40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 1206: Take history as a mirror

Zhou Yifu’s area of ​​expertise is the decline and collapse of the Xinghai Empire. When talking about this history, he is eloquent and easy to understand: “From the relics we have now unearthed and the remaining historical materials of the Xinghai Empire, it is as strong as the Xinghai Empire. There is no essential difference between us in terms of communication and transportation across the vast world. At most, the starships are larger and faster, and the star torches are more densely distributed and wider."

"If you speculate with the technical power of the Xinghai Empire, in fact, what the emperor can really effectively control is the dozens of great worlds near the capital'Earth Heaven and Celestial Stars', and those great worlds that are farther away from the empire's territory. The control is getting weaker and weaker, dropping sharply!"

"In order to solve this problem, the emperor, like the rulers of most empires in history, adopted a system of enfeoffment."

"But the enfeoffment system also has its own fatal flaws."

"If the central government's control over the locality is too strict, the locality will lose initiative, develop extremely slowly, and produce aversion to the central government."

"And if the central authorities give more leadership to the localities and let them develop, it is very likely that the "big tail will not fall" will be formed, and it will even threaten the central government in turn!"

"The emperor’s solution is to use the supreme secret method to copy his own genes and create twenty clones. These twenty clones control the empire’s most elite forces and form twenty Yuanshi sects. ', to rule the strategically important frontiers of the empire!"

"The so-called'sects' are another form of'federated land' and'federated country'!"

"It stands to reason that since it is a clone of oneself and a more loyal existence than'children', there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

"As a result, everyone knows that when the emperor launched the'Billions of Light-year Expedition', trying to eliminate the last remaining power of the Yaozu civilization, ten of the twenty clones, even including his three souls and seven souls. The strongest clone of the expeditionary army, the'Blood God Child' all betrayed him!"

"In the end, the expedition failed, the empire collapsed, and the universe entered the era of the'post-Star Sea Empire'!"

"There are many legends and stories that believe that in the'Billions of Light-year Expedition', the blood **** son of the expeditionary army commander was bewitched by the gods, and then he fell step by step, and finally transformed into a demon repairer, known as the'doomsday'. "Zhan Kuang", single-handedly directed the "doomsday change" of the collapse of the empire!"

"Such a story is certainly appropriate for teenage middle school students."

"But since the Daoists present here are all outstanding figures of the Yuan Ying series, this set is obviously not enough to convince you."

"The reason why the blood **** son betrayed the emperor is very simple. It is nothing more than a contradiction between a powerful local warlord and the central government."

"During the millennia of the rise of the Xinghai Empire, the Blood God Child, the strongest clone of the emperor, has been fighting at the forefront. While honed with astonishing strength, he has also accumulated a powerful army that is loyal to him, and countless others with him. Faithful allies fighting side by side!"

"When the territory of the Xinghai Empire is initially stabilized, the blood **** child's fief will be in the bitter cold land bordering the last power of the monster dynasty. If you want to survive in such a place, the emperor has to give the blood **** child greater autonomy. Right, let him do things cheaply."

"We can reasonably speculate that in the hundreds of years of war, those clones who fought on the frontiers of the empire, like the blood gods, have already become warlords, have their own'independent kingdoms', and are very concerned about this status quo. Very satisfied."

"Once the last remaining power of the demonic civilization is completely wiped out, there is no need for these'warlords' to exist. The talented emperor is bound to gather the power in the hands of the'twentieth body', and even deprive them of their power. The'Fengdi' moved their sects to the'Extreme Celestial Realm, Celestial Stars' to facilitate strict control."

"Flying birds, good bows hiding, cunning rabbits dead, running dogs cooking-such a truth, we can think of, the emperor can think of, and of course his twenty clones can also be thought of."

"This point, these clones who have become warlords cannot bear it!"

"Therefore, ten of the twenty clones, represented by the Blood God Child, rose up to fight the emperor. This is not a conspiracy of the Blood God Child alone, but an irreconcilable contradiction between the local and the central government!"

"Even if the extraterritorial demon is really involved in this matter, the order should be reversed. It is not that the extraterritorial demon confuses the blood **** child and makes him degenerate into a'doomsday war mad', which led to the split of the expeditionary army and the collapse of the empire. ."

"The real order should be that the blood **** son and many clones have long been ill-intentioned towards the emperor, worried that the emperor will deprive them of their power, so the first is the best!"

"They know that they are not as strong as the emperor, and that they are loyal to the emperor. That's why they brought the monster race and the extraterritorial demon to form an alliance, and together they destroyed the expeditionary army and the Xinghai Empire!"

