Under the gaze of more than one hundred Yuan Ying, he was not very nervous, and talked freely: "Hello, seniors, I am Li Yao, and my adoptive father claims to be from' Shengmeng', and I believe his words."

"There are two reasons."

"First, the foster father gave me a flying sword. The materials and structure are very special. It cannot be made by the three realms of Tianyuan, Fei Xing and Blood Demon! It must come from a more advanced force than us! The fragments of this flying sword are now It's still in my refining room, and you are welcome to conduct research and analysis!"

"Second, if this is the conspiracy of the real human empire, the whole thing doesn't make sense!"

"Because, when my foster father passed away, I was still in high school, and I was still an ordinary person with a very low spiritual root development. Although I have a certain talent in hand speed and magic weapon repair, it is basically considered to be compared with a true cultivation genius. Nothing."

"The jade slip left to me by my foster father is set to require Golden Core and even the realm of Yuan Ying to open it!"

"If it is said that the'Holy League' does not exist, and my adoptive father is a spy from the real human empire, then how can he guess that I must be a Nascent Soul?"

"When I was in high school, the probability of being able to become a golden core or Nascent Soul would not exceed one in a billion, right? How could the true human empire maintain a conspiracy at such a low probability?"

"If it is really a strategic fraud, the adoptive father will directly appear as a'holy alliance person', reminding everyone that the evil of the holy alliance and the justice of the empire can reduce our guard to the greatest extent? Why do so many actions, And bluntly pointed out that the true human empire is also a very evil force?"

Numerous Yuan Ying nodded again and again, and Li Yao's analysis was obviously very reasonable.

"Another point."

Li Yao looked solemn and said frankly, "Although the foster father said in his last words, let us go to the real human empire, he obviously does not understand the latest situation in the past ten years, and it is impossible to imagine Tian Yuan, Fei Xing and Blood Demon. The Three Realms are already united!"

"At this moment, at that moment, no matter what his old man said, even if the'Holy League' really exists, it will not change my view of the real human empire!"

"In any case, a spirit that can use hundreds of babies to create a'star child' power is extremely evil in my eyes!"

"The Holy League and the Empire are our enemies, and I will never surrender to any of them!"

If there is really a force that can be called the ‘last guardian of human civilization’, it will definitely not be the real human empire, but—we! "

Li Yao's words moved all Yuan Ying and Demon Emperor.

Many Yuan Ying who had never dealt with him in the past re-examined this unsurprising young man, and seemed to figure out how he could become "the youngest Yuan Ying in the Three Realms" from these words!

At least, these words are crazy enough, proud enough, and refreshing enough!

At this time, another Yuan Ying asked to speak. It was Professor Zhou Yifu, a master of federal history, who specializes in the history of the decline and fall of the Xinghai Empire.

"I agree with Li Daoyou's point of view that the Covenant Alliance is real. Although there is no conclusive evidence, I can try to explain it from one side, that is, the mutation of the true human empire-after all, the practitioners in the center of Xinghai. , How did you degenerate into a cultivator step by step?"

Zhou Yihu said calmly, "As everyone knows, ten thousand years ago, the human race had just passed the Great Dark Era of 30,000 years, and it rose again and established the ‘Star Sea Empire’ that runs through the galaxy!"

"Although it is named'Empire' and it adopts a system that combines dictatorship and feudalism, in general, the social outlook of the Xinghai Empire is still quite positive, relatively bright and just."

"The cultivators of the Xinghai Empire, including the ruler'Emperor,' although they still have many bad habits left over from the old era, they have basically established that the cultivator is the sword of human civilization, and the cultivator is derived from ordinary people. People will give birth to ordinary people. Only when they are combined with ordinary people can they exert their most powerful strength' and so on."

"This may be the case in the early days of any empire. A ruler who rises from the grassroots will pay more attention to the feelings of the toiling masses, and pay more attention to the use of power from the middle and lower classes of society."

"And the Xinghai Empire has achieved the legitimacy of its regime under the banner of'overthrow the brutal rule of the monsters and liberate all races in the sea of ​​stars.' This is the foundation of the Xinghai Empire. The heart of the Xinghai Empire, not to mention it. Will easily change."

"And such a relatively bright and just empire, before it has time to become corrupted and degenerate, it will fall apart in the'Doomsday' and be ruined!"

"Although the Xinghai Empire is revolving and annihilating, its relatively pure spirit can be preserved for a long time without being tarnished by the slightest bit of contamination, inspiring all the races of all parties in the Xinghai Empire."

"Until today, the vast majority of human civilizations, including the Xingyao Federation, are still proud of being the ‘inheritors of the Xinghai Empire’ and carry forward the spirit of the Xinghai Empire’s cultivators who are willing to be the sword of human civilization!"

"The problem is here, since the true human empire occupies the elite area of ​​the former Xinghai Empire, and it claims to be the'orthodox successor of the Xinghai Empire', it should be more or less inherited like the Xinghai Empire, where practitioners fight for ordinary people. Spirit!"

"Why, the styles of this empire and that of the other empire are completely opposite, and even the cultivators have become immortal cultivators?"


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