Zhou Yifu's new interpretation of "doomsday change" silenced the huge venue.

However, there is no Yuan Ying to refute.

Everyone is an adult. "The cultivator is a good person, the demon cultivator is a bad person, and the blood **** child is good. It will only become bad after being corroded by an extraterritorial demon." This theory can only deceive middle school students. Of course they are. I don't quite believe it.

According to Zhou Yifu, the dispute between the central government and the local government, and the dispute between the emperor and the warlord, may be the truth of history 10,000 years ago.

Zhou Yihu twisted his goatee and continued: "With history as a mirror, we can learn about the rise and fall. Why can't everything that happened in the Xinghai Empire happen again in the real human empire?"

Jiang Hailiu said solemnly: "Friend Zhou, you mean that the real human empire is very likely to also face the'central and local dispute'?"

"Not possible, but certain."

Zhou Yifu believes, "As long as the real human empire does not far surpass the Star Sea Empire in terms of technology in the fields of communications and star navigation, then the dilemma that disintegrated the Star Sea Empire in the past will certainly be repeated in the real human empire! According to my It is estimated that the rulers of the real human empire can really effectively control, at most, dozens of large worlds around the "polar celestial realm and celestial star", which are far away from the frontiers of millions and tens of millions of light years. I definitely can't control it!"

"And now, the empire is facing a serious military threat from the Holy League again, and it is even more impossible to adopt a low-efficiency and extremely slow response speed of direct rule!"

"If you rule directly, the capital of the empire must respond to everything in the hundreds of worlds. It is like a dinosaur tens of meters long must control every nerve ending, with other beasts on its tail. I took a bite, and it will take several seconds for my brain to feel the pain, how can I do it?"

"It is imperative to let the nerve endings decide on their own and to adopt the'enclosure system'."

"Didn’t Xinghai say that too? As long as Li Yao, Luo Xingzi and others are willing to surrender, the Flying Star Realm can exist as their ‘fellowship’, and they can become the ‘Lord’ of the Flying Star Realm.”

"Obviously, in the real human empire, after discovering a new great world, it is very common to enclose it immediately, or even entrust it to the local natives. Otherwise, the proper noun of'world lord' would not be born. ."

"Is the true human empire that doesn't want to directly annex the Flying Star Realm? Of course not! It's because they have too many large worlds, too far away, they can't control it!",

"If this is the case, we will have to reassess the strength of the true human empire."

"In the original words of Star Child, it said that the true human empire occupies the essence area in the center of the star sea, with hundreds of the richest worlds."

"But the context in which he said these words was to intimidate Li Yao and Luo Xingzi and other daoists, to make them surrender obediently! These words must be very moist!"

"It's like in the ancient dynastic wars, even if the civil servants and their families were more than 100,000 or 200,000 people, they dared to call it the'army of a million'. It was just a threat."

"Now, we know that in addition to the empire, there is also the Holy League in the center of Xinghai. The two sides are evenly matched. Then this'nearly a thousand most prosperous worlds' must be cut in half first, and each party controls at most three or four hundred big thousand worlds. "

"And among these three or four hundred great worlds, the empire’s rulers truly and effectively control dozens of great worlds at most. The rest of the great worlds are independent kingdoms ruled by the'world lord' who regularly provide resources for the empire. The source of troops and the strong."

"The real human empire is in full swing. When the power is strong, these world masters are of course loyal to the central government and are willing to provide a lot of resources."

"However, after hundreds of years of war between the empire and the Holy League have consumed, how much loyalty do these independent kingdoms have to the central government?"

"Assuming that we can really develop a certain level of strength and turn ourselves into a hard bone that has neither a few flesh, nor is it difficult to gnaw off, how many real human empires are willing to risk their blood and pry away. The risk of Big Tooth, come to bite us?"

"At that time, it is very likely that such a situation will be formed-the elite soldiers in the central area of ​​the true human empire, that is, the real'imperial kings', will fight against the main force of the Holy League, and they will not be able to come out to deal with our poor mountains and bad rivers. people."

"For the warlords on the frontiers of the empire, chewing on our dry bones is not the least beneficial. Even if the central government has promised to send troops on the surface, it is most likely to be bluffing and not working hard."

"This is what I deduced from the decline and fall of the Xinghai Empire to the embarrassing status of the real human empire! So I agree with Jiang Daoyou. The situation we are facing is not as sinister as we imagined, and even on the contrary, the imperial expeditionary force attacked. Coming, not only will it not be the end of the Star Federation, but the beginning of our true rise and becoming the Lord of the Stars!"

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